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Which are the foods only billionaires can buy? that take 20 decades for you


By sathish RajarathinamPublished about a year ago 9 min read
Which are the foods only billionaires can buy? that take 20 decades for you
Photo by Artur Rutkowski on Unsplash

Which are the foods only billionaires can buy? that take 20 decades for you

There are no foods that are exclusively available only to billionaires. However, there are some rare and exotic foods that can be extremely expensive and may only be accessible to those with a significant amount of wealth. Here are some examples:

  • Saffron - Rs 300000
  • White Truffles- $330,000
  • Wagyu Beef - $500
  • Kopi Luwak coffee - USD 1300
  • Beluga caviar - $25000

White truffles: 

White truffles, also known as Alba truffles, are a rare and highly sought-after type of mushroom that grows underground in the Piedmont region of Italy. They are considered to be one of the most luxurious and expensive foods in the world, and their unique flavor and aroma make them a favorite of chefs and food enthusiasts alike.

Appearance and Characteristics:

White truffles have a rough, irregularly shaped exterior that is usually pale brown or gray in color. They can grow up to several inches in diameter and are typically harvested between October and December. Unlike other types of truffles, white truffles cannot be cultivated and are only found in the wild. They grow underground, often near the roots of oak, hazel, and poplar trees.

Flavor and Aroma:

The flavor of white truffles is difficult to describe and can vary depending on the soil and environmental conditions in which they were grown. Generally, they have a pungent, earthy taste with a slightly nutty undertone. They also have a strong, distinctive aroma that is often described as musky or garlicky. Because of their intense flavor and aroma, white truffles are typically used in small amounts to enhance the taste of other dishes.

Culinary Uses:

White truffles are a staple ingredient in Italian cuisine, particularly in the Piedmont region where they are found. They are often shaved or grated over pasta dishes such as tagliatelle or risotto, or served raw with eggs or meat. They are also used to flavor sauces and spreads, such as truffle butter or truffle oil.

The high cost of white truffles means that they are typically only used in high-end restaurants and by wealthy food enthusiasts. In recent years, there has been a growing demand for white truffles in Asia, particularly in countries like China and Japan where they are considered a delicacy.

Harvesting and Conservation:

Harvesting white truffles is a labor-intensive process that involves using specially trained dogs or pigs to sniff out the truffles underground. Once the truffles have been located, they are carefully dug up by hand to avoid damaging them. Because of the difficulty of harvesting and the limited growing conditions, white truffles are a rare and expensive commodity.

In recent years, concerns have been raised about the impact of over-harvesting on the white truffle population. As a result, there have been efforts to promote sustainable harvesting practices and to conserve the natural habitat of the truffles.

In conclusion, white truffles are a rare and highly prized ingredient in the culinary world, with a unique flavor and aroma that makes them a favorite of chefs and food enthusiasts alike. While they are expensive and difficult to harvest, their popularity shows no sign of waning, and they are likely to remain a symbol of luxury and indulgence in the world of fine dining.

Wagyu beef: 

Wagyu beef is a premium Japanese beef that is highly regarded for its tender, juicy, and flavorful meat. It is considered to be one of the most luxurious and expensive types of beef in the world, and its unique taste and texture have made it a favorite of chefs and food enthusiasts around the globe.

Appearance and Characteristics:

Wagyu beef comes from a specific breed of cattle that is native to Japan. The meat is characterized by its high level of marbling, which refers to the white veins of fat that run through the meat. This marbling is what gives Wagyu beef its distinctive flavor and tender texture. The meat is typically reddish-pink in color and has a smooth, silky texture.

Flavor and Aroma:

The flavor of Wagyu beef is often described as rich, buttery, and melt-in-your-mouth tender. The high level of marbling in the meat gives it a unique flavor that is often compared to a mix of meat and butter. The aroma of Wagyu beef is also distinct, with a slightly sweet and nutty scent.

Culinary Uses:

Wagyu beef is commonly used in high-end restaurants and is prized by chefs for its unique taste and texture. It is often served in dishes such as steaks, burgers, and sushi rolls. Because of its high fat content, Wagyu beef is best cooked at a lower temperature than other types of beef, which helps to preserve its tenderness and flavor.

In Japan, Wagyu beef is often served as Kobe beef, which is a specific type of Wagyu beef that comes from the Kobe region. Kobe beef is known for its high quality and is considered to be the best type of Wagyu beef.

Harvesting and Conservation:

The process of raising and harvesting Wagyu cattle is highly regulated in Japan. The cattle are fed a specific diet that includes high-quality grains and are given plenty of space to move around. They are also massaged daily to help distribute the fat evenly throughout their bodies, which helps to enhance the marbling in the meat.

Because of the high demand for Wagyu beef, there have been concerns about the impact of over-farming on the environment and the well-being of the animals. As a result, there have been efforts to promote sustainable farming practices and to ensure that the cattle are raised and harvested in a humane and ethical way.

