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60 Weird Nicknames NOT To Call Your Significant Other

Navigating the Winding River of Romance One Ridiculous Pet Name at a Time

By Nathan ChenPublished 11 months ago 9 min read
60 Weird Nicknames NOT To Call Your Significant Other
Photo by Jevgeni Fil on Unsplash

Let's face it: the world of romance is as diverse and unpredictable as a discount candy aisle on Valentine's Day. When you're dipping your toes into that sugar-coated river, one of the first major hurdles is figuring out what to call your significant other. Not your actual partner, mind you, but that cutesy, canoodle-y nickname that signifies to the world that yes, you are indeed smitten.

You might think you've nailed it with "Baby," or "Honey," or even "Pookie," but let's face it, those are soooo last decade. And "Bae?" Been there, done that, got the matching t-shirts. No, in the game of love, it's all about being unique, like a hipster at a flea market, sorting through the piles of commonality to find that one vintage trophy of originality.

So what do you do when "Sweetie Pie" just isn't cutting it? Well, fear not, brave navigators of the love boat. Here's a comprehensive list of 100+ weird nicknames you might be tempted to bestow upon your beloved… but for the love of all things holy and romantic, please don't.

1. Cuddle Cactus: Unless your partner has a fondness for prickly hugs, this one's a no-go.

2. Waffle Whisperer: As much as we all love breakfast, it's best to leave this one in the toaster.

3. Sofa Slug: Sure, we all enjoy a lazy Sunday, but this is hardly the way to promote a flattering image of your partner.

4. Glazed Doughnut: If you call your partner this, they might just 'glaze' over you and start seeing other pastries.

5. Dust Bunny: Not exactly conjuring images of passion and romance, now is it?

6. Gravy Boat: Unless you're dating a gravy boat, I'd say pass on this one.

The list goes on, but before we delve further into this titanic of terribleness, let's take a moment to ponder why, oh why, do we insist on such weird nicknames for our partners? You don't see other species doing this. Can you imagine a lion calling his lioness, "Hey, my little zebra slayer," or a penguin saying, "Hello, my slippery ice diamond!" It's a uniquely human quirk, a lovable, laughable hallmark of our species.

But I digress, back to the list!

7. Lint Lizard: Listen, we all know the struggle of lint buildup, but this nickname is just too much.

8. Guacamole Goblin: It's cute, it's quirky, but unless your partner is green and loves stealing avocados, this one's a hard pass.

9. Muffin Muncher: Sure, they may have a thing for bakery goods, but this is just bound to raise eyebrows at brunch.

10. Pickle Pirate: Your partner might enjoy a good dill now and then, but this nickname just reeks of vinegar.

11. Popcorn Prowler: Movie nights will never be the same with this one. You'll either elicit giggles or a popcorn bucket to the head.

12. Nacho Nuisance: This one is a no-brainer. Unless you're aiming to find yourself kicked out of the relationship faster than a spicy salsa, avoid at all costs.

By TERRA on Unsplash

We've all heard the saying "What's in a name?" but what's in a nickname, really? Isn't it supposed to be a term of endearment, a sweet, silly shorthand for the affection we feel towards our partners? But the above list sounds like something out of a slapstick comedy or a rejected 'Dr. Seuss' book. It makes you wonder if Cupid's having a laugh at our expense.

Moving forward with more bizarre nicknames,

13. Sock Sorcerer: Unless your partner can magically match all the odd socks in your drawer, steer clear of this one.

14. Ketchup King/Queen: Unless your love interest is a tomato or has a strange passion for condiments, skip this one.

15. Laundry Leviathan: Maybe your partner's clothes pile up quickly, but this nickname is a one-way ticket to the doghouse.

16. Peanut Butter Bandit: Sounds like a cute character from a kids' book, not a term of endearment for your significant other.

17. Couch Cheetah: Fast and sleek? Maybe. But unless your partner runs laps around the living room, this isn't the nickname for them.

18. Bubble Wrap Bozo: Unless your partner has a unique skill of popping bubble wraps, it's a 'pop' from the list.

19. Fridge Raider: As tempting as this nickname might sound, remember that the kitchen is not a battlefield.

20. Pancake Plunderer: Breakfast time would never be the same again!

So far, we've covered 20 outlandish nicknames, and you might be laughing or grimacing or both. But remember, folks, in the lottery of love, the stakes are high and the game, unpredictable. Who knows what oddities we humans will come up with next? So before you let the 'Sofa Slug' or 'Guacamole Goblin' slip, remember you're playing with fire – or in this case, a potentially offended significant other.

So, as we sail into uncharted waters, the game of romance continues, and we can't help but wonder if there's a method to this madness or if we're just adrift in a sea of mushy pet names. Grab your lifejackets, folks, because we're continuing this wild list.

21. Dumpling Destroyer: Unless you are both food critics, let's keep the destroying to a minimum in your romantic terminology.

22. Sneaker Sniffer: I don't know about you, but the mental image alone is enough to send me running.

23. Biscuit Burglar: Unless your loved one gets a kick out of stealing your snacks, this one's off the table.

24. Hot Sauce Heist: You might share a love for spicy foods, but this nickname might land you in some hot water.

25. Toilet Paper Titan: Let's just not go there, shall we?

26. Coffee Chaos: If your partner loves coffee, just stick to "my little espresso shot."

27. Jigsaw Juggler: This one's a real puzzle.

28. Burrito Bandit: Unless they are wrapping you up in a warm hug, this nickname just might leave them feeling a little gassy.

