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And I have heard that everyone is different

By Denise E LindquistPublished 9 months ago 3 min read
Photo by Malin K. on Unsplash

What happened to the golden years? How about when you retire every day is Saturday and every night is Friday night? What about these years being the best of your life?

My husband just last month complained of his hands looking old. He is 73 years old. Doesn't he look in the mirror?

Maybe I am not old enough to have experienced the golden years. I am only 69. Then again, how did I get so old? On my next birthday, I will be 70! Is that possible? My clock is ticking! One friend says she is 69.5! I kind of like the sound of that; however I am closer to 70, than 69 now.

My husband teases me by calling me his aunt Edina! Aunt Edina lived to be 103. She was in great shape. She could out walk him and we never heard of her having any health problems. When I asked her if she ever had arthritis or rheumatism she said, "I used to but I figured it out"

She had a grin on her face as she walked me to the refrigerator. In the refrigerator, she had 3 water bottles that she pointed to. She then almost whispered how she drinks them every morning.

I asked why not in the afternoon and she said, I don't want to be up at night going to the bathroom.

How did she get so old? She was from people who lived long lives. She ate well and exercised. She didn't drink alcohol or take drugs. She didn't have children but rather raised her husband's children.

She took long strides when she walked. Yes, someone told me that is what people who live a long life will do. She didn't need a wheelchair as she could walk; however, the nursing home people put her in a wheelchair so she wouldn't fall. She fell a few times but never broke anything.

It was precautionary. I fell, I broke in my mid 60's. I am very cautious.

She was a bit of a loner and would comment that the hardest part of getting old is most of your family and friends are all gone. She loved to read and always read until she couldn't see to read any longer. She was an avid Minnesota Twins fan! She watched the Twins until she couldn't.

From that, I believe we have to have hobbies and interests. She always wanted to know the latest about family she didn't see and she was always up for a little gossip about the old people in her building or even in her room at the nursing home.

Never have I ever thought I was old until I am now the oldest person in a meeting, at a gathering, in a room, in class, or in training. Then I think it feels like I am the oldest person in the world.

I know that is silly. But then again, it is just where I am right now. It will pass. It is okay to feel old. To be old and to look and act old. I will continue to live my life in the best way possible.

So, I am definitely growing old in a way that is different from my husbands' aunt Edina, and many others. I don't know if everyone is different as the medical people have told me, but there are differences for sure.

I am aging! And I will be happy when it is not always an awareness and a focus of life for me. For today, I will live my life one day at a time. Today is a good day!


About the Creator

Denise E Lindquist

I am married with 7 children, 27 grands, and 12 great-grandchildren. I am a culture consultant part-time. I write A Poem a Day in February for 8 years now. I wrote 4 - 50,000 word stories in NaNoWriMo. I write on Vocal/Medium weekly.

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Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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  • Jay Kantor9 months ago

    Dear Mrs. D - Not to be repetitive - But, as Ringo Star (Beatles) once said, "I'm just happy to be here." Thanks for always popping out special memories Jay

  • Mariann Carroll9 months ago

    This is beautiful, you don’t look your age , will at least in the pictures I have seen of you. So what’s Aunt Edina secret ? 😊

  • Babs Iverson9 months ago

    Denise, love your aging story!!! Thank you for sharing your husband's aunt Edina's secrets to longevity!!! ♥️♥️💕

  • Missclicked9 months ago

    Omg! this is so wholesome, i loved every single line till the end. Thank you for sharing the insights of your life❤️ i hope and pray that you live a long and healthy life together with your spouse😍

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