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Can Social Media be a Force for Good? The Impact of Body-Positive and Appearance-Neutral Posts

The devastating effects of social media on body image and self-esteem

By Edy Zoo Published about a year ago 3 min read
Can Social Media be a Force for Good? The Impact of Body-Positive and Appearance-Neutral Posts
Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

Social media has revolutionized the way we communicate and interact with others. However, its impact on our mental health and body image has become a growing concern. Studies have shown that social media can exacerbate negative feelings about our bodies and encourage comparisons with others, decreasing self-esteem and body confidence.

Yet, despite this knowledge, social media platforms dominate our lives, making it difficult to avoid these adverse effects. Fortunately, recent research has shown that following body-positive or appearance-neutral pages can positively impact our mental health and body image.

The study by Fardouly and colleagues, published in January 2023, investigated the effects of following body-positive and appearance-neutral Facebook groups on young women's body image and mood. The results were promising, showing that participants who followed either group for 14 days had reduced levels of body dissatisfaction and a decreased tendency to compare themselves with others. These findings suggest that a micro-intervention, such as following positive or neutral social media accounts, can significantly impact our mental health and body image.

The definition of "body positive" used in the study focused on challenging narrow and unattainable societal beauty ideals, promoting acceptance and love for all bodies, and encouraging a focus on function and health rather than appearance. This approach is aligned with the fat-acceptance movement's historical roots, which promote body diversity and inclusivity. In contrast, the "appearance-neutral" group included images irrelevant to appearance, such as nature, animals, and travel, without focusing on people.

The study's results suggest that following body-positive or appearance-neutral pages can help alleviate body dissatisfaction and comparison. In addition, by incorporating content that promotes self-love and body acceptance, social media can become a positive force for good.

We can take this knowledge and challenge ourselves to incorporate more body-positive content into our social media feeds. By doing so, we can create a space that promotes body diversity and acceptance, helping to shift the narrative away from unattainable beauty standards.

The challenge posed in the study is a simple and manageable approach to incorporating more body-positive content into our social media feeds. By selecting three accounts that promote body positivity or are appearance-neutral, we can take the first step towards improving our body image and self-esteem.

After two weeks, we can reflect on our experience and share it with others. This challenge has the potential to kickstart a trend of incorporating more positive content into our social media feeds, creating a space that promotes body acceptance and positivity.

It is important to note that social media platforms are not solely responsible for negative body image and comparison. These issues have deep roots in our society's beauty standards and cultural expectations.

However, social media can perpetuate and exacerbate these negative feelings, making it difficult to escape them. Therefore, we need to take responsibility for the content we consume and its impact on our mental health and body image. We can create a space that promotes self-love and body acceptance by actively seeking out positive content and unfollowing negative accounts.

In conclusion, social media has the potential to be a positive force for good in promoting body acceptance and diversity. Following body-positive or appearance-neutral pages can challenge societal beauty ideals and encourage self-love and acceptance.

The challenge posed in the study is a simple and manageable way to incorporate more positive content into our social media feeds, creating a space that promotes body positivity and self-esteem. But first, let us take responsibility for the content we consume and its impact on our mental health and body image. Doing so can create a more positive and inclusive social media landscape and help us see ourselves in a better light.


About the Creator

Edy Zoo

Edy Zoo is an author who writes about social subjects. He contributes to the ever-growing library of social critics.

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