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The #100 Things in 20 Minutes Challenge

Inspired by Judey Kalchik

By Paul StewartPublished 12 months ago Updated 12 months ago 5 min read
The #100 Things in 20 Minutes Challenge
Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash

Judey Kalchik kindly, or cruelly, set this unofficial challenge that she did a wonderful job on herself - you can see her results at the end of my mad, raving mumblings.

The challenge is basically to write 100 things in 20 minutes. I say basically as some kind of bravado type thing.

I love ridiculous challenges, and this one sounded right up my street. My mind is always on, and I easily think of 100 things in a very short time. Will I make the 20-minute mark with 100 things, or will I falter and look like a fool? I think I will look like a fool either way, but I'm happy enough with that.

100 Things in 20 Minutes - Here I go!

  1. This is probably going to be harder than I initially thought.
  2. But we will see how we get on.
  3. I have Myriads of Troubles in the Old Blue Sea in my head right now, by Tom Rosenthal
  4. He is this quirky, but brilliant folk singer-songwriter
  5. His song Yolo is also really rather good
  6. He became a bit of a viral sensation during lockdown because he wrote a song with his daughter called Dinosaurs in Love.
  7. It was very sweet and cute
  8. I was thinking of doing a poem that messes around with Right Here Waiting For You by Richard Marx
  9. I did another, I can't remember the name of it right now
  10. It's literally in my profile but I don't want to waste time/cheat and go and check
  11. I also have done a strange version of Do You Wanna Build A Snowman from Frozen. That got more likes and reads than it probably deserved
  12. One of my most read things was an experiment, to make a clickbait parody.
  13. I am still quite pleased with it. I used for crazy messed up images of all the celebs discussed in the listicle.
  14. To answer Judey's question, yes, I urinate always when I clear my bowels.
  15. I also look at my stats way too many times. It's a real problem
  16. I just published my If Walls Could Talk piece, several months after the challenge ended. Go me.
  17. I wonder if people will check it out, because I referenced it here.
  18. Probably not because Vocal reckons it takes 20 minutes to read.
  19. I am not sure if it does. I will maybe test that out later.
  20. Speaking of reading. I am thinking of reading one or two of my poems and recording it.
  21. I just need to get a different voice firsrt.
  22. What does firsrt mean?
  23. It sounds European to me
  24. Is that a default that a lot of people use or is it just me "That sounds European?"
  25. I am pleased with myself because I am just about finished work on a fence/enclosure thing in our side garden.
  26. It's my first time doing anything like that - it's not pretty, but it's still standing and will keep the dogs safe
  27. We have 2 adult dogs and 6 puppies at the moment
  28. It is all types of chaos when they are awake
  29. fortunately they sleep a lot
  30. We sold puppy number 7 to my step-daughter
  31. 31 at 12 minutes. I might be able to do this
  32. I much prefer my 40s to my 20s or 30s
  33. Even if I am dealing with the fallout of all the bad crap I did in those decades now
  34. At least I am trying to deal with them
  35. In our house, my wife and I often say #trying
  36. I wonder who invented the hashtag and what it's original purpose was
  37. Must look that up
  38. That reminds me, I saw that there is a new challenge all about creating the origin story of an existing thing.
  39. I will definitely be entering that
  40. I have a few more ideas for the short and sweet challenge
  41. And I really need to write my rap poetry rebuttal to Donna Renee the marshamallow hating fiend.
  42. It's all in good humour, until my precious mallows of joy are threatened
  43. I wonder if I should write more troll stories
  44. I am also thinking about writing another writing guide thing
  45. I wrote one a few months ago and got top story for it
  46. I have a Writer's Guide to Writing Writer's Guide that has sat unpublished
  47. I wonder if people would love to read that or they would just yawn??
  48. I often think I am not as funny as I think I am
  49. I always feel like the great pretender to the poetry malarky when I read stuff on Vocal
  50. Everyone is so good on Vocal
  51. I wonder how many things other people have liked on Vocal
  52. You know when you can check Stories I've Liked? Mine is at 2000+ I think
  53. My second-most-read poem is nearly at the 200 mark. It's sitting at 196.
  54. That is fine, because that is an even number
  55. But I really want it to be rounded up
  56. I wonder if people will read Don't Give Up On What You Feel because I mentioned it
  57. I really thought this would be harder
  58. I am not as clever as I think I am sometimes
  59. 6 minutes to go.
  60. I have so many ideas in my head for poems, less so for fictional pieces
  61. This is still a problem for me, as I really want to write short stories and a novel
  62. But, I am stuck being a poet for now.
  63. I am thinking that my Dark Acrostics book idea will become a Dark Poetry and Acrostics book
  64. My first book will definitely be called Accidental Poet, I've decided
  65. I still think that is the best way to describe me.
  66. I do love poetry, but it still makes me a bit nose-twitchy
  67. Creativity and procrastination go hand in hand - discuss.
  68. I only recently found out that the Mississippi River is not the longest river in the US
  69. Apparently Mark Twain is to blame
  70. Isn't he always?
  71. I am definitely counting those two
  72. I loved Huck Finn as a kid and Tom Sawyer
  73. Tom Sawyer by Rush is awesome too
  74. Spirit of Radio just started in my mind's mp3 player
  75. I wonder if Apple will invent a real mind-controlled mp3 player that plays inside your brain
  76. I don't need one, so they can stick it where the sun doth shine
  77. I said doth and I am not unhappy about that
  78. I have never owned an iPhone or Samsung Galaxy thing
  79. I have had smartphones, but for various reasons, don't have one at the moment
  80. It is actually rather blissful
  81. Not being able to be contacted is actually pure bliss
  82. I really want a cabin in the woods, despite what horror films have taught me
  83. Nice open fire, typewriter, some single malt and pastina in a cabin in the woods
  84. At the bottom of our street is an entry point to a large hill and country park
  85. It's beautiful
  86. I remember climbing up it once and feeling very accomplished then discovered loads of people at the top
  87. I took the hardest route possible.
  88. Of course I did.
  89. This challenge has gone very weird and I feel like anyone who got this far is a hero
  90. Thank you for reading my mumblings
  91. I want to do a post all about Paul Mumblings, but I'm afraid it will be too self-indulgent
  92. I also want to do it because of that reason
  93. Like explaining why I leave the comments I do.
  94. Would anyone be interested in that?
  95. I hope this actually gets read and some likes at least.
  96. There. That's the timer done.
  97. Didn't quite make it.
  98. But, hey ho...was close
  99. So very close
  100. Thank you for reading!


