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Cookie Delight Break


By StaringalePublished 6 months ago 3 min read

Sitting on the warm rug surrounded by books is me, having a little self-study session. I have long a go realised as you climb higher on the education ladder the independent work load increases, the homework and the teacher's pressure decreases. I think I prefer it this way, I am able to study and retain much more with light pressure than the overwhelming pressure experienced during high school years. But where there are benefits there are also some drawbacks like uptill high school years we were confined to study from some specific books and that's all but now there is no such specific books it is a wide open study  you are given a topic and you have to make your own notes going through several books, this process does consume a lot of time but once done you have a way better understanding on the topic, atleast I do.

Putting the pen down, I think it is time for a break. Standing up I stretched and stepped out onto my balcony and was immediately hit with the wind blowing lightly, the setting sun was casting a warm glow on my tired eyes, it was a refreshing change. Breathing in the crisp evening air, the soft hum of the bustling neighbourhood below provided a calming backdrop to the moment gently easing the tiredness. The world stood still as I rejuvenated myself with the help of mother nature. Seeing the colors of the sky began melding into a magnificent tapestry of pinks and oranges, I let myself meditate to find inner peace to match this outer peace. It was a moment of clarity, a moment of self-care, and in that moment, I knew that I had made the right choice to take a break.

I realized that I was starting to feel hungry for a snack at this point, so I closed the balcony door and headed for the kitchen. Checking the fridge for snacks I decided I did better make some warm home-made cookies to munch on. Gathering the ingredients, I measured it to the T and started with whisking together the flour and butter, I could feel the anticipation building within me. The whir if the electric mixture played provided a soothing backdrop as the kitchen filled with the sweet scent of vanilla bringing a welcome comfort and warmth. With a harmonious blend  and a smooth velvet texture the dough came out as a piece of perfection.

Dusting the surface with flour and rolling out the dough, I decided on the simple round cookie cutter. With each press of the cookie cutter, I couldn't help but marvel at the simple beauty of the process. The soft golden discs took shape on the baking sheet, ready to be transformed into delectable treats. Putting the cookies into the oven to bake, I watched them bake. As the baking continued a tantalizing aroma of butter and sugar filled the air, awakening my senses and stirring a familiar sense of joy within me.

The ting from the oven indicated it was done, grabbing my mittens I took out the baking tray lined with cookies their edges tinged with a delicate golden hue. Marveling at their simple, yet captivating beauty, relishing the idea of sinking my teeth into their tender crumb. The thought of sharing these homemade butter cookies with loved ones brought a sense of fulfillment, as I savored the simple pleasure of creating something from scratch in a jiffy.

Letting it cool on the counter top, I cleaned the dishes used and grabbed a basket. Putting the cookies on the rack in the basket I headed back to study. Before I start studying let me ask you have you ever taken a cookie break during study?


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  • Doc Sherwood6 months ago

    I must admit, in all my years in academia, this is one thing I've never tried! My students do have their equivalent though, as homemade Chinese dumplings and buns are an essential part of their university life. It would be interesting to see how they do with cookies instead, so I'll recommend it! I liked your reference to the change in study methods after high school, with a greater emphasis on autonomous research and responses informed by personal insight. Not only is this very true, but also it connects with your theme, because the interpretation of cookies changes too! At my grammar school, one of our most significant rituals was home economics class, or rather the all-important decision afterwards as to which of your classmates would receive one of the cookies you'd baked! Of course, that's because adolescents find it hard to be direct about friendships and relationships, and prefer to express their feelings through arbitrary gestures whose meaning can only be interpreted. It's a strangely talismanic time, full of tokens and trinkets. Your baking cookies as a study aid instead speaks volumes on the more mature person you are now, and that high school is indeed behind you. By the way, one of the biggest controversies of my schooldays had to do with the proper pronunciation of "scone" (does it rhyme with "gone," or with "known?" The debate raged for years). Next time you're studying, you could try baking scones!

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