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3 Tips to Stop Settling

Proven Strategies to Overcome Settling in Relationships"

By Timeless Siren SecretsPublished about a year ago 4 min read

"How do I know there isn't someone else for me out there?" Brenda asked.

"What if I end up with the wrong person because I didn't wait for someone better?"

James heard a lot of ladies ask different versions of Brenda's question.

(He had also heard men ask this question.)

How do we know this individual is the best we can get?

How can we tell whether we're settling?

There are always more options available.

Because of internet dating, this question has become much more relevant.

Dating applications provide a plethora of possible partners.

If one individual does not workout, there is always another.

The "paradox of choice" states that having too many choices is stressful.

Choosing the best option from a list of ten is much easier than selecting the best option from a list of 100.

It's simpler to be happy with your pick when you know you've considered all of your available options.

It's physically impossible to investigate all of the alternatives when it comes to internet dating. You can't possibly meet everyone. Even if you've exhausted your options on one dating app, there are many others.

Given that it's difficult to tell whether any single man is the "best" mate available to you, how confident are you in your decision?

Tip #1: Be a Chooser (rather than a Picker)

Assume, for the purpose of argument, that there are 100 men on the dating app you're using.

How do you know which one to pursue?

You might score each man based on his appearance, compatibility, sense of humor, writing style, and so on, and then text the top 5.

Even so, you can be making the wrong choice.

Because none of them may be suitable for you.

Sometimes, when we are asked to select one of several options, we may find that none of them meet our needs.

Do we choose anyway?

Or do we get clear on what we want and aim for the option that may not be available yet?

You could choose a partner who enjoys the outdoors and does not spend much time on social media. If that's the case, he might not even be using an app. You're more likely to run across him outside.

Don't restrict yourself to choosing from the options available.

Get clarity on the sort of partner you dream of and put in place the right conditions to find him.

Tip #2: Get What You Need Instead of the Best

The temptation for a partner who meets the stereotypical ideal is always present.

Why not wait for a guy who is breathtakingly handsome, an old-school guy, and obscenely rich?

There's a simple answer to it.

Because that type of guy is unlikely to make you happy.

What makes everyone of us happy is a unique combination of characteristics. Someone may choose a man who enjoys cats and cuddling on the couch, but another may prefer a partner who is always up for an adventure with his dog at his side.

So don't aim for the "best."

Instead, be honest with yourself about what you need.

You need a man who will treat you nicely. Who turns you on. Who is similar to you in the most important ways.

Give that guy a chance when you find him. He will not be perfect. If you wait, there will probably be someone else better.

However, love can blossom if you are prepared to nurture it.

Tip #3: Choose what makes you happy rather than what is easiest

Have you ever dated a guy only because he seemed to be interested in you?

Many women automatically date the guy who is most interested in them. It's simply more convenient.

They like the sensation of being chosen and pursued.

They don't consider if they'd want to be with this man if his interest wasn't a factor.

It's simple to swipe on a dating app.

It's simple to say yes to a guy who appears to be interested.

After a few months of dating, it's easy to get into a relationship.

But eventually, you should question yourself:

Are you making decisions because they are simple...

Or because they genuinely make you happy?

The easy person might not be the guy who truly makes you happy.

You might have to put in some effort to get your dream guy's attention. You might have to push yourself out of your comfort zone. You may have to accept rejection.

Choosing the easy man shields you from all of that.

But you miss out on what may be your true love.

You'll never know for certain that the man you're with is the best choice you could have made.

But someone does not have to be "the best" for us to love them.

Sometimes, all that counts is that they're ours.

Learning the skills to attract men can skyrocket your chances of landing your dream guy. If you're ready to take on the power of attracting men through the right 'triggers' then check out this FREE Presentation next.


About the Creator

Timeless Siren Secrets

The Ultimate Guide to Becoming Irresistible to Men and Cultivating Confidence in Relationships

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