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10 ways to create a good life balance

A healthy balance is an absolute necessity

By Esther AmiPublished 2 years ago 9 min read
Photo by Shiva Smyth on Pexels

Good life balance" is the perfect combination of work, play, and rest. It's about having enough time for yourself, your family and friends, and your interests. It's about having enough energy to enjoy each day without feeling exhausted every night.

Creating a good life balance is one of the most important things that you can do for yourself. In this article, we'll go through how to create a good life balance and why it's so important to your general health and happiness. The way we balance life is the way we live. It's not just about work-life balance, but also about how much time you have for family and friends, exercise, hobbies and relaxation. Life balance is a topic that doesn’t get enough attention in our culture. When we discuss work-life balance, we usually focus on the negative aspects of an unhealthy life. We talk about how to manage stress, deal with a demanding boss, or find ways to not feel overwhelmed when it comes to balancing home and career responsibilities. However, what if there was more to life balance than just mitigating stress? What if there were ways in which you could actually create a good life balance?

Here are 10 ways to create a good life balance

Work smart, not hard

  • Use technology to your advantage.
  • Set up reminders for yourself, such as a weekly check-in with your boss or a reminder to call someone back.
  • Use a calendar, whether it’s paper or digital, to keep track of what you have going on throughout the week so that you can plan accordingly.
  • Create a to-do list and prioritize tasks based on how important they are, when they need to be completed by, and how much time they’ll take up in order for them not only get done but done well.
  • Find an app that will help manage this process for you—there are many out there!

Find a healthy outlet.

The most important thing to do when you’re feeling stressed out is to find an outlet that will help you relax and unwind. This can be anything from exercise (especially cardio), meditation, or even just taking a walk around the neighborhood (or park; it doesn’t have to be far). It could also be playing an instrument or even taking up a new hobby like cooking!

Make sure your healthy outlet sticks around for good. If you decide that yoga is what helps alleviate stress for you, make sure it stays part of your routine—don’t let yourself fall out of practice because things are going well in other areas of your life. The same goes for any other activity: if this is something that works for keeping stress away from home and work alike, keep doing it!

Get a pet

Having a pet is a wonderful way to enjoy life. Pets can help us stay active and connected with other people, while also providing the novelty-seeking brain with a constant stream of stimuli that can be quite beneficial. In addition, pets are good for our mental health, as they provide companionship, comfort and joy in our lives.

If you’re thinking about getting a pet but you don’t know where to start or what kind of animal would suit your lifestyle best, we’ve got some tips on how to find the perfect pet for your needs!

  • Choose an animal that suits your lifestyle - If you like spending time outdoors but hate taking care of plants then maybe birds aren't for you! This may seem obvious but it's important when choosing an animal companion so make sure it fits with both their personality and yours

Start your day with a healthy breakfast

The first meal of the day is a crucial part of any healthy lifestyle, and should be consumed within an hour of waking up. After you’ve used up your overnight energy supply, fasting for more than about eight hours can lead to hunger and overeating later in the day—not good for maintaining your weight or health. If you don’t eat breakfast soon after getting up, your metabolism will slow down as it tries to conserve energy by conserving blood sugar levels too low for optimal functioning. This can contribute to feeling sluggish during the day and gaining weight over time.

To make sure you get all the nutrients necessary for optimal health, choose foods that are high in fiber (for example: fresh fruit) or protein (such as eggs). Eating a balanced breakfast means eating foods from all five food groups: grains (breads/pasta), dairy products (milk/cheese), fruits & vegetables(fruit juice), meat & beans(eggs), oils & sweets(jam).

