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By Hanna MaalaininePublished 5 months ago 3 min read

Being an introvert is something I cherish, and I know I'm not alone in feeling this way. There are many of us out there, and our preference for a quieter, more solitary lifestyle is not a flaw - it's a gift. However, it can be difficult for introverts to recognize their own worth in a world that seems to favor extroverts. In a society where being loud is often equated with confidence and happiness, it's easy for those of us who prefer a more subdued approach to feel left out. As a child, I often blended into the background, leading many to assume that I was shy or didn't like others. But that wasn't the case at all. Introverts are often misunderstood - we can enjoy socializing just as much as anyone else, but we need time to recharge our batteries away from the crowds. This is due to the way our brains are wired - introverts are more sensitive to dopamine, the chemical that gives extroverts a rush of energy when they take risks or meet new people. Instead, we prefer the more subtle effects of acetylcholine, which is released when we concentrate, read, or focus our minds. This makes us feel relaxed, alert, and content - but it barely registers with extroverts. Of course, everyone falls somewhere on the introvert-extrovert spectrum, and some people are a mix of both - known as ambiverts. But for those of us who identify as introverts, it's important to recognize that our quiet approach to life is not a flaw, but a valuable gift.

Instead of engaging in idle conversation, I choose to listen attentively and speak purposefully. Although I have only a few close friends, our bond runs deep. I find solace in solitude and cherish the moments spent alone. It is during these times that the chaos of a long day settles, allowing me to reflect, listen to my thoughts, and reconnect with myself. Only then am I prepared to engage with the world once more. I have discovered various strategies to find comfort in our noisy society, whether it be creating peaceful bubbles through music or seeking refuge in a tranquil park during lunchtime. While I appreciate the intensity and chaotic beauty of the world, it is in quiet spaces where I truly feel at home. If society placed greater value on introversion, it could have a profound impact on our collective future. The unique qualities possessed by introverts are indeed a profound and tranquil strength. As Gandhi eloquently stated, "In a gentle way, you can shake the world."

So finally I can say that embracing my introversion is a source of strength rather than a flaw. In a world that often favors extroversion, it can be challenging to recognize the value of a quieter, more reflective lifestyle. As a child, I might have seemed shy, but the truth is, introverts simply need time to recharge away from crowds. Our brains are wired differently, and while extroverts thrive on dopamine from social interactions, introverts find contentment in the subtle effects of acetylcholine, released during focused activities. I prioritize purposeful conversations over idle chatter, savoring the deep connections I build with a select few friends. Solitude is my sanctuary, offering moments for reflection and self-reconnection. Strategies like creating peaceful bubbles through music or finding solace in tranquil spaces help me navigate our noisy society. If society appreciated introversion more, it could bring about a profound shift, Appreciating and acknowledging the distinctive strength inherent in the serene and gentle approach to life is an essential facet of understanding the valuable contributions of individuals who embrace introversion. Recognizing the power that lies in the quietude and subtlety of their demeanor allows for a broader appreciation of the nuanced ways in which these individuals navigate and engage with the world, contributing to a more comprehensive and inclusive perspective on the diverse strengths that individuals, irrespective of their extroverted or introverted tendencies, bring to the collective tapestry of human experiences.

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