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Social Media Stupidity; Why Are Black Parents & Others From Africa to America Making Fun of Mixed-Race Children?

Social media will show you how much stupid people are and how cruel they are to their own children

By IwriteMywrongsPublished 6 months ago 5 min read

Sunday, 7 January 2024

By TB Obwoge

I'm sorry to admit it, but we, the non-white people, are used to seeing and hearing racism from white people. Especially white Americans, sorry not sorry. From the United States to all over Europe, there have been several examples of racist white people.

However the colorism and racism of Black Africans, as well as Black Americans isn't ever discussed. It's always a push back, from Black people, proclaiming they can't be racists because they don't control a system of White Supremacy like that seen in governments of America and European countries.

However Black Africans are living in countries, governed, serviced and patroled by all Black people. In some countries the majority of them are darker in skin color as well.

Black Africans can harbour the same racism and hatred against others who have different skin shades and races. I've experienced myself in several African countries.

I've noticed and written several times about the colorsim in the Black American and Black African community. Its possibly one of the most disgusting things to see in this world.

Social Media Influencer Makes Fun of His Mixed Race Baby for Likes

I’ve seen this guys video on my Facebook and couldn’t locate it

I was reading a story on Medium when I saw a Pixels photo of a man who reminded me of a Nigerian social media influencer. I guess that’s what he is I don’t care I just saw a reel he posted. It was a bit upsetting and it annoyed several people especially Black women. Hundreds of people went to the comments section to correct him.

He made a comment that is baby which looks mixed race wasn’t actually his, I don’t recall his actual wording. He wrote something to the effect of who’s this babies father. Whatever the wording was he was trying to allude to the fact that since this baby had light skin that it was not indeed his own.

Maybe he was joking but to me I felt sorry for the baby, things stay on the world-wide net forever! This wasn’t funny why do this with your own baby? Just for likes and comments?

There were so many women that made the comment this baby has you entire face. They also added this is what happens when you have a baby with a white person. They weren’t insulting, many used Nigerian pidgin, there were several of the same comments. I read so many that when I tried to get a screenshot of this video to write about it I was unable to get back to the main post.

There were a few others who said why post this comment of your own baby clearly this is your baby. This is one of the insulting things I think so many people do to lighter skin Black people and light skin Africans. Most assume that all light skin Blacks are of mixed race but this is an adorable baby surely he didn’t have to use this infant as a prop to give himself social media credit.

A Black family made a similar video post on Instagram and the parents got hammered by Black Americans. They were insulted because of these barely brown parents acting out a video where they called their young son ‘white’. They were using the sound from a comedy skit that Kat Williams did, I’ve found it below, there is strong language.

This isn’t what the father on Facebook was using he was posting his own words, trying to ask if people thought he needed to complete a DNA test. This colorism is worse than racism but shaming your own baby, especially if you have a mixed race baby! Where do people draw the line for social media clout?

Source: Medium Article

There are several mixed race familes, making fame and funds from posting on social media. I've written about the African woman, with her redneck husband, who make videos where she's sexulized in just about every video. They thankfully don't have children, I pray they never do for the mental health and safety of those children.

Screesnhot from Facebook reels

Another mixed race couple, where the husband is Black with a white wife, they have 3 children. I don't follow them, I've blocked their account on TikTok because I was so tired of seeing their videos which always makes their mixed race children the topic of all the videos I've seen.

Their infant or now toddler son, was the one with the most insulting videos. He's a blonde hair, blue eyed adorable child. He was the topic of ridicule on the 3 videos I've seen from this disgusting colorist family, that clearly decided that they want to make money off of their skin color.

The father, who appears to think he's God's gift because of his barely brown skin and eye color, is constantly pointing out this barely lighter skin color of his infant son.

He's not alone, I've noticed a more than a dozen parents doing this same thing, mocking their children's skin color. These all have been Black or Black African parents and the fact that they think this is acceptable is more disgusting.

In Ghana a video widely shared of an Afro-Asian, people in the comments section of the TikTok video mocked the baby. The jokes were gross and the person who posted it, joined into the mocking of the baby, even sexualizing her.

Skin color seems to be very important in many African countries, even though the lie is very much pushed that Black Africans aren't racists. However their colorism is well documented, especially in countries with the popular practice of skin bleaching. West Africa is very well known for skin bleaching.

Another Black mother, has gone viral on Facebook reels, for the mocking of her own baby as well. This stupid faced, moronic mother posted her fair skin baby, while mocking the fact that the baby appeared much ligher than her.

The poster is so stupid, it actually reads that she laid down with a "white boy", boys are children so apparently if she can't even figure that out its very clear she can't read the tons of comments from people annoyed by her video.

Screenshot from Facebook reels

People have come out to let parents like this know that they're morons, here are just a few of the comments to the Black father with the blonde haired son.

Why do people even care about race still?

Isn't it 2023?! Haven't we moved past that? Especially given the amount of immigration that easily happens these days. People are people. Skin color is irrelevant. Ethnicity and cultural upbringing is way more important and something to celebrate. Cultural traditions tell your story, they are beautiful.

Source Facebook comment

Both parents have some type of inferiority complex. Always placing emphasis on this particular child skin color. If you don't have any other content, stop posting. Also, your SON is an Afro-American!!

Source Facebook comment

For some reason this seems to be the trend, Black people making fun of their lighter skinned children, much like what West Africans tend to do constantly.

However these disgusting morons don't think that these children won't ever see these videos when they're older.

Thank you for reading 🙏🏽 Please consider buying a coffee for Lacey’s House efforts in Gender Equality & Children’s Rights as it tries to move international.

©️TB Obwoge 2024 All Rights Reserved

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About the Creator


I'm the president of a nonprofit. I've lived in 3 countries, I love to travel, take photos and help children and women around the world! One day I pray an end to Child Marriages, Rape and a start to equal Education for ALL children 🙏🏽

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    IwriteMywrongsWritten by IwriteMywrongs

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