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Angel Reiki

Angels, Archangels, and Celestial Beings

By Priestess GanesaPublished about a year ago 6 min read

Angel Reiki is a form of energy healing that involves working with the energy of angels and other celestial beings to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual healing. It is a modern form of healing that draws on a variety of spiritual traditions and practices, including Reiki, chakra healing, and angelic communication.

Angel Reiki practitioners believe that angels and other celestial beings have a powerful and positive impact on the human energy field, and can help to heal physical and emotional wounds. During an Angel Reiki session, the practitioner serves as a channel for the angels’ healing energy, directing it towards the recipient with the intention of promoting physical and emotional healing.

The angels most commonly associated with Angel Reiki are the Archangels. Archangels are high-ranking angels known for their roles in assisting humanity and serving as messengers of God. There are seven Archangels most commonly recognized in Angel Reiki:

Archangel Michael: known as the protector and leader of the angels, associated with courage, strength, and truth.

Archangel Raphael: known as the healer and associated with physical, emotional, and spiritual healing.

Archangel Gabriel: known as the messenger and associated with communication, creativity, and clarity.

Archangel Uriel: known as the light of God and associated with wisdom, enlightenment, and divine guidance.

Archangel Jophiel: known as the angel of beauty and associated with joy, creativity, and positive thinking.

Archangel Zadkiel: known as the angel of mercy and associated with forgiveness, compassion, and spiritual transformation.

Archangel Chamuel: known as the angel of love and associated with love, relationships, and inner peace.

These Archangels are believed to be able to assist individuals in various areas of their lives, providing guidance, healing, and protection. Through Angel Reiki, the practitioner works with these Archangels to channel their healing energy and help individuals achieve balance and well-being.

It's important to note that while Angel Reiki involves working with angels, it is not a religious practice. Instead, it is a spiritual practice focused on healing and personal growth.

Angel Reiki practitioners typically begin a session by calling upon the angels and other celestial beings, asking for their guidance and protection during the healing process. They may also use hand positions similar to those used in traditional Reiki, traditional Reiki symbols, and tools such as crystals, candles, and music to enhance the energy of the session and to create a calming and healing environment.

Other celestial beings that are also worked with in Angel Reiki include:

Ascended Masters: These are spiritual beings who have attained a high level of enlightenment and have a deep understanding of the universe's mysteries. They can offer guidance and wisdom to those seeking to improve their spiritual connection.

Spirit guides: These are entities that help individuals on their spiritual journey. They can offer assistance with life choices, provide protection, and offer insight into the spiritual realm.

Elemental beings: These are beings associated with the elements of nature, such as fairies, elves, devas and mermaids. They are believed to possess unique powers and can offer guidance and support to individuals who seek to connect with nature.

Guardian angels: These are personal angels who are believed to be with an individual throughout their life, offering guidance, protection, and support.

Divine beings: These are entities that exist on a higher plane of consciousness and are believed to have a profound understanding of the universe's mysteries. They can offer guidance and support to those seeking to deepen their spiritual connection.

Galactic beings: These are extraterrestrial beings that are believed to exist in higher dimensions of the universe. They have a higher level of consciousness and advanced technologies that allow them to interact with individuals on Earth. They are believed to be messengers of divine wisdom and guidance, and can assist in healing and personal transformation and are thought to have a positive impact on human consciousness and spiritual growth.

One of the key benefits of Angel Reiki is its ability to promote deep relaxation and stress relief. By working with the energy of the angels and other celestial beings, practitioners can help to release tension and stress from the body, allowing for a greater sense of calm and peace. This can be especially helpful for those who struggle with anxiety, depression, or other emotional issues.

In addition to promoting physical and emotional healing, Angel Reiki is also believed to help with spiritual growth and personal transformation. By connecting with the angels and other celestial beings, practitioners can gain a deeper understanding of their life purpose and receive guidance and support on their spiritual journey.

Angel Reiki is also believed to have a positive impact on the chakras, which are the energy centers in the human body. By directing the angels’ healing energy towards the chakras, practitioners can help to balance and align the energy centers, promoting greater health and well-being.

In Angel Reiki, archangels are associated with specific chakras. Here are some examples:

Archangel Michael: Associated with the throat chakra (fifth chakra), which is responsible for communication, self-expression, and truth.

Archangel Raphael: Associated with the heart chakra (fourth chakra), which is responsible for love, compassion, and healing.

Archangel Gabriel: Associated with the sacral chakra (second chakra), which is responsible for creativity, sexuality, and emotions.

Archangel Uriel: Associated with the root chakra (first chakra), which is responsible for grounding, stability, and survival.

Archangel Jophiel: Associated with the crown chakra (seventh chakra), which is responsible for spirituality, connection with the divine, and enlightenment.

While angels and archangels are often associated with the chakras, other celestial beings are also associated with them. Here are a few examples:

Ascended Masters: These are highly evolved beings who have lived on Earth and have attained spiritual enlightenment. Each of the Ascended Masters is associated with a particular chakra. For instance, Saint Germain is associated with the crown chakra, while Kuthumi is associated with the heart chakra.

Devas: These are nature spirits who are responsible for the growth and development of plants and other living things. Each of the chakras is associated with a particular deva. For example, the root chakra is associated with the gnomes, who are responsible for the earth element, while the heart chakra is associated with the sylphs, who are responsible for the air element.

Galactic Beings: These are beings from other galaxies who are said to have advanced spiritual knowledge and abilities. Each of the chakras is associated with a particular galactic being. For instance, the solar plexus chakra is associated with the Pleiadians, who are said to be experts in emotional healing.

Dragons: These mythical creatures are associated with the chakras in some spiritual traditions. Each of the chakras is said to be associated with a particular type of dragon. For example, the root chakra is associated with the earth dragon, while the crown chakra is associated with the cosmic dragon.

It's worth noting that different spiritual traditions may have different associations between the chakras and celestial beings. The associations listed above are just a few examples. Ultimately, the most important thing is to work with the celestial beings that resonate with you and your spiritual path.

Another benefit of Angel Reiki is its ability to help with physical healing. Many practitioners believe that the energy of the angels can help to alleviate pain, boost the immune system, and speed up the healing process for a variety of physical conditions.

Angel Reiki is a non-invasive form of healing that can be done in person or at a distance. It is suitable for people of all ages and can be easily integrated into other healing practices and therapies. It is a modern form of energy healing that involves working with the energy of angels and other celestial beings to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual healing. Whether you are seeking physical healing, emotional healing, spiritual growth, or a deeper connection with the angelic realm, Angel Reiki can offer valuable tools and techniques for promoting greater health and well-being in your life.

The claims in this article are based on my own personal research and experience as an Angel Reiki practitioner, and are in no way meant to be taken as medical advice. Always consult a qualified medical professional for medical advice and care.


wellnessspiritualityself caremeditationlongevity magazinelifestylehealth

About the Creator

Priestess Ganesa

Artist, ordained minister, wellness empowerer and supporter. Plant based holistic services, resources, education, and reiki charged art.

Because we’re all connected, part of the same whole, I help others maintain the energy that connects us.

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