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By Aifuwa EmmanuelPublished 3 months ago 3 min read
Photo by James Owen on Unsplash

Courtship The period in which two people have a romantic relationship that often leads to marriage.

Marriage: A legally and socially sanctioned union, usually between a man and a woman, that is regulated by laws, rules, customs, beliefs, and attitudes that prescribe the rights and duties of the partners and accords status to their offspring (if any).

The universality of marriage within different societies and cultures is attributed to the many basic social and personal functions for which it provides structure, such as sexual gratification and regulation, division of labour between the sexes, economic production and consumption, and satisfaction of personal needs for affection, status, and companionship.

A Dreamer

A person who lives in a world of fancy and imagination or A person who has ideas or conceives projects regarded as impractical (Vision).

If you are looking for your perfect match, don't get blinded by money, chase big dreams instead.

It is true, financial stability is important, but judging a man solely by his wallet ignores his potential and work ethic which can be just as valuable, if not more valuable.

Don't judge a man by his bank statement.

Let me tell you a real-life story:

I once met a man who had just quit his job the same month he told me he wants to marry me. No job, no apartment, no money, still living with his parents. But you know what he had?

A vision!

A vision that was so aligned with mine, it was like we were seeing the same future.

He didn't have a job, but he wasn't idle. He hustled, took on small contracts, even planned to start a home decor business. And I was there, cheering him on, supporting him to get his own place.

Even when he got his own place, furnishing it was not easy. It was one step at a time. Today he would buy pots, tomorrow it's gas cylinder, the next day it's plastic chair, the next day it's table and so on and so forth. We furnished that apartment, one piece at a time.

And guess what?

After countless applications and interviews, God answered our prayers and blessed him with the perfect job offer, one that came with another unexpected apartment. This happened exactly one year later.

Today, that man with fire in his eyes is my husband, and we are building our future, brick by brick.

This man, my incredible husband, while we were discussing recently, mentioned that God is great. He reminded me how we started with nothing. Today, we are blessed with apartments in two different areas.

This brought tears of joy to my ears. He is proof that dreams can turn into reality.

I could have walked away when he proposed, but I saw beyond his empty bank account. I saw a passionate dreamer working towards his goals.

So, what's the lesson here?

Don't get caught up in the present. Look beyond the paycheck and see the potential, the hustle, the drive.

If your man isn't just depending on his small income but actively building his future and seeking financial growth and stability, then hold onto him!

But if he's just sitting there, content with minimal effort, reconsider.

In today's world, you need a partner who's both a dreamer and a doer because in this economy, you need more than just a small salary or income to sustain a family.

So, ladies, go for the big vision, not just the big bucks. Because a vision can build you an empire, while a paycheck(big pocket) can disappear overnight.

Remember, it's not the size of his wallet that matters, but the size of his dreams and how they inspire you to reach yours. Choose the man who fuels your dreams, not just your bank account.

What qualities do you value in a partner?


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