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Health and wellness 😉

Personal health

By OJI CHIEMELA DIVINE Published 7 days ago • 3 min read
Health and wellness 😉
Photo by Monika Grabkowska on Unsplash

Alright, let's break this down for a simple understanding. We're talking about health today, and we will be answering two key questions: What is health, and what is wellness?

First up, let's define what health is. Think of health like a triangle. This triangle is crucial to remember because it shows the components that make up our overall health. Our health triangle is a combination of three main parts: physical health, mental and emotional health, and social health. Together, these three elements create a state of well-being.

Let's start by diving into physical health. Physical health refers to how well our bodies are functioning. It forms the base of our health triangle. To maintain good physical health, it's important to eat nutritious meals and snacks, stay physically active, get regular check-ups from doctors and dentists, and avoid harmful behaviors like smoking. Proper nutrition fuels our bodies, allowing us to perform daily tasks efficiently and stay energized. Regular physical activity helps us maintain a healthy weight, build muscle, and keep our hearts strong. Regular medical check-ups ensure that any potential health issues are detected early and treated promptly. Lastly, avoiding harmful behaviors such as smoking, excessive drinking, and drug use protects our bodies from long-term damage and diseases.

Next, let's look at mental and emotional health. This aspect of health focuses on how well our minds are functioning and how we manage our emotions. This part of the triangle is positioned on the right side. Having positive relationships with friends, family, and others plays a significant role in improving our mental and emotional health. These relationships provide support, reduce stress, and increase our sense of belonging and self-worth. Additionally, self-esteem, or how we perceive ourselves, is crucial for mental health. Feeling good about ourselves boosts our confidence and overall happiness. Managing stress effectively is another key component. Stress is a part of life, but how we handle it can make a big difference in our mental health. Activities like listening to music, talking to loved ones, exercising, and journaling are great ways to manage stress. These activities help us relax, process our thoughts and emotions, and maintain a positive outlook on life.

Lastly, we have social health. Social health involves how we interact with others and build relationships. This part of the triangle is on the left side. Good relationships with friends, classmates, teachers, and family are essential for social health. Positive social interactions boost our mood, enhance our sense of community, and provide a support system during challenging times. Spending quality time with those we care about strengthens these bonds. Supporting others, showing empathy, and participating in community activities also enhance our social health. Whether it's helping a friend in need, volunteering, or simply spending time with loved ones, these actions build strong social connections.

It's important to note that all three parts of this triangle need to be in balance for overall health. If one part is off, it can affect the others. Think of a balanced triangle as perfect health. An unbalanced triangle, where one or more sides are neglected, indicates that something is wrong. However, it's possible to work on getting it back to balance. For instance, if someone is physically healthy but struggling with stress and lacks social connections, they may feel unbalanced. By focusing on improving mental and social health, they can achieve a more balanced state of well-being.

Now, let's talk about wellness. Wellness is a broader concept that encompasses a state of well-being or total health. It can change throughout the day, fluctuating from high (excellent wellness) to low (poor wellness) based on different events. Wellness includes all parts of your health triangle and is influenced by your environment and other factors around you. For example, a person may start their day with high wellness, feeling physically fit, mentally positive, and socially connected. However, if something stressful happens at work or school, their mental and emotional health might dip, affecting their overall wellness. This fluctuation is normal and can happen at any time.

So, health and wellness are deeply connected. Health, represented by the balanced triangle of physical, mental, emotional, and social health, is a part of your overall wellness. Achieving wellness involves maintaining a balance in all aspects of health and adapting to changes in our environment and circumstances.

In summary, understanding the health triangle helps us see the different aspects that contribute to our overall well-being. Physical health ensures our bodies function properly, mental and emotional health keep our minds healthy, and social health ensures we have supportive relationships. Wellness, on the other hand, is a dynamic state that encompasses all these aspects and can change throughout the day. Striving for balance in the health triangle helps us achieve a better state of wellness.

wellnessmental healthhealthfitnessdiet

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