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Sex Ed. Vol. 69

Does A Woman's Body Count Matter

By Digital_FootPrintPublished about a year ago 8 min read
Sex Ed. Vol. 69
Photo by Marvin Meyer on Unsplash

Hell yeah, it matters and I’m not going to sugarcoat it either. I have thought about this long and hard and in the beginning I would’ve said no but now I know better.

Fellas and women too, we have got to stop lying to one another and tell things like they are not how you want them to be.

And it starts with US, fellas.

We have to be more truthful on what we want and how we feel as oppose to reacting to how you think your woman wants you to feel and telling her what she wants to hear.

Every man has heard the phrase that “happy wife equals a happy life.” Now ladies, most men know, without any doubt, that phrase is nothing but grade A horseshit that’s been shoveled all throughout our lives since the annuls of time.

It’s also fact that most men and they will never dare tell you this, probably would want to vomit from hearing that quote. I mean, we really become seriously ill at hearing that crap.

It’s not like if the man did everything a woman said and when she asked him to jump and he replied, “how high” that everything will be all Hunky-dory.

No, not at all because anytime you give a person a foot, they eventually want a yard and women are no different in that regard just like men.

The key to anything is balance. Check out these 3 examples that I’m about to give.

Example №1

Wife: “Hun, do I look fat in these jeans.” Husband: No my Queen. You look magnificent. I worship the ground you walk on. The Sun is envious of you because it tries to outshine you but it cannot. You are….” She cuts him off. Wife: “I get it okay, hun. Thank you,” she says in a heavily annoyed font.

Example №2

Wife: “Hun, do I look fat in these jeans.” Husband: “Don’t ask me no stupid shit like that and your get ass out the way of the tv. I’m trying to watch a ballgame.”

Example №3

Wife: “Hun, do I look fat in these jeans.” Husband: “Don’t ask me no stupid shit like that and your get ass out the way of the tv. I’m trying to watch a ballgame. And yes your ass is fat and I plan on giving you the high hard one all night long once this game goes off.” As he slaps her right on that extra, plump derriere. She giggles and says, “you’re such an animal and I love you so much.” She heads straight to the kitchen makes him a great steak dinner and brings him a nice, cold one to help to wash it down with and leaves him alone for the rest of the game.

See? The husband in example no. 3 was firm but he was fair at the end. Best of the both world’s right?!

Well, it wasn’t exactly perfect but it brought balance to the equation. Unfortunately, you don’t always get that though.

You get a lot of “the woman is always right” or “the man is head of every damn thing” line of thinking most of the time these days and it’s all just a silly game that nobody wins really.

Now back to the topic at hand. I was watching a few of my friend’s IG stories and it’s pretty much the same ole same, ole mumbo jumbo particularly when it comes to the topic of relationships.

You always have a man or woman saying exactly what the ladies want to hear and that it’s pretty much always the man’s fault, ladies.

You can have a woman that shot a man 158 times and there will always be a dude talking about how, “I wonder what he did to make her that angry” or "she didn’t really mean it” or“he should’ve ducked.”

There was this one young man who took it to another level. I mean this guy was doing some serious pussy pandering.

For those of you that have never heard that term before, I just made it up. Pretty much, the act of pussy pandering occurs when you have one of those “male influencers” who speaks to women about how bad men are.

They like using certain buzzwords and specialized phrasing designed to hook the ladies in.

Whenever you hear the phrase, “real men” or anytime alpha or beta are mentioned, then you should know right there that the crap is a scam.

I said it before and I’ll elaborate once more that there’s an element of truth to every con.

You see, for a con to work it has to feel real and they do this by using some type of life experience that many folks have dealt with before.

For example, a lot of us have had our hearts broken by receiving one those legendary Dear John letters from the love of our lives.

Here we are all elated about hearing from the woman that we just can’t stop thinking about and here she is talking about how she’s moved on to bigger and better things at the same time wishing you the best of luck on your future endeavors.