Here is the original post that inspired this one:


About the Creator

Paul Stewart

Scottish-Italian poet/writer from Glasgow.

Overflowing in English language torture and word abuse.

"Every man has a sane spot somewhere" R.L Stevenson

The Accidental Poet - Poetry Collection is now available!

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Comments (15)

  • Natalie Wilkinson12 months ago

    #82 Cabin in the woods…

  • Tiffany Gordon 12 months ago

    Very entertaining piece! 😁

  • I have not read your if walls could talk story yet but I have the tab still open. I'll be getting to it soon. Whoaaaa you don't have a smartphone! That's soooo cool. Not being contacted is sooooo blissful and I too wanna stay in a cabin in the woods! I enjoyed reading this!

  • Mackenzie Davis12 months ago

    I just need to get a different voice firsrt. What does firsrt mean? It sounds European to me Is that a default that a lot of people use or is it just me "That sounds European?" This is my favorite bit of your mumblings! I laughed and had trouble stopping. Also, I don't need one, so they can stick it where the sun doth shine I said doth and I am not unhappy about that. You are very funny, and don’t think otherwise! Totally loved this entry, and who cares if you didn't make it, really?! It was a joy to read. I feel like im discovering so much about people, in the sweetest way possible.

  • Best mumbly-peg I've read in a long time, lol. Well done.

  • Babs Iverson12 months ago

    Yep!!! You received reads and comments. You were sooooo close. Fun read!!! Awesome job!!!♥️♥️💕

  • Dana Crandell12 months ago

    A valiant attempt, Paul. Probably much closer than I'd get, if I decided to try this one.

  • Donna Renee12 months ago

    14, 21-23, 41-42 🤣🤣🤣🤣💀. You almost made it through though under time!! Here though, have a donut anyway 🍩

  • Cathy holmes12 months ago

    ooooh damn. That was close. Wonderful. Wonderful! I read your mumblings earllier. I'm glad you decided to go ahead with it.

  • D. ALEXANDRA PORTER12 months ago

    😊 At 96, you were so close! LOL! I will look forward to you publishing that book, Accidental Poet. 💜

  • Nice, Paul ❤️😉💯📝 where is the Rap Poetry? This was Silly and Great. I like 🙃 a strange version of Do You Wanna Build A Snowman from Frozen.

  • Naomi Gold12 months ago

    This was so much fun to read! I love Tom Rosenthal and have him on several of my playlists, but never heard of the Dinosaurs song. I’m team marshmallows. I also love what is surely an American abomination… yep, just looked it up, it’s very American. The fluffernutter sandwich. It’s a layer of peanut butter spread on one slice of white bread, a layer of marshmallow creme on the other. No nutritional value whatsoever. And marshmallow syrup sundaes. And S’mores. The first thing you wrote that got my attention was that satirical writing guide. That was hilarious. It’s still to this day one of the funniest things I’ve read on here, especially with how some people were triggered and wrote argumentative comments. I have found that if I’m procrastinating something creative, it’s not done marinating. It’s that simple. It’s not a failure on my part, or something to work through. It just needs time to develop flavor in my mind before it’s ready to be written or painted or whatever. So I move onto whatever is ready. That’s why writers block doesn’t exist for me. There’s always something wanting to come out, even if it’s so personal I never let anyone see it. That’s still part of the creative process to let it out, and become more self-aware. I LOL’d at the Mississippi River thing because that came from our conversation, and then LOL’d at Mark Twain being to blame and “Isn’t he always?” I would definitely read mumbles about your mumbles. You should include audio of you actually mumbling as you narrate it.

  • Judey Kalchik 12 months ago

    Pastina in your dream location! Great take on this!

  • I can't quick-edit and put an embed link in, sorry and also meant to put a note that I will be contacting Vocal to correct the spelling errors in your name, Judey! Sorry. Published in haste!

  • Mariann Carroll12 months ago

    I love it this 🥰It’s kind of like an unconventional self interview. 14 made me laugh out loud and how did you get the 7th puppy #30 when you only have six based on #27. 😂🤣😆😃This was too funny or you were just too tired .😉

Paul StewartWritten by Paul Stewart

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