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11 Fatherly Lessons You NEEDED When You were a Boy

Real masculine life lessons and guidance you needed during your childhood

By Salman siddiquePublished 4 months ago 6 min read

Did you grow up with a strong, caring man who gave you tough love and the right guidance? If you did, that's a huge advantage in life, but most of us didn't get that blessing. I remember how my father didn't care about me when I was younger; he left us behind, and I hated him for it, and by extension, I hated myself when I looked in the mirror. I hated what looked back at me because I saw his features in myself. I tried to deny reality by denying I was his son, but reality is very stubborn. No matter how much you try to deny it, reality will not change, so I was forced to accept it As a result, I walked with self-hatred. for years, I'm not going to share a sad story here; we all have our past, but I want to talk about something crucial, the importance of a father figure.

Most Guys don't know how important it is to have a strong father figure, they think all a father does is teach his son how to shave until they grow older, and life beats them down over and over again that's when they realize no one taught them how to be a man I will give you 11 fatherly lessons that you need in life.

1. No one cares about you

To be brutally honest, as a man, no one truly cares about you; no one will come to save you. That's a privilege reserved for women only. You must become your own hero or suffer a miserable existence. There is no sympathy for men in this world, and the sooner you realize it, the better because men shouldn't rely on sympathy anyway. A man who begs for sympathy is a pathetic man, and instead, you should become your own hero. Work extremely hard towards your goals, and as you level up, you'll notice people start to respect you.

2. Use your trauma

As a man, you'll experience a lot of pain. The modern world will convince you to talk about it, let your feelings out, and seek therapy. That's great advice if you want to waste the gift of trauma. Most successful people use their insecurities, pain, and childhood trauma to accomplish miraculous things. Listen to that again. Most, if not all, of the great men that walked the earth, have used their pain as fuel, so carry that pain and use it. Once you've reached your goals, you can decide to let it go. You must be strategic as a man. Even with the way you use your trauma and pain, don't let it go until you've used it to your advantage first.

3. Learn how to fight

Can you throw a knockout punch? As a man, you must know how to fight. Because no matter who you are or what you accomplish, if you can't fight, everything can be taken away from you, and you won't be able to protect your loved ones. Deep down, every man feels something is missing if he doesn't know how to fight. Do not misunderstand it. I'm not saying you need to become a pro fighter, but you have to know how to throw a punch, how to take a punch, and how to push through fatigue. The best way to do this is to simply walk into a fighting gym.

4. Self-discipline

Self-discipline is very essential for every human being. If not, a man becomes frustrated and useless to himself. Imagine being a man blessed with endless potential, gifted with testosterone, and deciding to fap and play video games for hours a day.


Discipline yourself, or you will look back when you grow old one day and regret not using your gifts during your youth.

5. Understand women

You'll see two types of guys in the modern world: simps and guys that hate women. Both are pathetic. Learn about female nature, and understand how women work, and your life will become 10 times better. This world is made of men and women, and we are better together than we are apart.

6. Love God

Everything you see around you is a creation, and there is a creator for all of it. Love and respect the Creator. With God on your side, you gained tremendous strength. The interesting thing is that whenever you speak about God, people always get triggered. They deny the existence of God with full certainty; it is the most arrogant thing a human could ever do. Do not be that guy.

7. Always make time for family

To be honest, do you spend enough time with your family? Life is short, and every family member you have will pass away sooner or later, so make time for your love once it's priceless.

8. Be honorable

Honor is becoming more and more rare in the modern day and age, especially in the Western world, where honor seems to have little to no value. The reality is that an honorless man is worse than scum; they will do anything to win, even betray loved ones, scam others, or sell their dignity. Listen, a good man would rather fail than succeed by fraud because it's better to die 10,000 deaths than wound your honor.

9. Learn how to read people

One of the most useful things is the ability to read. People think that any form of betrayal comes from a misjudgment of character. If you've ever been betrayed, you failed to read the other person. Obviously, you can never be 100% sure a person won't betray you, but once you know how to read people, you can assess the real friendship probability of every person.

10. Real friendship

Most guys have fake friends. The strongest bonds are built by overcoming struggle. You only know who your friends are when you go through a catastrophe together. You have to go through an actual big problem that threatens to destroy you, and then stay far from weak. You'll know who your true friends are; aside from that, pick friends that match your core values.

11. Stay far from weak

No matter what happens as a man, you have to stay strong and far from weak. Every man should live with a man who's always pushing and always trying to stay strong, even in the hardest of times. If you pick yourself back up after defeat and re-engage, you are far from being powerless. If you carry the stress and problems of other people on your shoulders and don't complain about them, you are far from being a coward. If you aim to become 1% better every single day, you are far from a coward. Don't ever let the world break you down because, no matter what happens, we are close to becoming the greatest.


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Salman siddique

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