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8 Ways Rosemary Can Improve Your Mental and Emotional Health

It can also help your spiritual health.

By sara burdickPublished about a month ago 7 min read
8 Ways Rosemary Can Improve Your Mental and Emotional Health
Photo by Zé Maria on Unsplash

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There is a big bushy rosemary tree near where I live, and I can use it anytime I like. Since I am a nurse and have always enjoyed using herbs instead of traditional medicine, I have compiled a list of ways to use Rosemary to maintain a healthy life. It can also benefit when incorporated into your spiritual practice, such as meditation.

First, when you google Rosemary, a lot of what comes up is Rosemary in Folk Medicine.

This left me with the question, what is folk medicine?

Folk Medicine can also be referred to as alternative, holistic, or Eastern Medicine. It is a mixture of traditional and ancient practices that use herbs to heal while incorporating a spiritual aspect.

Herbology is one of the oldest practices of healing, and there is even evidence written in clay tablets that ¨sorcery, prayer, and medicinal plants¨ were used as far back as 2100 BCE and possibly even before. Herbs were also used to wash and bandage wounds.

In recent years, more and more people have been returning to using plants to heal and alleviate symptoms instead of turning to big pharma and pumping out toxic pills for everything under the sun; at least, I have.

Rosemary Benefits Spiritually, Emotionally and for your body

Benefits of Rosemary

Mood Booster + Stress Relief + Sleep Aid

According to a study performed at Northumbria University, even smelling Rosemary can boost mood and cognitive function. The study found that Rosemary has found that Rosemary contains 1,8-cineole and has been detected in the bloodstream as soon as a person breathes in the scent of Rosemary.

It is believed that smelling Rosemary can lower your cortisol levels, alleviating stress in your body. This reduces the burden on the adrenal glands, which can repair themselves.

Rosemary also contains carnosic acid and carnosol, which lower oxidative stress and decrease free radicals in your body, leading to increased mood and memory.

As well as it can help you sleep and relieve anxiety.

Lowers Blood Sugars

The carnosic acid in Rosemary also helps to lower blood glucose levels.

Pain Relief

To relieve muscle pain and spasms, rosemary oil massaged onto areas of pain has been shown to reduce pain due to its anti-inflammatory properties. It can also help with headaches.

Aids in Digestion + Helps with Indigestion

Indigestion promotes digestion by helping to regulate the creation of bile. It also reduces acid and excessive gas, which helps to decrease abdominal bloating.

Increases Blood Circulation + Stimulates Hair Growth

It stimulates hair growth by stimulating blood circulation to the scalp, can make hair grow longer, and slows hair graying.

Helps Prevent Infection

It is high in antioxidants, boosting your immune system and improving blood circulation. It has anti-microbial properties, which can help prevent bacterial infections.

Respiratory Health

Rosemary oil can be used as a cough expectorant when inhaled. It helps relieve throat congestion caused by allergies, colds, and flu. The cineole in rosemary helps break up mucus, and its anti-inflammatory qualities help reduce inflammation.

Rosemary can also act as an insect repellant.

Rosemary in Spiritual Practices

Rosemary is not only used for medicinal purposes; many feel it has spiritual symbolism and significance. The Greeks and Romans associated Rosemary with memory, loyalty, and remembrance and often used the herb in rituals, ceremonies, and sacred spaces to purify the environment and invite positive energies.

Purification and Cleansing

Burning Rosemary is believed to clear negative energy while creating a sense of calm and tranquility.


Rosemary is believed to help ward off dark energies and evil spirits. Some cultures will put Rosemary above doorways for safety and protection. You can also plant it by your entranceway to protect your home.


Rosemary is often associated with honoring the deceased. Many cultures include it in memorial services to pay tribute and maintain a spiritual connection with the loved one after their death.

Spiritual Growth

Some believe using Rosemary is a way to connect with their higher selves and achieve a deeper level of consciousness.

It is also associated with magical properties, such as love, fertility, faithfulness, purification, cleansing, and protection.

As well as it is connected with the goddess Aphrodite, the Virgin Mary, and Hebe

Astrological Connection to Leo, fire, and sun

How to Use

Rosemary Tea

  • Fresh or Dried
  • I use 1 or 2 fresh sprigs of Rosemary per 2 cups of water.
  • If dried, use 1 or 2 tbsps per 2 cups of water.
  • Bring the water to a boil, and then lower the heat, letting the Rosemary simmer for 1–5 minutes. The longer you simmer, the stronger the tea.
  • Then, I strain my tea, or you can use a slotted spoon to remove the sprigs.
  • Serve with lemon or honey if you like.

If you prefer iced tea, place it in the refrigerator and let it cool.

Or you can purchase tea here!

How to use Rosemary oil.

If you want rosemary oil on your skin, it’s best to use it with a carrier oil such as jojoba or coconut oil. Mix five drops into the carrier oil and then massage it into your skin. This can then be applied to areas of pain or your scalp to help with hair loss.

How to Grow Rosemary

It likes a warm, full-sun location with well-drained soil. Once established, it is drought-tolerant and needs little maintenance.

Prune annually to keep it bushy and compact. It will become bare and scraggly if you do not keep it cut back. You can also propagate Rosemary to start new growth.

How to Propagate:

You can keep your fresh rosemary cuttings in water until they develop roots or plant them directly into sandy soil. Placing them in water is faster; however, growing directly in the soil may strengthen your plant.

What you will need to propagate

Pruning shears or scissors

  • Cup of fresh water
  • Small pot with sandy soil

Once you have gathered all your supplies, cut a soft branch about 4–6 inches long.

Cut at the bottom of the stem at a 45-degree angle. Strip the leaves from the bottom third of the pruned stems to have a bare bottom stem.

Put the cutting into your cup of water or plant directly into your sandy soil.

If you are planting, ensure your pot has good drainage and that the soil is either sand or sandy. Rosemary likes to grow in sandy soil. Before you place the stem into the soil, dip the end in cinnamon to prevent the root from rotting. Make sure the sandy soil is moist, place your cutting in the middle, and ensure all the leaves are above the sandy soil.

Then, make sure the soil stays moist and is in a spot that receives bright indirect light. The sprig should begin to grow healthy roots in four to six weeks.

If you are propagating in water, pour out the old water and fill it with fresh water every two days. Keep the cup in a semi-shady location. You should start to see roots in about two weeks.

Once both have roots, you can transfer the plants into a bigger pot. Make sure the soil is fully dry before you water your rosemary, and do not overwater.

Potential Side Effects

Rosemary does have some side effects, especially if you are on any medications that will lower your blood pressure, and you should always check with your MD before adding it daily. Especially if you are taking the following medications:

  • ACE inhibitors
  • Blood thinners
  • Diuretics
  • Lithium

I am not a doctor; if you have questions on whether or not your medications will be affected, I recommend seeking advice from your medical practitioner.

self carewellnessmental healthhealthdiet

About the Creator

sara burdick

I quit the rat race after working as a nurse for 16 years. I now write online and live abroad, currently Nomading, as I search for my forever home. Personal Stories, Travel and History

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