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Pranic Foods: What They Are and How They Can Benefit Your Health


By Healthy Lifestyle the storyPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Pranic Foods: What They Are and How They Can Benefit Your Health
Photo by Eiliv-Sonas Aceron on Unsplash

What does food have to do with energy? Can certain foods make you more energetic, and can others bring you down? According to Indian yoga master, Swami Sivananda, the answer is yes. In his famous 1946 book onPranic Foods: What They Are and How They Can Benefit Your Health yoga, Practice of Pranayama, Sivananda lays out the basics of pranic foods and how they can help improve your health and increase your energy levels. Here’s what you need to know about this practice and its effects on your health and well-being.

Everything You Need to Know About Pranic Foods

Some people believe that certain foods can have a significant impact on your health. These people might refer to these foods as pranic foods, which is based on Hindu philosophy. Pranic foods have a profound effect on your well-being due to their unique properties that are believed to connect you with universal energy. Some examples of pranic foods include avocados, ginger, cinnamon, wheat germ, chia seeds and red grapes. You should ensure that you choose these kinds of foods for optimum health and overall wellness. This makes them far more than just food—they’re like an energy source for your body!

What are Pranic Foods?

Pranic foods are those that are infused with vital energy or prana. The concept of pranic foods is rooted in Hindu tradition, where food is classified according to its effect on Kapha (one of three doshas believed to be present in every individual). Kapha governs water and energy flow within your body, so a proper diet is vital for maintaining a healthy balance between data (the wind), pitta (the fire) and Kapha. While there are no hard-and-fast rules on what constitutes a pranic food — it depends on your unique constitution — a vegetarian diet heavy in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans and lentils works well for most people.

Why Do We Need Them?

Pranic foods are said to affect our prana or vital energy. When they’re introduced into our system, they increase their level of prana—meaning our life force expands when we eat them. However, there isn’t a great deal of evidence surrounding these foods or how they benefit us health-wise; even in India, most people don’t follow a diet that includes pranic foods.

What Are the Benefits of eating pranic foods?

Pranic foods are often referred to as life-force-building foods. Prana is a Sanskrit word that refers to air or life force. This air or energy sustains our vital organs and is essential for optimal health. These foods are believed to help build prana, improve your vitality, strengthen your immune system, balance your body’s pH level, aid in digestion, reduce inflammation and even help prevent heart disease. Of course, many of these claims have not been fully studied; in fact, some have not been investigated at all. For instance, there has yet to be any scientific evidence showing pranic healing can help treat cancer; however, some people with cancer use it anyway as an alternative therapy.

Types of Pranically Charged Foods

Pranic foods can come in all shapes, sizes, colours, and forms. Their commonalities are they increase your vitality or prana. Pranic foods are also called vital foods or life-force foods because they help to improve your life force. Practically charged foods have been given names like alive, fresh, alive, vital or even prana-rich. That’s because they provide a lot of energy in one form or another. It is not uncommon for these types of food to be referred to as live food, which simply means that when you eat them it makes you feel more energetic.

Supplements vs. Whole Food Supplements

Taking a pranic supplement or food is different from taking a regular whole-food supplement, such as fish oil or vitamin C. When you take a pranic supplement, you’re boosting your vitality with foods that are specifically designed to promote energy in some way. For example, if you eat only white rice for every meal of every day, then your diet is low in qi (the life force) because white rice doesn’t contain much qi.

My Personal Experience with Pranas

After months of following a strict diet based on pranas, I began to notice that my skin looked brighter, less tired, and more radiant. Although I was eating healthier foods, what made me feel better wasn’t just that—it was also a belief in these food remedies. I believe we all have an energy flow within us, so if you believe a certain type of food will make you stronger (mentally or physically), it might just do that. Pranic foods are worth exploring!

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