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5 move to Improve Your Interpersonal Skills

Enhancing Your Social Connections for Better Relationships

By wilsonPublished 11 months ago 5 min read
5 move to Improve Your Interpersonal Skills
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

In today's society, one important aspect of personal achievement is having good interpersonal skills.

Build a strong network of friends and minimize the number of enemies.

So how can you improve your interpersonal skills?

Don't be afraid of being disliked.

1. first point to improve your social connections is not being afraid of being disliked.

It's because many people carry a heavy burden of seeking approval, constantly adjusting their actions based on how others perceive them.

At the slightest change in someone's expression, they retreat immediately.

But if your anchor is tied to someone else's boat, you will be led by others.

If you place too much importance on others' opinions without considering what you truly want, you will exhaust yourself and fail to earn the respect and liking of others.

Being a little selfish will make you happier.

Even the most amazing people have their fair share of detractors and cannot be liked by everyone.

So, don't burden yourself too much because there will naturally be people who don't like you in this world.

As the saying goes:

"The primary challenge of success is to distinguish between our enemies and our friends."

The first step to improving your social connections is to determine who can become your friends and who can only be acquaintances. It's not about trying to befriend everyone.

In life, things are rarely black and white. Having close relationships as well as more distant ones is a normal part of life.

By Umar ben on Unsplash

2.Sweet talk is a valuable asset.

As the ancients said, "Words are like an axe."

Sweet talk is a valuable asset and often has unexpected effects.

Everyone likes to hear kind words, even if someone is emotionally strong, excessive praise can still warm their heart.

A journalist went to interview an entrepreneur.

Although the request was granted, the entrepreneur agreed to give only 15 minutes and insisted on no staged shots, no makeup, and questions that had been agreed upon in advance.

The entrepreneur's mood wasn't great that day, and the journalist began by saying, "I know XXX, and I heard that you are quite close."

The entrepreneur showed no mercy:

"If that's the case, then everyone in the world is a friend."

The journalist wasn't offended at all and said that he had been a fan of the entrepreneur since childhood, praising his outstanding performance in the industry and regarding him as the most admirable success story in the field.

The journalist praised the entrepreneur for more than 20 minutes, exceeding the agreed-upon time, which made the entrepreneur delighted. The interview lasted for an hour, and they even took pictures and did makeup, discussing taboo topics freely.

Being able to compliment others is a valuable asset and often has unexpected effects.

However, many people are reluctant to praise others, and the highest praise they give is "not bad." They think that praising others will diminish their own self-esteem.

In reality, this is not the case. When you compliment someone, they won't look down on you; instead, their liking and respect for you will increase significantly.

3.Learn to treat everyone with respect:

Be polite and respectful to everyone.

I know some people believe that having good interpersonal skills means getting along well with useful people while ignoring those deemed useless.

To put it more pragmatically, fortresses are often breached from unexpected directions. Even these seemingly unimportant individuals can have a significant destructive impact, which you may not be aware of.

I know a teacher who specializes in advertising production and has this approach to relationships.

I witnessed it firsthand at a meeting where a mutual party greeted him friendly, but he walked past without acknowledging them.

However, he would put on a smiling face and approach more important individuals.

However, he didn't realize that this neglected party was friends with some of his clients and would backstab him at critical moments, causing him to lose several projects.

After all, you never know what impact this person may have on your social circle.

You often see many successful people who are particularly humble and courteous because being a well-respected "good person" without consciously or unconsciously making enemies is the most cost-effective way to live.

By Tiago Felipe Ferreira on Unsplash

4.Be as genuine as possible.

Sincerity is the cornerstone of all high-quality relationships.

No one is a fool, and your insincerity, deceit, or contempt will be noticed and become toxic in your interpersonal relationships.

Recently, a friend asked me several times to introduce her to a boyfriend. I happened to meet a decent guy and told her about him.

However, she replied two days later with the first sentence, "I didn't expect you to actually ask for me."

I was speechless but still sent her the guy's information and photos. I suggested they exchange contact details and get to know each other.

In response, she sent me a goofy selfie with a tilted eye and crooked mouth.

I had a hard time resisting the urge to scold her and ended up not replying. After all, unless something unexpected happens, we will never have any further interaction.

If you don't want to pursue a relationship, simply say so. If you're not interested in someone, politely decline. If you have found someone new, be honest about it. Even if you can't find a reason, you can say that the other person is not your type...

Some people in social relationships casually say things, deliberately deceive, underestimate others, act smart, or display indifference.

Not everyone is as clever as you, but nobody is a fool either. People can see through all your hidden intentions.

Instead of trying to be clever, it's better to be sincere. You will have fewer troubles this way.

5.Stay away from all gossip.

By Ben White on Unsplash

I know many people love gossip, and some even become creators and spreaders of rumors.

But as the saying goes, "If you walk by the river, you will eventually get your shoes wet." Those who love to gossip will inevitably get involved in these bizarre incidents.

Having good social connections means that others have a positive impression of you.

If you are associated with gossip, both as the subject or listener, people will subconsciously think of you, which unintentionally tarnishes their impression of you.

When I first started working, our boss told us not only to refrain from spreading gossip but also not to listen to it. It not only wastes time but also invites unnecessary trouble.

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