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Wedding Humor in Real Life

True Stories of a Wedding Singer

By J. S. WadePublished 10 months ago Updated 10 months ago 6 min read
Top Story - July 2023
Wedding Humor in Real Life
Photo by Ben Rosett on Unsplash

I am a musician and have been honored to sing in hundreds of weddings as couples make their lifetime commitments to each other. I have sung in cathedrals, churches, farms, beaches, event halls, homes, and even a car dealership. Some brides want simple weddings and others want to be Princess Brides. Below, are some humorous moments I witnessed over the years. These real-life anecdotes seem to grow funnier with time.


By Enis Yavuz on Unsplash

Bribery Never Pays

Groomsmen escorted and seated the bride's mother as I finished the second wedding song. The groom and his best man entered the sanctuary and stood in place at the altar. All eyes turned to the bridesmaids who slowly stepped down the aisle for their moment in the sun, at the price of a dress they would probably never wear again. After the maid of honor and maids were in place, a brief interlude saw a groomsman pull the satin runner down the aisle.

The organist played Pachelbel's Canon in D as little Suzie, the flower girl strolled down the aisle, stopping, and meandering, while flicking rose petals to the ground. A beautiful scene that had been difficult to create the night before during rehearsal.

Little Suzie, at five years old had objected to her role and delayed the rehearsal for thirty minutes. I learned later that her mother had bribed her with candy, lots of candy for her compliance.

The following day, an hour before the wedding I heard Suzie screaming at her mother, "I don't want to do it." Her mother responded with the promise of more candy. Suzie would have made a shakedown mobster proud. Little did I know the candy promise was a payment on demand as we would all soon witness.

The wedding party held their collective breath as Suzie stepped onto the runner from the back of the sanctuary. To our relief, Suzie, with a cherubic smile, cast the scented petals like an angel. At the last pew before the Altar, and ten feet from the bridesmaid assigned to take her hand, Suzie stopped.

The bridesmaid waved her hand to encourage her to continue. Suzie froze in place and her cherubic face disappeared. Some other entity showed its pallid face. She turned her head left, right, and then sweet, sticky, multicolored projectile vomit erupted from her mouth onto the runner, the bride's mother, and dripped off of her chin. The moment was like a scene from the movie, The Exorcist, in 4-D. If the organist had switched to The Candy Man Can it would have been appropriate.

The stench of vomit overpowered the scent of the beautiful flowers and recycled through the air conditioning. Sounds of gasps and gagging pervaded the room. The wedding director must have been S.W.A.T. trained. She ran from a side door, scooped up Suzie, handed her off to an assistant, pulled scissors from her pouch and excised the damaged runner, rolled up the vile evidence, and ran out the door. I don't remember the couple but everyone in attendance will forever think of Suzie.

To this day I've always wondered if Suzie ever got married and whether she had a flower girl. If so, I hope she kept her candy-pushing mother away from the girl.


By Edoardo Botez on Unsplash

Hairspray – The Wedding

In the 1980s, woman's big hairstyles were teased up like cotton candy and it seemed the bridesmaids were all in competition for a style trophy.

I perched in place by the pianist overlooking the three hundred attendees and the twelve-member wedding party. I sang a folky wedding song, There Is Love, while the Bride and Groom moved toward the Unity candle for the ritual within the ceremony.

The Bride handed her wedding bouquet to her sister, her maid of honor with a Marge Simpson hairdo, as I finished singing and sat down. In the back of my mind, I recall hearing a sound quite like the theme from Jaws as the maid of honor stepped back, then took another.

Lurking behind her was a thirteen-candle candelabra with flames dancing to the occasion. The bride motioned for her sister to step back further as this was her moment. Warning alarms went off in my head, she's too close. I wanted to scream, "Stop!"

The maid of honor complied with the bride's leered command and took one more step backward. Her almost profane mop of hair came into contact with a flame. In a flash, her hair went poof and flames shot into the hair like a magicians disappearing trick. A woman's voice from the audience yelled, "Her hair's on fire!" A groomsman rushed over and slapped the fire out sending the vapors of burnt hair like a secondary explosion for all to inhale. Almost bald, with a smoky black and scorched scalp, the maid of honor cried and turned to the audience with a remnant of hair that bordered her forehead like a hooded Eskimo parka.

As I was only ten feet away, there was no sympathy from the bride as she jerked the bouquet from her sister's hands and expelled the maid of honor from the service. With no serious injury beyond their pride, I demonstrated great restraint as laughter rumbled within my core. It's a shame there was not a videographer present. Some weddings are better than Broadway.


