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The Human Race Has Gone Extinct

And Here's Why It Happened

By Digital_FootPrintPublished about a year ago 4 min read
The Human Race Has Gone Extinct
Photo by Xu Haiwei on Unsplash

Some of the stuff I see out there in today’s society feels as if we are living in a real-time major motion picture. It kind of reminds me of the I, Robot movie Will Smith did almost 20 years ago except with one big twist.

For those that have never seen the movie, you should check it out when you get a chance. A brief summary of the movie was that there was a man who invented robots to live along with humankind and to help them.

The man knew at some point that somebody was going to come along and corrupt something that was meant to be pure and find a way to use it to gain money and control over the populous.

Knowing that there would be a very high probability of this happening, he programmed a robot that would identify with humans and fight back against the tyranny.

That same robot he built ending up taking him out, I believe. It’s a been a minute since I’ve seen the movie. Now the difference between the film and real life is that the “Artifiical Intelligence” of the robotic type is not the ones doing the oppressing rather it’s the A.I programmed robots of the humanoid persuasion.

Yep, it’s the robots that look like you and I. The ones that we see catching the bus, the ones on the highway that use the roads as their very own Indianapolis 500. See, we’ve been conditioned to “follow orders” and to “do as we’re told” with no regard or care for the human life.

What has pretty much transpired over the years is that we have become the robots that you feared under the guise of “I’m just following orders” or “I’m just doing my job.” So I have a question for you in that regard. What if your superior told you to climb Mount Everest and jump off of it? Would you do it?

It’s the “I got mine; You got to get yours” mentality that has been heavily engrained into our psyche. Maybe you all may not recognize the hip hop lingo but another way to say it would be to “pull your own self up by your boot straps” under the guise known as the American Dream. Pretty much the same concept just different packaging.

I was listening to a video awhile back about the late Patrice O’Neal and he was talking about how people just go along with the social norms on the account on how they’ve been programmed to.

He told this story about how he was behind some bills and they sent somebody out to turn off his electricity. He said that he talked to guy and asked him that what if he had a loved one who was sick and on an oxygen tank and needed the power to stay alive. O’Neal asked the man what he would do in that situation.

I can’t recollect what his response was but I hope it was more on the lines of “I wouldn’t have followed through with it” or at the very least a “I don’t know” response.

O’Neal was trying to appeal to the humanity in the man and provide him with another way to think. Or actually, it seems as if he was trying to get the man to actually THINK about what he was doing and the consequences of it other then the “I’m sorry, sir; I gotta job to do” type of mindset.

I had some family members who experienced a similar situation. About 10–12 years ago, there was a “technician” that worked for a well-known ISP who came out to do some work for my next door neighbor.

For some reason, he needed to access to my backyard so he partially dismantled my fence door, which had a lock on it by the way, to finish up the installation work.

I was away at the time but my mother and my grandmother confronted this dude and read him the Riot Act. All he kept saying was that “he was doing his job.” Doing you job, huh?! So that means that you’re willing to go to jail over this “job” that you’re so proud of or risk even worse like somebody trying to do harm to you because you trespassing on private property.

You are an intruder on somebody elses property and we know how some folks can be; They shoot first and ask questions later. So you mean to tell me that you’re willing to “potentionally”put your life in danger just for your “job?” For a piece a paper?!

A piece of paper that’s literally not worth the paper it’s printed on? The same piece of paper they’re trying to get rid? Also, you think that this particular “corporation” is going to look after you or your family while you’re locked away or God forbid, that you’re no longer with us in a physical form.

The answer to that question should be a resounding NO! That company looks at employees and/or independent contractors like you just like certain govt. agencies view their contractors as “kites.”

That means that they can cut the string and leave you to fly on your own while they have plausible deniability. The corporations be like:

“well, we didn’t know Timmy would do anything like this” or better yet, “we don’t even have a Timmy in our records. He was just some freelance type of guy but we got rid of them.”

You get it now? The same people that sent gave you those “direct orders” are the same people that are now denying that you even exist. Now I know times are hard.

I really do but that doesn’t mean that we have to be hard on each other because in the end we are all we got. That job will get rid of you with the absolute quickness just to save 5 dollars and 15 cents on a balance sheet.

That’s right, folks! Another piece of paper that doesn’t mean one thing but what is important is your life. You can always find a way to get more pieces of paper in your wallet when the money dries up but you can’t get your life back. Once it’s gone, it’s gone forever.


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