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Harvard study: Top 20 Traits of people who live past 90!

Longevity tips

By antoinePublished about a year ago 3 min read

Recently, several different research institutions in Europe tracked people who lived longer in different places. Combining their findings, they found that people over 90 had the following 29 characteristics in common:

1. See a doctor: Rarely go to the hospital.

2. Take pills: The total amount of medications (including nutritional drugs) taken over a lifetime is well below average.

3. Medical history: Most people do not suffer from long-term serious illness in their middle and young adulthood.

4. Meals: generally small, but do not exclude the right amount of snacks.

5. Nutrition: Diet is high in protein, low in fat, light, not partial food, focus on diversity, willing to try new food.

6. Drink: Not all alcohol. Have this habit, only drink. None had a long history of alcoholism.

7. Smoking: most of them do not smoke at present. If they do not smoke much, they are not addicted, and they like to use pipes.

8. Drinking tea: Most people started drinking tea when they were young and keep it today.

9. Sleep and Rest: Most people go to bed early and get up early.

10. Sleep time: The average is 6 to 7.5 hours and remains stable, with more and less time. Most do not take a midday nap.

11. Exercise: Different types of activity, but persistent; And are more likely to spend time outdoors.

12. Physiology: Most have the following five characteristics:

Build: Medium. Average height: Male: 171 cm, female: 157 cm.

Weight: Not too heavy or too light, and little change with age.

Muscle: good relaxation;

Skin: more elastic;

Grip strength: Strong and durable.

13. Sanity: Few people suffer from Alzheimer's disease.

14. Brain power: the decline of discrimination, cognition, logic, memory and expression is relatively slow, and they consciously exercise and strengthen their abilities.

15. Retirement: Most people are around 65. People who retire early don't live long.

16. Foster care: Fewer people live in nursing homes year-round.

17. Grooming: Pay attention to dress, appearance, manners, personal attire and household cleanliness, not luxury, but self-appreciation.

18. Independence: Most people tend to be independent, independent and self-reliant, subjectively and objectively less dependent on the environment, children, relatives and friends.

19. Experience: Most people have experienced adventure and hardship in their lives, especially in the prime of life.

20. Depression: Many people experience depression in their 50s and 60s, but then adjust and move on.

21. Nostalgia: most people cherish, feel and feel good about the old days, but for their personal experience and social environment do not sigh that the present is not the same, do not want to return to the past, but more willing to live in the changeable, colorful now.

22. Social interaction: a stable, appropriate, relatively harmonious and close circle of partners, family and friends.

23. Small talk: like to talk with acquaintances and strangers, even "gossip", but generally do not bear in mind, do not gossip.

24. Dialectics: The ability to see the good and the good in a situation that many people around you see as bad. Don't get too hung up on.

25. Adaptability: When the environment changes, I can adjust my attitude and practice in time, and I have strong adaptability.

26. Novelty seeking: Have a strong understanding of current events, new knowledge and things around and be interested in participating, and make efforts to do so.

27. Personality: Optimistic, cheerful, have a good sense of humor, often laugh loudly. Peaceful, carefree, few quarrels.

28 pragmatic: easy to feel satisfied and full, do not compare with others, know how to enjoy the happiness of the present and the present.

29. Life and death: Less concerned and worried about death. Live a day, live a good day; Live a year, live a year.


If you have any ideas, feel free to leave them in the comments section.

~This is Antoine, and I hope you find pleasure in each of my articles~


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