In conclusion, Wagyu beef is a luxurious and highly prized type of beef that is beloved by food enthusiasts around the world. Its unique flavor and texture make it a favorite of chefs in high-end restaurants, and its popularity shows no signs of waning. Whether you're a fan of steak, burgers, or sushi, Wagyu beef is sure to leave a lasting impression on your taste buds.

Kopi Luwak coffee: 

Kopi Luwak coffee, also known as civet coffee, is one of the most expensive and highly sought-after coffees in the world. It is made from coffee beans that have been eaten and then excreted by the Asian palm civet, a small mammal native to Southeast Asia.

The Process of Producing Kopi Luwak Coffee:

The coffee cherries are eaten by the civet, and the beans are then excreted along with the animal's feces. The feces are collected, and the beans are removed and washed thoroughly. After washing, the beans are roasted to create Kopi Luwak coffee.

The unique flavor and aroma of Kopi Luwak coffee come from the digestive process of the civet. As the beans pass through the animal's digestive system, they undergo a fermentation process that alters their flavor profile. The result is a coffee that is characterized by a unique and complex flavor profile that cannot be replicated by any other type of coffee.

Flavor and Aroma:

Kopi Luwak coffee is known for its rich, smooth, and slightly sweet taste. It has a low acidity and a mild, earthy flavor with notes of chocolate, caramel, and a hint of fruity undertones. The aroma of Kopi Luwak coffee is also distinct, with a sweet, nutty, and slightly musty scent.

Culinary Uses:

Kopi Luwak coffee is typically enjoyed as a specialty coffee and is often served in high-end coffee shops and restaurants. It is also popular among coffee connoisseurs and collectors who are willing to pay a premium price for this rare and unique coffee.

Because of its delicate and complex flavor profile, Kopi Luwak coffee is best enjoyed black, without any added sugar or cream. It is typically brewed using a French press or a pour-over method to preserve the coffee's delicate flavors and aromas.

Sustainability and Ethics:

There have been concerns about the sustainability and ethics of Kopi Luwak coffee production, as many civet cats are kept in captivity and forced to eat coffee cherries to produce larger quantities of the prized coffee beans.

As a result, there have been efforts to promote sustainable and ethical Kopi Luwak coffee production methods that prioritize the welfare of the civet cats and the environment. Some producers have started to use a wild-gathering method, where civet cats are allowed to roam free and naturally eat coffee cherries in the wild.

Beluga caviar:

 Beluga caviar is one of the most prized and luxurious foods in the world. It is made from the roe, or eggs, of the beluga sturgeon, a large and rare fish that is found in the Caspian Sea and Black Sea.

History and Origin:

Beluga caviar has a long and storied history, dating back to the time of the ancient Greeks and Romans, who considered it a delicacy. In the early 20th century, beluga sturgeon populations began to decline due to overfishing and habitat destruction, leading to a ban on commercial harvesting of the fish.

Today, beluga sturgeon populations are protected, and the trade in beluga caviar is heavily regulated to ensure its sustainability and protect the species from further decline.

Flavor and Appearance:

Beluga caviar is known for its delicate and buttery flavor, with a smooth and creamy texture. The eggs are large, ranging in size from 2.5 to 3.5 millimeters in diameter, and are typically a light gray color.

The eggs are carefully harvested from mature female beluga sturgeon, who can produce up to 2,000 eggs per year. Once harvested, the eggs are carefully processed and salted to enhance their flavor and preserve their freshness.

Culinary Uses:

Beluga caviar is typically served as a luxury appetizer or garnish, often accompanied by toast points, blinis, or crackers. It is also used as a topping for sushi and other high-end dishes.


Saffron, also known as "red gold," is a spice that has been prized for its distinct flavor, aroma, and color for thousands of years. This spice is derived from the crocus flower, which produces a small, thread-like, red-orange stigma that is harvested and dried to make saffron.

Saffron is commonly used in a wide range of dishes, from soups and stews to rice dishes and desserts, and is a staple ingredient in many Middle Eastern, Mediterranean, and Indian cuisines. Its unique flavor and aroma add depth and complexity to any dish, making it a favorite among chefs and home cooks alike.

One of the most important properties of saffron is its vibrant color. Just a small amount of saffron can turn a dish from a pale yellow to a deep golden hue, making it a popular choice for adding color to dishes like paella and biryani. This color comes from a pigment called crocin, which is found in the saffron threads.

In addition to its culinary uses, saffron has a long history of use in traditional medicine. It has been used to treat a variety of ailments, including digestive issues, menstrual cramps, depression, and even cancer. Modern research has also shown that saffron may have some health benefits, including reducing inflammation, improving mood, and enhancing brain function.

Saffron is one of the most expensive spices in the world, with prices ranging from several hundred to several thousand dollars per pound. This is due in part to the fact that saffron is a labor-intensive crop to grow and harvest, as each crocus flower produces only three stigmas, which must be harvested by hand.

Despite its high price, saffron remains a popular and beloved spice, prized for its unique flavor, aroma, and color. Whether used in savory or sweet dishes, saffron adds a touch of luxury and sophistication to any meal.

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About the Creator

sathish Rajarathinam

*Book review




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