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Run away!!

Situationships, relationships, Love , heart breaks.

By Lilian FranklinPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Run away!!
Photo by M. on Unsplash

Maddie had been talking to Jason over eight months, but he never wanted to label their relationship. Somehow she caught herself doing things people in relationships do . Kissing, holding hands and even going the extra mile . This whole thing, an undefined grey area that left maddie feeling unsure and insecure about where they stood.

She tried to convince herself that she was okay with it, but deep down she wanted more. She wanted to feel loved and valued, not just a convenient option for Jason

One day, after a romantic evening together, Maddie mustered up the courage to ask Jason where they stood. He hesitated, looking at his feet , he tried beating around the bush and then finally changed the topic.

Maddie already knew where she stood, her heart sank. Tears streamed down her face as she tried to hold back her emotions. She felt foolish for thinking that maybe he felt the same way she did.

Maddie realized that she couldn't continue on in this situationship. She deserved more than being strung along and kept in the dark. With a heavy heart, but she didn’t know how to end things and live without Jason

She constantly debated with herself, trying to weigh the pros and cons of staying or leaving. But the uncertainty was eating her up inside, and she couldn't keep living in this constant state of limbo.

As days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months, Maddie found herself becoming more and more frustrated with the lack of progress in her relationship with Jason. She couldn't understand why he was so reluctant to commit to her, and it left her feeling insecure and unworthy.

Finally, after one too many sleepless nights and endless conversations with her friends, Maddie knew she had to make a decision. As much as she loved Jason, she had to put herself first and prioritize her own happiness.

With a heavy heart, Maddie started talking to another guy to distract herself from her feelings for Jason. The new guy was sweet and attentive, and Maddie found herself enjoying his company more than she expected.

At first, Jason didn't seem to notice or care. But as Maddie spent more time with the other guy, Jason started getting jealous. He didn't like seeing Maddie with someone else, and he couldn't help but wonder if he was losing her for good.

Despite the jealousy, Jason still didn't ask Maddie out or commit to a relationship. Maddie couldn't take the uncertainty any longer, so she made the difficult decision to break things off with both Jason and the other guy. She knew she deserved someone who was willing to fully commit to her and prioritize her happiness, and she wasn't going to settle for anything less.

"Situationships" are becoming more and more common in today's dating culture. This term refers to a relationship that isn't quite a committed relationship, but it's not a casual fling either. It's a grey area where both parties are unsure of where they stand and what they want from the relationship.

While some people may enjoy the flexibility and lack of pressure that comes with a situationship, others can feel frustrated and stuck in the uncertainty. It can be challenging to navigate this grey area and to establish boundaries and expectations with your partner.

If you find yourself in a situationship, it's important to communicate openly and honestly with your partner about your feelings and what you want from the relationship. It's also essential to be clear about your boundaries and what you're willing to tolerate in the relationship.

Ultimately, the most important thing is to prioritize your own happiness and well-being. If a situationship is causing you more stress and uncertainty than joy and fulfillment, it may be time to reevaluate the relationship and consider whether it's worth continuing.


About the Creator

Lilian Franklin

Lilian is an incredible writer and singer with an unyielding passion for authenticity. From a young age, her lyrics confront themes of love, heartbreak, and social justice with a raw honesty that captivates audiences.

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