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7 Things I Wish Someone Had Told Me About Fitness and Weight Loss a Long Time Ago


By Angelina ReenPublished about a year ago 3 min read
7 Things I Wish Someone Had Told Me About Fitness and Weight Loss a Long Time Ago
Photo by Fuu J on Unsplash

As we grow up, there are several things we wish we had known earlier in life. One of the critical areas that many of us are interested in is health, fitness, and weight loss. In today's fast-paced and high-stress world, maintaining physical and mental health is a top priority. However, there are various misleading myths about fitness and weight loss that many people believe, leading to unhealthy habits and a lack of progress. Therefore, it is vital to learn from experiences and knowledge from professionals in the field of health and fitness. Here are some of the seven things that I wish someone had told me about fitness and weight loss a long time ago:

1. It's not about the number on the scale

The number on the scale is not always an accurate reflection of one's health and fitness level. Weight fluctuates based on factors such as water retention, muscle mass, and food intake. Focusing too much on the number on the scale can lead to unhealthy behavior such as crash dieting and obsessive weighing. Instead, focus on how you feel, how clothes fit, and tracking progress through non-weight related measurements.

2. Consistency is key

Making small changes can lead to significant results over time. It's essential to develop a fitness routine and stick to it consistently. It may not always be easy, but it's crucial to keep pushing yourself to stay consistent. Being consistent with your diet, exercise, and lifestyle will help you achieve long-lasting results.

3. Exercise should be enjoyable

We often associate exercise with tedious and grueling workouts. However, exercise should not only be effective in achieving your fitness goals, but it should also be enjoyable. Find a physical activity that you love and look forward to, whether it's running, dancing, or yoga. This will increase adherence to a fitness routine and help make it a sustainable habit.

4. Fad diets don't work

There is no magic diet or pill that will automatically lead to weight loss. Fad diets often restrict food groups or calories, leading to unsustainable habits and potential health risks. Instead, aim to create a balanced, healthy diet that suits your lifestyle and preferences. A sustainable diet should include foods from all food groups and provide important nutrients to fuel your body.


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5. Strength training is crucial

Strength training is often overlooked in favor of cardio exercise. However, incorporating strength training into a fitness routine is essential for building lean muscle mass, preventing injury, and boosting metabolism. Strength training can also help achieve a toned appearance and increase overall strength.

6. Mindset matters

Developing a healthy and positive mindset towards fitness and weight loss is crucial. It's easy to get caught up in negative self-talk, comparing oneself to others, and having unrealistic expectations. Instead, focus on progress, not perfection, and celebrate small wins along the way.

7. Rest and recovery are essential

Giving your body time to rest and recover is just as important as physical activity. A lack of rest can lead to injuries, burnout, and increased stress levels. Incorporate rest days into your fitness routine and aim to get enough sleep each night. Engage in stress-reducing activities such as meditation, yoga, or deep breathing exercises.

In conclusion, these seven things would have benefited me in my fitness journey had I known them earlier. However, it's never too late to start making positive changes towards a healthy lifestyle. Incorporating these tips into your fitness routine can help you achieve long-lasting results and a healthier mindset towards health and fitness. Remember, progress, not perfection, is the key to success.


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About the Creator

Angelina Reen

Penning down my thoughts, stories, and lessons to inspire and bring joy. Join me on my journey of self-discovery!

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