By Robin Schreiner on Unsplash

The Tumble

The church altar stood above nine of the steepest steps I had ever seen in a sanctuary. Safety ropes should have been mandated by OSHA with helmets for the participants. My role as singer had been completed and the vows of the bride and groom had commenced.

The wedding party had been placed fanning up the steps creating a V across the altar. The maid of honor, known to be single, stood at the top step to the left and behind the bride.

The ethereal moment was interrupted when the maid of honor tumbled backward, flipped a full somersault down the mountainous steps, and landed on her back in the center aisle straddle-legged.

An off-duty EMT and others rushed to her side while the wedding was paused. Miraculously uninjured she regained consciousness and the EMT stood up and announced to everyone, "She's okay, she's just pregnant." Some people just can't keep a secret.


By Jonathan Borba on Unsplash

Ditch the Rice

The wedding ceremony had gone off without a hitch, the reception was complete, and the crowd gathered to send the bride and groom off for their honeymoon. Cute bags of rice bound by ribbons were distributed and the gauntlet was ready along the two-tiered sidewalk.

The couple came running from the doorway and headed toward the limousine that awaited. Quicker than a speeding bullet the couple sprinted past the onslaught to the drop off of the sidewalk. The bride's heels hit the loose grains of rice scattered across the concrete and her feet shot into the air. After being airborne for what seemed seconds, she crashed on her side.

The unfortunate couple spent their first hours of married life in an emergency room with a concussion and a fractured arm. Always remember, rice and heels are bad.


By 2 Bull Photography on Unsplash

The Prize Fight

Three songs and a perfect wedding later the newly married couple enjoyed the celebratory reception with their friends and family.

I stepped outside where the crowd gathered for the grand sendoff. Word came down that the couple was ready when a stretch limousine arrived.

The driver jumped from the car, pulled a bottle of champagne and two glasses from a cooler, and set them on the trunk. The ultra-conservative wedding official, also the Sr. Minister at the church stepped forward and objected to alcohol being on the church premises.

Undeterred, the driver declared it was none of the minister's business and that the couple had ordered the champagne. A tug-a-war ensued when both seized the bottle at the same time.

Victorious, the minister smashed the bottle on the parking lot pavement, and the enraged limo driver struck the pastor in the chin. Rumbling, tumbling, rolling, punching, and I swear I saw biting, they fought until four men pulled them apart. Both were quite spirited about the spirit.

I have always wondered if this was an omen for the future of this young couple. Oh, to have today's ability to video back then. I could have easily won America's Funniest Videos.


Do you have a humorous Wedding story? Please share it in the comments below. As Reader's Digest always proclaimed, Laughter is good medicine.


About the Creator

J. S. Wade

Since reading Tolkien in Middle school, I have been fascinated with creating, reading, and hearing art through story’s and music. I am a perpetual student of writing and life.

J. S. Wade owns all work contained here.

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Comments (28)

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  • Freddie's Lost Treasures10 months ago

    I remember when I was a young boy at different Italian weddings from extended family members. It was a time of joy and happiness. Memories in life are so strong from these momentous moments. Weddings were prominent and then family members begin to pass away and the connections cease to be. Then we grow older and we reconnect again, only this time with a new set of people. It is funny how life works.....People In Our Lives Come and Go, Come and Go.... Thanks for sharing.

  • Novel Allen10 months ago

    What a lovely time you had at these weddings. I just hope that the relationships turned out much better, and the couples lived happily ever after for all the' fun' they had. Oh dear.

  • Donna Fox (HKB)10 months ago

    JS, first off I want to say Wedding Singer is one of my favourite movies, I was litterally singing “I wanna grow old with you” to myself just this morning! I love your talent for descriptive language and you use of comedic timing! Your comedy pieces are always my favourite too read and this one is no exception! The Suzie story was gross but also sooooo funny!! “Marge Simpson hairdo” !!!! 🤣 I can’t believe her hair caught fire and then they just carried on… 🤣🤣 “It’s okay she’s just pregnant.”…. I can’t!!! 🤣🤣 I can’t believe the minister fought the limo driver! That’s hilarious!! 😂 I do love your ability to make me laugh!! This was a great series of stories, thank you for sharing them!! Also, congratulations on Top Story, I can see why this was chosen! It was an amazing read! 💜

  • Heather Lunsford10 months ago

    I love these thank you for sharing. I went to an outdoor wedding on an island. All the guests had to take a ferry. It took way longer for everyone to get there than expected so they opened the bar. By the time everyone arrived everyone was smashed including the mad who was responsible for driving a carriage pulled by two Clydesdales. He was meant to bring the bride down the isle to the alter. He missed. I was standing behind the chairs. I spent the whole wedding wedding with a giant horse literally breathing on my neck.

