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Dosa with Recipe

A thin, Indian crepe with more nutritive value than a crepe!

By bharath rajPublished about a year ago 4 min read
Making of Dosas in griddle with menu board displays variety of toppings for Dosas.

Dosa is a type of thin, crepe-like bread that is popular in South Indian cuisine. It is made from a mixture of fermented rice and lentil flour, and it is typically served with a variety of accompaniments, such as chutneys, sambar, and vegetables. Dosa can be cooked in a variety of ways, including on a griddle or in a tava (a flat, circular pan). There are many different variations of dosa, including masala dosa (stuffed with a spiced potato filling), uttapam (topped with vegetables and cooked until it is thick and pancake-like), and rava dosa (made with semolina flour).


Dosa is a traditional food of South India and has a long history dating back thousands of years. It is believed to have originated in the state of Tamil Nadu, where it has been a staple food for centuries. Dosa is made from a mixture of fermented rice and lentil flour, and it is believed to have originated as a way to preserve leftover rice and prevent it from going to waste. In ancient times, dosa was typically served as a breakfast food, but it is now enjoyed as a snack or meal at any time of day. The popularity of dosa has spread beyond the borders of South India and it is now enjoyed all over the world as a tasty and nutritious food.

Nutritive value

Dosa can be a nutritious food due to its main ingredients, rice and lentils. Rice is a good source of carbohydrates, which provide energy for the body, and it is also a source of some B vitamins and minerals. Lentils are high in protein and dietary fiber and are a good source of several important nutrients, including folate, iron, and phosphorus.

It is worth noting that the nutritive value of dosa can be affected by the way it is prepared. For example, adding unhealthy toppings or cooking the dosa in large amounts of oil can increase its calorie and fat content. Additionally, the fermentation process used to make dosa can increase the availability of certain nutrients, such as B vitamins.

Here is my simple recipe for making Dosa batter at home:


  • 1 cup rice (any short grain rice, but Idly rice in Indian supermarket is preferred)
  • 1/2 cup split black lentils (urad dal)
  • 1/4 tsp fenugreek seeds (optional for providing more good bacteria which helps in fermentation)
  • Water for soaking
  • Cold water for grinding


Rinse the rice and lentils well and soak them in separate bowls of water for at least 4 hours or overnight.

Drain the lentils and add cold water 3tbsp them to a blender or food processor till fine paste.

Drain the Rice and add to a blender or food processor along with the fenugreek seeds (if using) add 4tbsp cold water and make a fine paste.

You may need to stop and scrape down the sides of the blender or food processor a few times. The consistency of the batter should be thin and smooth.

Transfer the batter to a large mixing bowl and cover it with a clean, damp cloth. Allow the batter to ferment in a warm place for at least 8 hours or overnight.

Once the batter has fermented, it should be foamy and have a sour taste to it. it is ready to be used to make dosa.

Heat a griddle or skillet over medium-high heat and lightly coat it with oil. Pour a ladleful of batter onto the griddle and use a spatula to spread it out into a thin, circular shape. Cook the dosa until it is crispy and golden brown on both sides, about 1-2 minutes per side. Serve the dosa hot with accompaniments such as chutney, sambar, and various types of filling or topping.

Here is my simple recipe for making tomato chutney at home in less than 10minute:


  • 2 cups chopped tomatoes
  • 1 small onion, chopped
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1-inch piece ginger, grated
  • 1 green chili pepper, chopped
  • 1 tsp mustard seeds
  • 1 tsp urad dal (optional)
  • Salt to taste
  • 2 tbsp oil
  • 2 tbsp chopped cilantro leaves (optional)


Heat the oil in a pan over medium heat. Add the mustard seeds and urad dal (if using cook until they start to pop, about 1-2 minutes.

Add the onion, garlic, ginger, and green chili pepper and cook until the onion is soft and translucent, about 5 minutes.

Add the tomatoes. Reduce the heat to low and cook the tomato mixture until it is soft and has broken down, about 10-15 minutes.

Remove the pan from the heat and use a blender or food processor to blend the tomato mixture into a smooth sauce. You can also use a potato masher or a fork to mash the mixture by hand if you prefer a chunkier chutney.

Stir in the cilantro leaves (if using) and transfer the chutney to a serving dish. Serve the chutney hot or cold, as desired.

Dip a piece of dosa with chutney and fell the heaven

The chutney can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 1 week.


About the Creator

bharath raj

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