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​​How to Clean Your Gua Sha Tools, According to Pros

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By Bhavna 80 Published about a year ago 4 min read

​​How to Clean Your Gua Sha Tools, According to Pros


Gua sha is a traditional Chinese medical practice that uses tools to stimulate the flow of qi (life energy) through the body. The practitioner will rub, scrape or massage a patient's skin with these tools, which are sometimes made from stone but can also be wood or bamboo. They're known as "stone needles," "wooden pliers" or "stone brushes."

If you want to keep up with your guas and keep them in good working order for many years to come, here's how:

Gua Sha Tools Used for the Treatment of Disease

The gua sha tools are used to massage the skin. The tools can also be used for treating disease, pain and a variety of conditions.

According to NYTimes: "Gua sha" is a traditional Chinese medicine philosophy that involves scraping away unhealthy layers of skin with sharp objects such as needles or knives; it's believed to help remove toxins from your body and restore balance between yin and yang energy (the two opposing energies in nature).

The process may sound painful, but it's actually effective at easing muscle soreness after an intense workout or workout session. According to the Cleveland Clinic: "Gua sha treatments can help relieve chronic aches and pains associated with arthritis by stimulating blood flow where they are needed most--around joints where there is minimal circulation."

The Stone Needles

The stone needles are the most important part of your gua sha tools, and they need to be cleaned regularly.

To clean the stone needles:

Use a soft brush or cloth to gently clean them; do not use alcohol or bleach. These products can damage the surface of your stones and make them duller in appearance.

If you want to use warm water and mild soap, it is best if you wash them with warm water first so that any dirt or grime that may have accumulated on the stone can be washed away before using soap for thorough disinfection purposes (this will prevent cross-contamination).

Use warm water with mild dishwashing liquid or liquid hand soap (such as Dove) if necessary; otherwise just use regular tap water without any additives such as chlorine or salt!

The Stone Brushes

Use a soft brush or cloth to clean the stone.

If you have time, wipe down your tools with mineral spirits (petroleum distillate), which can be purchased at most hardware stores.

The Wooden Pliers

The wooden pliers are used to hold the stone needles. They are made of wood, and they're quite sturdy.

This tool is very important because it gives you an opportunity to adjust your position on the stone so that you can get a better grip on it and make sure that none of your fingers slip off during use. A good way to know if this tool works well is if there are no scratches or marks left behind after using it!

Wash the tools after each use.

Wash the tools after each use.

Use soap if necessary. A good scrubbing with dish soap will help remove any dirt that may have settled in over time, but don't use too much: too much scrubbing can cause the wood of your gua sha tool to swell and split apart. If you do need to use soap, rinse it thoroughly before using again; otherwise, dampen a paper towel with warm water and wipe down your tool until all dirt has been removed from its surface (try not to soak it). Then dry thoroughly before storing away!

Clean the tools with a soft brush or cloth.

To clean your gua sha tools, you need to use a soft brush or cloth. You can also use soap and water if you want, but it's not necessary. The purpose of cleaning your gua sha tools is to remove any dirt or debris that may have accumulated over time on them (and ultimately prevent rusting).

The best way to clean these items is by gently wiping down their surfaces with a damp cloth or soft brush made for this purpose--you don't want anything too abrasive like steel wool! If there are any stains left behind from previous uses, try rubbing those off with an organic dye-free detergent before washing again (this will help ensure no chemicals remain).

Treat your gua sha tools as you would your own body, and you'll be able to use them for many years to come.

One of the most important steps in maintaining your gua sha tools is cleaning them after each use. You should do this by using a soft brush or cloth, with water and soap if needed.

You shouldn't use harsh chemicals like bleach or other cleaners on your gua sha tools; these may damage them over time. Also don't leave the tools in direct sunlight for extended periods of time--this can cause discoloration or bleaching (depending on what kind of colors you've used).


As you can see, gua sha tools have many uses. They're not just toys—they're tools that will help you treat your body and mind in ways no other treatment can do. If you want to learn how to use them properly, then we highly recommend taking a class or buying one of our DVDs. We also encourage you to join us on our social media platforms for more information on how these stones can benefit your life!

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