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Freedom as a Way to Break Up or Unite a Couple

Bedside notes like medicine

By YUNUS EMRE KIRAYPublished 7 months ago 3 min read
Freedom as a Way to Break Up or Unite a Couple
Photo by Everton Vila on Unsplash


In other words, achieving a proper balance between independence and togetherness is necessary to maintain stable, lasting happy relationships among people. People can develop very close ties only if they preserve their independence and personal attitude towards each other. We need to examine ways in which partners can keep within reasonable limits of independence/‘togetherness’ and find some practical advice as to how they might sustain this delicate balance.

The Importance of Independence

In this case, independence means that both would remain themselves and be able to continue along the path they have wanted when separate. Here's why it's crucial:

Preserving Identity: People walk in with their sense of identity, value, or what they want out of that relationship. To grow up, a person has to keep oneself as an individual.

Reducing Codependency: Such a dependency may develop if someone assigns too much faith to his partner, making him dependent on his or her support for own self-identity and feelings of being needed.

Healthy Interdependence: If we view it in terms of independence, it’s a misinterpretation. It also entails building an enabling environment for inter-dependency, whereby partners have complementary roles and do not complete one another.

The Significance of Togetherness

However, two things that come together imply sharing in an event or a common experience in addition to an emotional bond between people. Here's why it's equally vital:

Emotional Bond: Togetherness may generate strong emotional connections that allow two people to understand each other, appreciate each other’s feelings, and support each other.

Creating Memories: By going through similar experiences and getting engaged in things together, partners create good relationships or affinities that they hardly forget.

Teamwork: Couples who live separately will always be unprepared for any challenges that they may encounter as a team, which are critical for their development.

Balancing Act: Tips for Achieving Harmony

Independence has to be balanced with staying with others as it demands a great deal of effort and intercommunication. Here are some tips to help couples navigate this delicate equilibrium:

Open Communication: Honest talk—the first ingredient in any partnership. Let your partner know what you want or set boundaries. Ensure the other understands what they want and can bear with it.

Schedule Quality Time: Dedicate specific time for each other. This would mean regular dates, for example weekly, and doing leisure activities together with the person. Stay With Them, and Keep Your Phone Away.

Pursue Individual Interests: Encourage each other to follow their interests and love. In addition to this, it provides an array of issues that can be exchanged and discussed to make conversations more fulfilling.

Respect Personal Space: People also need to have their own space and to be left in peace. Allow them to have some time alone and use these moments to top up on self-life as well.

Set Boundaries: Set independence parameters according to each person’s need. Discuss how can you become independent without choking yourself.

Practice Empathy: Empathy—Understanding Your Partner’s Point of View. When they want it, they will feel a greater sense of independence or closeness towards you knowing where they come from.

Grow Together: Continue with personal and relational growth. It can also involve reading books together, going to workshops, or trying therapy. However, they have to learn, change, and evolve as partners to uphold this balance.


The achievement of balance in independence and togetherness in a relationship is an ongoing dynamic process that necessarily requires devotion by both partners to it. You have to have regard for each other as individuals and work on the basic emotional tie that existed among you, to begin with. Open communication, setting boundaries, and demonstrating empathy play an important role in creating a balance that nurtures long-term relationship. Remember, people separate for growth but come back as the best team ever.

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"Short story writing is an art of distilling entire worlds into mere paragraphs, where every word carries the weight of a universe."

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