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Power of the Mind


By VictorPublished about a year ago 3 min read

This is something that a lot of us really need to sit and think about. Because when we realize what our minds are truly capable of, we can do anything. Our minds are something is that is yet fully understood. You see, when we just look at our thoughts, when we think happy thoughts, have you noticed the type of mood you are in? The feeling that you have within your body. That starts with the mind. When we realize that our minds or limitless, our physical realm is a game to be played. Because we start to see that when we start to shift our mindset, our outer world has a shift to. To meet how we are thinking, how our inner world is. Our thoughts are something that we also need to learn to take control of. It takes time and lots of work, but it is possible to control what your mind thinks. We have to adjust of mental and emotional habits, to see these changes in the physical world.

An issue that I have noticed, is that many of us refuse to think for ourselves. Why? Why would someone give up a freedom to make a choice that makes you truly happy? Because we are conditioned as children to not think for ourselves, that everything is thought and done for them. So as that child becomes an adult, they are more of a problem than a solution. They are easily manipulated to the point of unhappiness. What is also needs to be looked at is our capability to control our emotions without any negative consequence. Our emotions are only strong against us because we allow them to override what truly needs to be said either in the moment or in general. Our emotions are the drivers in our brains. We have to access the will power that we have deep in our own minds to say no, this is who I truly am. Yes, it will be difficult, only because our egos do not like being told what to do. Our egos like to operate off our emotions simply because it is easier to react than to respond.

Our minds can access knowledge that is yet written down or has been lost because of mankind wars or whatever else maybe the case. You see, our minds even have the capability to see other realms that our physical body may not see. Our minds even have the power to talk to other humans, without even moving their mouth. Our minds are something that is really underestimated. The average person only uses about eight percent of their brain. Steve Hawkins only used about fifteen percent of his brain. Imagine what the human body can do if we could access the full brain. Imagine the intelligence that we would have. Just the thought it being a possibility is awesome. It is not just that, but when we put a little thought tot it, it sparks a certain curiosity inside us that is something different to us. When the individual has curiosity in a subject or craft, they have a hidden talent for it. The idea of “You’re a natural!” This is a talent that the soul had already knew and allowed the brain to learn this much easier. That is the case for a couple a people I have meet, they never really had a challenge wherever they had ended up working. That individual ends up becoming bored at their said job and ends up quitting and moving on. So we must learn to just become masters of our own mind. Once this start to become accomplished, then we will start to see major shifts through out the world in just behavior.

wellnessspiritualityself caremeditationhumanityfact or fictionadvice

About the Creator


I am just another student of the universe that is here to help educate others to what I have learned. I love to inspire others to find, seek and accomplish their true passions in life, to live, love and be happy. So Mote To Be

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