  • Gerald Holmes10 months ago

    LOL! I'm still laughing at the last one. Well done.

  • Mihaela Dragu 10 months ago

    As Reader's Digest always proclaimed, Laughter is good medicine.

  • Missclicked10 months ago

    it's beautiful how you presented your experiences in such an engaging way, i seriously couldn't stop reading till the last line. congratulations on your top story!

  • This provided the laughs I needed for today. I wonder what you would have thought about my wedding where I had to wait almost half an hour to walk down the aisle because not enough people showed up on time. And plenty of issues and let's just say omens that one looks back and says, "divorce was in the cards." I love this line: "Suzie would have made a shakedown mobster proud." Congratulations on Top Story!

  • Awesome 👍 💯❤️😉Congratulations on your Top Story🎉🎉🎉🎉

  • JBaz10 months ago

    These were hilarious stories, I hope there is a part two. Congratulations

  • D. ALEXANDRA PORTER10 months ago

    "Bribery Never Pays" had me laughing out loud! Before I could finish reading your anecdotes, family duty called, but I will return. 👏✍️👏

  • Judey Kalchik 10 months ago

    Woot! More stories, please!

  • Gina C.10 months ago

    This is great, Scott! 🤗❤️ I had no idea you were a wedding singer - that is awesome! I really enjoyed these 🤗 We had a kink or two at our wedding, so these stories definitely made me feel better 🥹❤️

  • Cathy holmes10 months ago

    There ya go. Congrats on the TS

  • Donna Renee10 months ago

    🤣🤣🤣 omgosh these are amazing!!! The candy vomit is now another reason I hope my kids are never recruited for wedding duties like that hahah

  • Leslie Writes10 months ago

    You sing too? What a Renaissance man! Love these funny anecdotes! You painted quite a picture LOL

  • @puja10 months ago

    Great 👍

  • Ewwww, Suzie! 🤢🤢🤣🤣🤣 Speaking of hair getting caught on fire, mine did once. It was during my great grandma's funeral. The girl behind me was holding a candle and that crazy girl set my hair on fire. Thank God someone saw it the moment it started and quickly helped me put it out 🤣🤣🤣 I cannot imagine that somersault! Slipping on rice with heels must have been terribly painful! And that fight between the minister and driver was epic! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  • As long as no one got hurt (other than the stuck- in-his-anal-phase pastor), hysterically funny. My favorite part of every ceremony I conducted was the kiss. At each rehearsal I warned the couple that this is the moment for which everyone has come, so if it's not adequate, I'll make them do it over. Always loved it when a couple decided to test my resolve on the matter. They always got it right (often with a dip) the second time.

  • Lilly Cooper10 months ago

    Truth is better than fiction so much of the time and so much funnier for being true!

  • Cathy holmes10 months ago

    This is great Scott. Funny stories. Kudos to you for keeping it together. Let me tell you about my brother (not Gerald). He's a big burly brute who everyone sees as a tough guy...until they get to know him and realize he's got the heart of a kitten. He's got sense of humour like no other, and witty sarcasm that is way more pronounced than mine (if you can believe that.) We razz each other all the time. When he got married to his first wife way back in the 80s, it was a simple ceremony done at city hall. There were no special vows, or anything fancy planned. The officiant read from the book, the bride and groom repeated. Wedding done, get out and go your reception kind of deal. When the officiant got to part "I take you as my lawful wedded husband," the bride accidently said "my awful wedded husband," All of us there started to giggle and couldn't stop. My aunt, who was taking the pictures, was knees-bent, leaning against the wall trying to hold herself up and shaking with laughter. The officiant tried to carry on with the service, but everyone there was snickering so much that he eventually stopped and told us "just let it out so I can continue." We all busted a gut and even the officiant giggled a little. The only one who wasn't smiling was my brother. He just wanted to get it over with. lol

  • Dana Crandell10 months ago

    These were great, Scott! I've sung at two weddings and a funeral and I'm glad I don't do it professionally. Unfortunately, no such fun ensed. Thanks for the laughs!

  • Antoinette L Brey10 months ago

    Funny stories = a nice read

  • Sarah Danaher10 months ago

    Totally funny loved the hair on fire and the brawl with the minister. Well the funniest I have heard was when my aunt and uncle were getting married , I was the flower girl. His parents were divorced And the announcer was told not to ask the grooms parents to dance. While he did it anyway. It was said to be the most awkward dance standing as far apart as they could. They did it. Even before the wedding she had some issues delaying the wedding. My aunt and uncle are still married.

  • Jay Kantor10 months ago

    So Scott - Who Doesn't have a Laugh-at-Now 'Humorous' Wedding story? Jay

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