Create your daily life routine

There is no right or wrong way to create a daily routine that works for you. The important thing is to find a schedule that allows you to feel at ease, healthy and happy. If you're having trouble coming up with an ideal daily schedule, here are some ideas:

  • Wake up early each day and do something that makes you feel good. Whether it's going for a jog or taking a shower, giving yourself time in the morning can set the tone for your day and help keep stress levels low. If waking up early doesn't seem feasible for your lifestyle (and it's ok if it doesn't), then consider working out after work instead so that you have more energy during the day!
  • Eat breakfast—a healthy one! Skipping this meal can make us feel tired throughout our days; however, eating something nutritious gives us energy we need through out entire lives which means we have less chance of overeating later on too! So eat those oats before heading off on errands all day long!"

Make time for sleep

Sleep is important for many reasons, but here are a few of the most important ones:

  • Sleep is when your body repairs itself. When you’re asleep, your body produces growth hormones that help maintain muscle mass and bone density. It also clears out toxins from the brain and helps keep skin smooth and supple. If you don’t get enough sleep at night, that process can’t happen properly—and you will feel it!
  • Sleep is when your brain consolidates memories. When we sleep at night, our brains go through a process called “synaptic pruning,” which means it sorts through the information we learned during the day and strengthens connections between neurons so that only useful information remains in our long-term memory banks (the stuff we remember from one week to another). This helps us form clear thoughts while improving our ability to learn new things later on down the line!

Exercise often

Exercise is one of the most important ways to keep your body and mind healthy, but it can also improve your overall well-being. The benefits of regular exercise include:

  • Better sleep. Studies show that people who exercise regularly are likely to sleep better than those who don't. They also have less trouble falling asleep and fewer sleep disturbances, such as waking up in the middle of their night or feeling sleepy during the day.
  • Improved mood and stress management. People who exercise regularly report feeling happier and less stressed than those who don't engage in physical activity on a regular basis. Regular exercise can help lift your mood when you're feeling down, reduce anxiety or depression symptoms, boost energy levels so you feel more motivated throughout the day (and therefore less likely to reach for food when you're bored or tired), reduce aches and pains caused by stressors like sitting at a desk all day long without moving much—or at all!—and ease muscle tension caused by overworking yourself physically or mentally during stressful times like finals week."

Be open to change

  • Be willing to change your mind, even when you're sure you're right.
  • If something isn't working for you, try something else.
  • Don't be afraid of the unknown or unfamiliar; enjoy it!

Don't forget about friends and family

It's important to have good relationships with your friends and family, as well as your partner, children and parents. A healthy relationship with one's siblings is also crucial.

Having a good relationship with someone doesn't mean that you get along all the time or never fight; it just means that you love each other, respect each other and are there for them when they need you.

Take a vacation

Taking time off is a great way to recharge your batteries and get a fresh perspective on things. You can also use this time to be productive. A lot of people think that they need to work nonstop in order to make progress, but this isn’t true! Taking breaks will actually help you be more productive in the long run.

Just imagine what it would be like if you were always working without ever taking any breaks. You would probably feel tired and exhausted all day long, which means that your productivity would decrease significantly because your mind wouldn’t be able to focus properly on whatever task was at hand. On top of that, taking breaks will also help keep stress levels down because it gives our brain some time away from thinking about work-related issues so we don’t get stressed out by them (especially when deadlines are approaching).

Create a good life balance, you will become healthier and happier.

When you make time to do things that are important to you, your health and well-being will improve. When you create a good life balance, it's impossible not to enjoy yourself more. You'll be happier with your choices and the people around you. And when people love their lives, they live longer!

The best part about having a healthy lifestyle is that it also makes others around us feel loved and cared for. If everyone had better relationships with themselves, then everyone would be happier in their lives—and this includes all of our friends, family members, coworkers…pretty much everyone we know (and even those who come into our lives later).


As you can see, there are many ways to create a good life balance. And remember, don't try to do everything at once. Start small and work your way up. You'll be much better off in the long run if you take care of yourself first!


About the Creator

Esther Ami

Words are powerful and it matters how we use them. I use my words to build and impact, I use my words to lift and inspire. I am a words-person, I love words.

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