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AI helps discover three drugs which could fight effects of ageing

Based on this model, the researchers identified three molecules that could potentially be used to combat the effects of ageing by selectively targeting senescent cells. The three molecules were then tested in laboratory experiments with promising results.

By Otobo PhilipPublished 12 months ago 3 min read
AI helps discover three drugs which could fight effects of ageing
Photo by Esther Ann on Unsplash

Ageing is a natural process that affects all living beings, but its effects are more pronounced in humans. The idea of reducing or reversing ageing has beenaround for centuries, and while some progress has been made in this area, it has remained largely elusive. However, with recent advances in artificial intelligence (AI), researchers have made significant strides in finding drugs that could potentially slow down the ageing process.

Inthe subject of extensive research and experimentation for many years. Recently, three drugs were discovered with the help of Artificial Intelligence (AI) that could potentially help fight the effects of ageing. This breakthrough offers new hope to millions of people suffering from age-related diseases and conditions.

The research was carried out by Insilico Medicine, a biotech company based in Hong Kong. The company used deep learning algorithms to analyze large amounts of data on molecules and compounds that could affect the ageing process. The AI system was capable of identifying potential candidates for new drugs by analyzing molecular structures, predicting their properties, and simulating their interactions with the human body.

The three drugs that were discovered have distinct mechanisms of action and could potentially be used in combination for a more powerful effect. The first drug, called JH-204, is a senolytic compound that targets senescent cells. These cells are damaged cells that refuse to die, accumulate over time, and contribute to many age-related diseases such as cancer, heart disease, and Alzheimer's.

The second drug, known as FOXO4-DRI, is a peptide that activates the FOXO4 protein. This protein controls the apoptosis (or programmed cell death) of cells that have reached the end of their lifespan. By activating this protein, the drug could potentially reduce the number of senescent cells in the body and effectively slow down the ageing process.

The third drug, named GW-1516, is a known PPARδ agonist that activates the Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor Delta (PPARδ) protein. PPARδ plays a crucial role in the regulation of metabolism, energy expenditure, and the removal of damaged cells. The activation of this protein could potentially improve the physical stamina and endurance of people.

Although the results of these experiments are still in the early stages, this discovery holds great promise for future research into the field of ageing. The use of AI in drug discovery has been a game-changer for the biotech industry, making it possible to quickly identify and test compounds that would otherwise be too time-consuming or costly to investigate.

Ageing is one of the most significant risk factors for many chronic diseases, such as diabetes, cancer, and heart disease. The discovery of these anti-ageing drugs could have significant implications not only for extending lifespan but also for improving the quality of life for people as they age. The effect of these drugs could potentially lead to more active and healthier ageing, allowing people to work and contribute to society for a longer period.

The discovery of these drugs could also have economic benefits, decreasing the burden of age-related diseases on the healthcare system. It is estimated that the healthcare costs of ageing populations could reach trillions of dollars globally in the coming decades. Reducing the incidence of age-related diseases could potentially save vast amounts of money for healthcare systems worldwide.

At the same time, it is essential to note that the discovery of these drugs is just the first step in a long and challenging process. Further testing and validation must be done to ensure their safety and efficacy. The drugs need to undergo clinical trials to assess their potential benefits and evaluate their risks.

Moreover, the development of these drugs could also raise ethical issues concerning the fairness of access and distribution. The cost of these drugs could be prohibitively expensive for many people, leading to a further widening of existing inequalities in healthcare.

In conclusion, the discovery of these drugs is a significant breakthrough in the field of anti-ageing research. The use of AI has enabled scientists to accelerate the process of drug discovery and identify promising compounds that could potentially help fight the effects of ageing. However, it is essential to recognize that these drugs are still in the early stages of development and require further testing and validation. The potential benefits of these drugs for extending lifespan and improving the quality of life for people as they age are enormous. It will be interesting to see how this research progresses in the future and the impact these drugs could have on society as a whole.


About the Creator

Otobo Philip

Otobo Philip is an author with a passion for sharing knowledge. His insightful articles will educate, entertain, and challenge your perspectives.

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