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Common Friendship Mistakes You May Unknowingly Be Making

Accidentally Burning Bridges? Here's a Fire Extinguisher!

By Nathan ChenPublished 11 months ago 4 min read
Common Friendship Mistakes You May Unknowingly Be Making
Photo by Duy Pham on Unsplash

Ah, friendship. You see, if friendships were a dish, I'd describe them as a complex recipe of savory companionship, sweet shared memories, and a dash of occasional bitter misunderstandings – all garnished with a sprinkle of wholesome laughter. Yum!

Yet, if you've ever stumbled through the meandering maze of maintaining relationships (Who am I kidding? Of course, you have. We're only human after all!), you might agree with me that even the most expert chefs can sometimes get their proportions wrong.

So, grab your chef's hat, and let's get cooking (read: understanding) the top 10 common friendship mistakes we're possibly making without even realizing it.

1. Putting on the 'Constant Comedy Show' Hat

Okay, picture this. You're the 'funny one' in your friend group. You're known for your comedic timing, and you know what? That's fantastic. But here's the thing. No one expects you to have a punchline ready every minute of the day. You don't have to be the reincarnation of Robin Williams to keep your friends entertained. Remember, it's okay to have moments of quiet or serious conversation. Your friends like you for who you are, not just for the belly laughs you provide.

By Austin Pacheco on Unsplash

2. The 'One-way Street' Syndrome

This is about the classic blunder of hogging the conversation. And I get it, you've had a tough day, or maybe something thrilling happened and you can't wait to spill the beans. But your friends are not captive audience members at your personal TED Talk. Relationships thrive on give-and-take. If your monologue is longer than the director's cut of 'The Lord of the Rings', you might want to hit the pause button and pass the conversation baton.

3. Forgetting the 'Friend' in 'Friendship'

And here we are. It's the common pitfall of confusing friendship with therapy. Sure, friends are there to support us, but turning every interaction into a venting session can strain the relationship. Friends are not licensed therapists. They are companions for good times and bad, not just a shoulder to cry on. So, the next time you're about to unload, perhaps ask them about their day first.

4. The 'I'm always right' Trap

Haven't we all met that one friend who thinks they are the living embodiment of Google? They always have the answers, and boy, don't they let you know it. Here's a newsflash: It's alright to not have all the answers. Sometimes, being a friend means listening and understanding, not correcting and advising. Unless they're about to pour orange juice into their cereal, in which case, intervene. Please.

5. Becoming the Phantom Friend

Just like the phantom of the opera, the phantom friend only shows up when it suits them, usually when they need something. Being MIA for weeks and then popping up with a "Hey, can you help me with this?" isn't friendship, it's a magic trick. Let's save the Houdini act for stage performances, okay?

By danilo.alvesd on Unsplash

6. Always playing the Comparison Game

Remember the time your friend got that amazing job and you felt a tiny pang of envy? It's okay, happens to the best of us. But if that envy starts feeding your conversations, you're in murky waters. Comparing your life to theirs, or worse, comparing them to others is a friendship sinkhole. Trust me, it's much more fulfilling to cheer for each other's victories.

7. Ignoring the 'little' Things

Over time, we tend to take our friends for granted. We may ignore their text because we're busy, cancel plans last minute, or forget to return borrowed items. While these may seem like small oversights, they add up. The truth is, little things matter. Like that little umbrella in a tropical cocktail. Without it, it's just not the same, right?

8. Taking Sides (and not the coleslaw)

It's inevitable that friends will have disagreements. But acting like a judge in the 'Friendship Court' isn't part of the deal. Taking sides, or worse, fueling the fire, can cause irreparable damage. Sometimes, being a good friend means being Switzerland: neutral, calm, and renowned for its chocolates. Who doesn't love chocolates?

9. Keeping Score

"Oh, I paid for coffee last time, so it's your turn now." Sounds familiar? Keeping score is to friendships what pineapple is to pizza – divisive. Relationships aren't a competition. It's about being there for each other, not calculating who owes whom what.

By Christiann Koepke on Unsplash

10. Not Apologizing (or overdoing it)

I've saved the big one for last. Not being able to apologize when you're wrong, or conversely, apologizing for every little thing, can erode friendships faster than a hungry termite on a wooden picnic table. An honest, timely apology goes a long way. On the flip side, an unnecessary apology can dilute its significance.

And there you have it, a ten-course feast of friendship faux pas we may be unknowingly cooking up. The key to avoiding these blunders lies in one magic ingredient: empathy. Understanding, respecting, and valifying each other's feelings can turn even the most complex recipes of friendship into a delectable success.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got some metaphorical dishes to wash and a very real phone call to make. After all, I've got friends to cherish, and maybe an apology or two to make.


About the Creator

Nathan Chen

I'm Nathan Chen, a queer Asian writer advocating for LGBTQ+ issues, Asian representation, millennial lifestyle, work life & mental health. Let's explore life's complexities together!

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