Maybe, some of us have went through an extremely painful divorce and these con-men and women play off these emotions by using our pain for their beneficial gain.

Note to all the ladies out there, all these fellas want to do is to get into your panties and your pocketbook and not necessarily in that order.

They play off of men and women’s egos. The subject of this particular video was discussing the infamous question about men asking about women’s “body counts.”

The man was talking about how a “real man” that’s on his purpose won’t care about your body count.

Then the camera pans to the audience and of course you see nothing but women applauding at that nonsense.

Now I must admit that at first I kinda agreed with the young lad about not caring about how many people she entertained prior to her knowing my existence.

I agreed with him because I believe that it’s not anybody’s doggone business what she did before me just as long it’s nobody else while we’re doing our thing.

At first, I wouldn’t think that it should be any of my business but…

I starting playing around with different scenarios in my head and I asked myself this question:

“what if you found out that your lady had a very checkered past?”

A past so severe that you couldn’t walk into a room without people whispering and laughing at you AND her.

Then you find out this special lady has bedded a whole football team along with the basketball team and the soccer and all in the same season.

Then I would say “hell yeah” it matters because that’s a pattern of a full-fledged freakazoidness.

Imagine that very special woman in your life, who’s your everything and then you found out she had a past history of doing porno flicks.

Imagine seeing that very special woman in your life, the mother of your children, just getting pounded into oblivion scene after scene.

You would feel a certain way right?! And not just any flicks but the nastiest stuff you’ve ever seen and it’s all the stuff that she has never and will never do for you. See my point?

Also, let’s just say that she does play the game. How do you even know if she’s being truthful or not?!

Plus, how would you research something like that? You can’t google that shit.

I mean, you could ask her friends but they’re not going to go against “the freak code” because again, they’re freaks themselves and that would be a violation.

Birds of a feather flock together, eh? What you gonna do next? Ask Siri, Alexa ,or Google? Hey Google! How many sexual partners has my girl had? Google’s response, “Susie is a big ole ho.”

The only thing you can really ever do is peep game which means watch her actions. It’s like 2Pac said back in the day, “people can only fake it for so long.”

Eventually, whatever their agenda is will come to light. It’s important that you know yourself, have a sense of self and keep your mind and your spirit right and the right people will show up in your life.

Those people will add value to your life. It’s simple mathematics. You want someone who’s going to add to your life so that you all can come together and multiply.

You don’t want somebody who’s going to subtract or take away from you and you darn sure don’t want anyone who’s going to come into your life to divide so they can conquer you.

Somebody who will divide you from your purpose, from your loved ones just so they can conquer you.

A guy might say,

“well, I’ll just get with a lady of a different ethnic background and when that fails? Well, I’ll just get with a woman that’s not from “the western world.”

First and foremost, the difference between them and the states might just be that they’re better liars. Oops! I mean they’re better at “playing the game.”

Also, you have no unearthly idea the amount of cruelty these folks might’ve been exposed to.

They could erupt and end your whole world at any point. Remember Lorena Bobbitt?

Mess around on one of them foreign ladies if you want to but I shall warn you, you don’t want to be nowhere near when she shaps.

Shit! She might snap and chop off your dick in the middle of the night, put it on a hibachi grill then on a hot dog bun with some relish.

You can always come back from a dame taking your house and half your bank account but there’s no coming back from that.

Shit, you ain’t coming at all ever again. (Pause)

All this madness has dick to do with skin complection nor is it gender specific. This is a human condition and it’s everywhere.

The only way to deal with it is to fix yourself. Stop looking for somebody else to save you and save yourself.

Superman does exist but he doesn’t exist on the big screen or on a small screen either. Superman or Superwoman has been looking right at you in the face all this time and you just didn’t know it.

You look in that mirror, fix yourself and be the best YOU you can be and just watch as great people gravitate to you and enrich your life for the better.

It’s all about energy and you really do get what you put out.


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    Digital_FootPrintWritten by Digital_FootPrint

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