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The hidden Creatures

The creature held the orb out to Lily, and she took it, her fingers tingling as she made contact. And suddenly, she was transported somewhere else, to a place she couldn't imagine.

By Otobo PhilipPublished about a year ago 5 min read
The hidden Creatures
Photo by Gabriel Castles on Unsplash

For centuries, rumors circulated among humanity about the existence of invisible creatures that lived among them. Some people dismissed these stories as mere myths, while others believedthem to be true. And little did anyone know, the rumors held more truth than anyone could have ever imagined.

The invisible creatures knew that they could not reveal themselves to the human world, for they would surely be subjected to ridicule and unacceptancethem to be true. But no one had ever seen these creatures, so their existence remained uncertain.

That was until a young girl, named Lily, discovered the truth about these invisible creatures. Lily was a curious and adventurous girl who always believed that there was something more to life than what met the eye. She had always been fascinated by the stories about the invisible creatures and longed to see them for herself.

One day, while walking home from school, Lily noticed something strange. She saw a shadow move across the street, but there was no one there. She rubbed her eyes and looked again, but the shadow remained. Curiosity got the better of her, and she decided to follow the shadow.

As she followed the shadow, it led her to an old abandoned house. It was a spooky-looking house, and Lily had heard rumors that it was haunted. Her heart was pounding with fear, but she couldn't resist the temptation to explore.

Lily stepped inside the house, and what she saw took her breath away. There were dozens of invisible creatures living in the house. They were all shapes and sizes, and she couldn't believe her eyes. Some of the creatures were friendly and playful, while others were shy and scared.

Lily spent hours talking and playing with these creatures, and she was amazed at how intelligent they were. They could read her thoughts and emotions, and they knew everything about her. She felt like she had found a whole new world, and she was excited to explore it further.

Over the next few weeks, Lily visited the invisible creatures every day. She brought them food and toys and helped them with their chores. She even learned to communicate with them in their language, and they taught her their secrets.

But Lily knew that she couldn't keep this discovery a secret forever. So, she decided to tell her closest friends about the invisible creatures. Her friends were skeptical at first, but Lily convinced them to come with her to the abandoned house and see for themselves.

When Lily's friends saw the invisible creatures, they were amazed. They couldn't believe that such creatures existed in their world. They all promised never to tell anyone about their discovery, and they continued to visit the invisible creatures with Lily.

But one day, Lily's secret was discovered. A group of scientists had been investigating strange phenomena in the area, and they stumbled upon the abandoned house. When they saw the invisible creatures, they were astonished.

The scientists captured the invisible creatures and took them away to study them. Lily was devastated. She knew that the scientists would never understand the invisible creatures and treat them like experiments.

Determined to save her friends, Lily snuck into the scientists' lab and released the invisible creatures. She knew that she was risking her life, but she didn't care. All that mattered was that her friends were safe.

When the invisible creatures were free, they decided to leave the human world and go back to their own. They thanked Lily for everything she had done for them and promised to keep their friendship alive.

From that day on, Lily knew that the invisible creatures were real, and their existence was not just a myth. She held on to the memories of her adventures with them and hoped that one day, she would see them again. She knew that the invisible creatures were out there, watching over humanity, and she felt lucky to have had an encounter with them.

Lily had long ago given up on seeing the invisible creature again. It had been a brief encounter, years ago, when she had stumbled upon it by accident in an uncompleted house. At the time, she had been startled by the sudden appearance of rustling leaves and branches, as though something large and heavy were moving through the underbrush.

But as she turned to run, she saw by sheer chance. She had been hiking in the woods and had stumbled upon the creature, at first thinking it was merely a trick of the light. But as she approached, she saw its form become more and more distinct until she was staring at a creature she had never seen before.

It was tall and slender, with limbs that stretched impossibly long. Its skin was a pale blue, almost translucent in the light. It didn't have eyes, at least not as she recognizes them, but there were strange grooves in its face that glowed a bright green.

Lily had been fascinated by the creature, watching it for hours as it moved about in the woods doing...something she couldn't quite understand. Eventually, she had fallen asleep and when she woke up the creature was gone, leaving her with nothing but a sense of wonder and awe.

Years had passed since then, but she couldn't forget the experience. She had tried to find the creature again in the years that followed, but the woods were vast and it seemed impossible. So she moved on with her life, holding onto the memories of that one magical encounter.

But one day, as she was walking her dog in the park, something caught her eye. She saw a trail of leaves floating in the air, moving in a pattern that didn't seem natural. As she followed the trail, she found herself surrounded by an ethereal mist, and suddenly the invisible creature was back.

It looked exactly the same as Lily remembered, and though it still didn't have eyes, it seemed to recognize her. It made a sound that sounded like laughter, and Lily felt a wave of relief wash over her. She had been searching for this creature for so long, and now it was back.

And then she noticed something strange. The creature had brought something with it, something Lily had never seen before. It was a small, glowing orb, pulsating with a soft light.

The creature held the orb out to Lily, and she took it, her fingers tingling as she made contact. And suddenly, she was transported somewhere else, to a place she couldn't imagine.

It was a world of magic, of swirling colors and breathtaking landscapes. Lily felt a sense of peace and joy wash over her, and she knew that this was where the creature had been all this time.

They spent hours exploring this new world, Lily marveling at the incredible sights and sounds. And all the while, the invisible creature was by her side, guiding her and sharing in her wonder.

But eventually, the time came for Lily to return to her own world. As she said goodbye to the creature, it gave her a small smile and then vanished back into the mist.

Lily was left holding the orb, wondering if what she had just experienced was real. But as she looked down at the glowing ball in her hand, she knew that it was. And she felt a sense of happiness and contentment that she knew would stay with her for the rest of her life.

Short StoryShort StoryYoung AdultYoung AdultMysteryMysteryHistoricalClassicalAdventureHistoricalClassicalAdventure

About the Creator

Otobo Philip

Otobo Philip is an author with a passion for sharing knowledge. His insightful articles will educate, entertain, and challenge your perspectives.

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    Otobo PhilipWritten by Otobo Philip

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