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Renaissance Festival War Stories: Sept 30, Oct 1, Oct 2, 2022

All the feels

By Tinka Boudit She/HerPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 6 min read
Photo by Tinka Boudit

...Continued from weekend 6

Sept 30, Oct 1, Oct 2

I could write a whole novel about closing weekend. I told multiple people: this was truly a benchmark weekend in my life, but I will keep it to a few stories. Let's do this one more time...

Friday September 30

For the first time since September 1978, my parents got to attend the Minnesota Renaissance Festival and see me perform. I was never much for a performer in school. I was in the chorus once in a large musical in 8th grade. I was in choir in school, but even I treated those concerts like obligations and didn't ask my parents to come. This was the first time in over two decades I wanted them to see me perform, and they finally got to - and I was one of the stars on our riddler stage.

Yes, my parents are proud!

Not only did I get to perform for them, they got to meet my fellow riddlers. Having Momma Boudit and Papa Worthit meet Nestor and say, "Look, Nestor has the Boudit height and the thick Worthit hair! He really is my brother!" I got to sit and chat with Momma while Papa talked to Bertram. Seeing my father, Papa Worthit meet Bertram was like stepping into Wonderland - nothing made sense and yet made perfect sense.

See where I get it from?

From where Momma and I sat, we could see Papa and Bertram talk and the Riddler show continue. It was a living illusion. I pointed out little things on the stage and in the show. I put my cloak on her and held her cool hands to warm her up. I told her other things she and Papa should see that day. I never had a lot of lofty dreams, but my dream came true that day when my parents got to see me perform and meet my show family.


Saturday October 1

Saturday was one of the only rainy days we had all season long. Because of this, the Fairywing forest next to us was closed for safety. Their closure tends to lead to seeing a lot of disappointment on a lot of people's faces, and sometimes it really stinks. This, was not one of those times.

I leave the booth to go on a privy break and just as I get about five steps outside the booth, a group of women stop to see that the forest is closed and ask about where they may be able to find fairies. I let them know they are out and about. It takes all of about five seconds this is a group of women having a great time and a bit tipsy, and ten seconds after that, they were a bachelorette party. The bride, Ashford, says, "I need some advice and a blessing from a fairy." She's holding some parchment. Now I've been attending the festival for seventeen years now, I have seen tacky groups, I've been part of tacky groups, and these ladies were not. Their list was hand written in parchment. Her veil was beautiful embroidery. I could see this advice/blessing was the last and only unchecked box left on her list. There was no way I was going to let her walk away from me with her wish un-granted.

I offered, "I may not be a fairy, but maybe I could be your Fauna Godmother. And maybe I could help instead." She gladly accepted and said she needed advice and a blessing for her list. Specifically marital advice, as she was six weeks away from her wedding. I told her we in the riddle masters booth, all seven of us are long married and between us, have over 75 (turns out over 110) years of marriage between us and are purveyors of wisdom. So my marital wisdom is this: hold your husband, Travis, to best friend status. As long as you two treat each other as best friends first, you will be wonderful lovers and wedded partners. As in, if your best friend were to spend time with other friends, would that bother you or would you understand and vice versa? Hold each other to best friend status and your love will flourish for years. Ashford and her friends, The Bevy of Beauties, loved it. They were about to walk away but I stopped her. "Wait, I gave you your advice, but not your wish and blessing."

Ashford in the black skirt with her clover and The Bevy of Beauties.

I, of course, pull out my envelope of four-leafed clovers, but for the bride, I open up the second pocket and give her a five-leafed clover and tell her, "I find luck like it's nobody's business, so I made it my business card. So I wish and bless you and your betrothed many years of luck and happiness."

She and her friends are practically in tears and so am I as she hugs me. But that I'll blame or thank that on the rain.


Sunday October 2

The last main war story has been weeks in the making. On the last day of the festival, the Riddle Masters show is usually one of the only shows that plays all the way until the cannon. This year, this was not the case, it was decided that we would go see the final songs at Bad Manor. We close up the booth early and make the trek to Bad Manor. The show there has already started so most of us are already standing in the back of the main crowds unable to get seats.

Flashback to weeks earlier...

Over the season, one of our irregular has grown quite close too us at the Riddle Masters. I mentioned them a few weeks ago and even last year, Ember. Over the season, the riddle masters have had Ember sit and read with us, meaning, audition with us for next season. Ember is no longer our irregular Ember, but now, Riddler Hazel.

L to R: Tinka, Medestar, Hazel, Bertram, Thomas, Wilona, Jacqueline, Nestor

Cut back to closing night...

I pull out my phone to take a picture of those of us who are there watching the show, "Picture, Riddlers!"

Nestor says to Hazel, "That means you too, Kid."

Hazel, you are my sib from another crib. Welcome to the team.


There are more hugs and tears than can be counted on final weekend. So we share war stories. We sing songs. We stay up way too late. We get breakfast the next day. We strike camp. We return to our regular lives.

...If you told me five years ago: Hey, see those cast members. You are going to sit back to back with them after hours at camp and share laughs with them. Their children will hug you. They will thank you for being a part of the community...I wouldn't have believed you. Another season ends and I am amazed and humbled by what I have experienced. Every single war story has touched me. There are many more beyond what I post that amaze me too. There are some stories that don't get shared.

...Then there are those that do. And that's when The Lost Scrolls get told...


About the Creator

Tinka Boudit She/Her

contact on FB & IG

The Soundtrack BOI: WA


Bette On It: Puddle, Desks, Door, Gym, Condoms, Couch, Dancers, Graduate.

Purveyor of Metaphorical Hyperbole, Boundless, Ridiculous, Amazing...and Humble.

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