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Human Attraction part2

Complexities of human attraction and how it is influenced by various psychological factors.

By Marlene SilvioPublished 8 months ago 3 min read

In the realm of dating and relationships, societal expectations have traditionally placed the onus on men to make the first move. However, studies and surveys have shown that both men and women can benefit from taking the initiative in pursuing a romantic connection. Confidence and assertiveness are universally attractive qualities, regardless of gender. While it may be more common for men to make the first move, women who take the initiative have been found to have a higher success rate in dating. Men, in turn, are often drawn to women who are comfortable and confident in making the first move. By making the first move, individuals demonstrate their willingness to take risks, their self-assuredness, and their genuine interest in getting to know someone. This can make them more appealing and create opportunities for meaningful connections. It's important to note that making the first move doesn't guarantee a positive outcome in every situation. Factors such as mutual attraction, compatibility, and effective communication all play significant roles in fostering successful relationships. However, taking the initiative can increase the likelihood of forming connections and may lead to positive outcomes. Ultimately, breaking free from gender expectations and empowering individuals to express their interest and make the first move can create a more inclusive and dynamic dating landscape.

In evolutionary terms, individuals are driven to seek partners who can provide the greatest advantage for their reproductive success and the survival of their offspring. When we are attracted to someone, there is often a psychological explanation behind it. One aspect of this is the notion of social proof or "mate choice copying." This occurs when we are attracted to someone who is already desired or popular among others.

The logic behind this behavior is that if someone is considered desirable by others, they are perceived as having qualities or traits that make them a good mate choice. We tend to assume that if others find them attractive, they must possess desirable genes or characteristics that make them more advantageous for our own reproductive success. This process of mate choice copying can influence our attractions and lead us to pursue individuals who are already desired by others. However, it's important to note that this is just one aspect of attraction and doesn't encompass the full range of factors that contribute to forming successful and meaningful relationships.

It's interesting to learn about the specific emotions that can be attractive to men and women in potential partners. According to the study you mentioned, men tend to be drawn to women who appear happy and enthusiastic, while women are attracted to men who exude confidence and high self-esteem. It's important to note that these findings reflect general trends, and individual preferences can still vary greatly. However, if you're interested in making stronger and more memorable impressions when meeting new people, here are a few suggestions:

1. Show genuine happiness and enthusiasm: Displaying a positive and joyful demeanor can be appealing to others. Smile, engage in conversations with enthusiasm, and let your positivity shine.

2. Demonstrate confidence and self-esteem: Stand tall, maintain good posture, and express yourself with conviction. Confidence can be attractive to both men and women.

3. Be open and approachable: Create a welcoming and friendly atmosphere by being open to conversations and interactions with others. Show interest in what they have to say and actively listen.

4. Take up physical and emotional space: Show ease and comfort in your surroundings. Occupying space confidently can signal your self-assurance.

Remember that finding a genuine connection goes beyond surface-level attractiveness. It's essential to be yourself, as authenticity is often the key to building meaningful relationships.

A phenomenon called Oedipus Syndrome, which suggests that humans may be attracted to partners who possess traits similar to their opposite-sex parent. While this concept may sound unsettling to some, it's important to note that it is a general observation based on psychological theories. Oedipus Syndrome does not imply that individuals are consciously or deliberately attracted to their parents. Rather, it suggests that humans may be naturally drawn to familiar traits and qualities that they grew up with, which may be reflected in their choice of partners. It's important to remember that attraction is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon influenced by various factors, including personal experiences, cultural influences, and individual preferences. Not everyone will exhibit the same patterns or be influenced by Oedipus Syndrome in their romantic choices.

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About the Creator

Marlene Silvio

I am a daughter, mother, friend, and colleague. I enjoy being in nature as it is a refreshing and rejuvenating experience. Psychology is a fascinating field that delves into understanding human behavior and the mind.

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  • Alex H Mittelman 8 months ago

    Holy cow! This is so good and interesting! Wow!

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