29. Earwax Elf: Seriously? You're gonna call your partner an earwax elf? Reevaluate your life choices, please.

30. Remote Control Rascal: Unless you're both television enthusiasts who enjoy a little channel-surfing rivalry, steer clear of this one.

Remember folks, you're not trying to win 'The Worst Nickname Award.' Love is not a contest, but if it was, these would certainly lose. Let's strive for affection, not affliction!

Onward to the next set of nicknames:

31. Garlic Gremlin: Unless your partner has a particular fascination with garlic or is a fan of strange '80s horror movies, avoid this nickname.

32. Button Basher: This might work if you're dating a passionate gamer, but even then, it's dicey.

33. Nail Clipper Ninja: Hygiene is important, but let's not turn grooming habits into nicknames, shall we?

34. Puzzle Pirate: This sounds like a mobile game, not a term of endearment.

35. Pizza Predator: Unless your partner has an insatiable craving for pizza, this nickname might leave them with indigestion.

36. Lotion Leprechaun: Unless your partner is green, tiny, and Irish, this one might not go down well.

37. Toothpaste Troll: Dental care is important, but this is taking things a bit too far.

38. Spongebob's Squealer: Unless they live under the sea, it's probably best to leave this cartoon-related nickname in Bikini Bottom.

39. Gargoyle of Gargling: Too gothic, and not in a fun, Poe-inspired way.

40. Smelly Socks Sorcerer: Again, we're in the dangerous territory of strange odors. Best to keep these elements out of your lovey-dovey vocabulary.

It's like a train wreck – you don't want to look, but you can't look away. Fear not, brave reader, we're almost through this dastardly list.

By Jamison Cameron on Unsplash

Brace yourself for more oddities, but remember, these are the duds to avoid. Buckle up, folks!

41. Spam Sandwich: Yes, SPAM is technically food, but let's avoid comparing our loved ones to canned mystery meat, okay?

42. Jellybean Jester: Unless your partner is a professional clown with a passion for small, sugary candies, just…no.

43. Guilty Goblin: Let's keep the mythical creatures out of our nicknames, unless your partner lives under a bridge or has a pot of gold.

44. Noodle Noggin: Unless your partner's brain is actually made of pasta, it's probably best to skip this one.

45. Crumb Chaser: Does your partner have a habit of chasing crumbs? No? Then avoid this nickname.

46. Choco Chunk: You might love chocolate, but this nickname might lead to a break, not a Kit Kat bar.

47. Poptart Poacher: Breakfast foods are delicious, but let's not bring criminal activities into our pet names.

48. Wacky Wonton: Unless your partner is a deep-fried dumpling, let's not use this one.

49. Fortune Cookie Fiasco: This could either be a hilarious conversation starter or the nickname equivalent of an awkward date.

50. Wi-Fi Witch: Sure, they might know the Wi-Fi password, but this nickname could cause a disconnect.

Phew, that was a whirlwind! But hold on, we're not done yet. Let's go for another ten.

51. Quirky Quiche: Love is like a quiche, complex and layered… but that's about where the similarities should end.

52. Kooky Kazoo: You may enjoy their music, but let's keep musical instruments out of your romantic lexicon.

53. Marshmallow Monster: Soft and sweet? Maybe. But no one wants to be compared to a sugary beast.

54. Silly Sausage: This one might get a giggle, but it's better left unsaid.

55. Bizarre Bagel: Even if they're the 'everything' to your bagel, let's not go down this road.

56. Ice Cream Imp: Sweet and cold? Sure. But let's not bring mythical mischief-makers into this.

57. Bonkers Biscotti: They may be a little nutty, but this is pushing it too far.

58. Nutty Nougat: Unless you want to sugar-coat your relationship, I'd skip this one.

59. Loco Lollipop: They might be sweet on the outside, but this nickname could leave a sour taste.

60. Tickle Toffee: It sounds like a candy from a children's book, not a nickname for your love interest.

Well, folks, there you have it, sixty hilarious, perplexing, and downright odd nicknames that you should never call your significant other. As we bring this list to a close, remember that the best nicknames come from the heart, not the pantry, gaming console, or a mythical creature handbook.

When it comes to expressing your affection, keep it simple, keep it personal, and for goodness' sake, keep it human. After all, love isn't about finding the quirkiest pet name; it's about appreciating your partner for who they truly are. Whether they're your "honey," your "sweetheart," or just your "dear," let your pet name reflect the warmth and affection you truly feel.

Until next time, lovebirds, keep your terms of endearment as sweet as your love story, and steer clear of these baffling bloopers. And remember, love may be a battlefield, but it doesn't have to be a comedy of errors. Bon voyage, my fellow lovers, and may your romantic journeys always be filled with love, laughter, and perfectly charming nicknames!


About the Creator

Nathan Chen

I'm Nathan Chen, a queer Asian writer advocating for LGBTQ+ issues, Asian representation, millennial lifestyle, work life & mental health. Let's explore life's complexities together!

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