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A Divorced Woman Offers Incredible Dating Advice

There is a lot to be gained from listening to those who have faced significant tragedy in their lives and relationships

By The Secret of 60'sPublished about a year ago 3 min read

What greater dating advise can there be than that given by people who have tried and failed in the past? The fact is that people who are in extremely successful relationships may teach you a lot. But it doesn't mean you can't learn from others who have had bad relationships. In truth, there is a lot to be gained from listening to those who have faced significant tragedy in their lives and relationships.

While it might be naive to believe that there are certain rules to love and relationships, there are always a few fundamental concepts to keep in mind as you navigate your way through love with another person. And if you want to get practical counsel from someone who has been there, read the full essay. You have nothing to lose, and everything to gain by reading this essay. And those are genuine remarks from the thinking of an experienced lady.

Of course, it's critical that you take everything stated here with a dose of caution.

Make physical closeness a priority.

Intimacy in a relationship has several facets. And you'll have to make your way through all of them. Physical closeness is one of the most fundamental and necessary layers. You'll always have to work hard to stay physically intimate with each other.

Don't be scared to seek assistance from others.

You don't always have to search within yourself for solutions. Sometimes the problems you're having in your relationship aren't going to be problems you can solve on your own. And there will be moments when you must humble yourself and seek assistance from others.

Always attempt to highlight the greatest aspects of his personality.

Maintain an optimistic attitude. Yes, if you look hard enough, there will always be something about him that makes you sad. That is normal. You will not find a perfect mate in life. But if you can learn to adjust your viewpoint and focus on the positives, everyone will benefit.

If he ever asks for it, give him some.

Recognize that he may not always want to spend all of his time with you. Respect the idea that he may not always want to be near you. He'll ask for distance from time to time, and you should let him live his own life without becoming resentful about it.

Never attempt to alter his core nature.

Recognize his shortcomings. You do not have to fall in love with his defects. But you must learn to love him despite these obstacles. You must be willing to accept that your lover will be less than flawless. There will be aspects of him that you will dislike. You also need to be more patient.

Always shower him with compliments.

Never keep back your admiration for him. Sometimes in a relationship, you might become complacent and withhold your appreciation for your spouse, believing that it is already a given. Don't make that error. Make your man happy anytime you get the chance.

Laugh as much as you possibly can.

A partnership that lacks laughter is a sad one. Sharing a sense of humour is also a great approach to strengthen your relationship as a pair. You are creating organic and natural good feelings for yourself. And the happier you are as a relationship, the more likely it is that you will both be able to make things work.

Accept responsibility for your flaws and faults.

You're never going to be flawless. You will not always be your best self. You will fall and make a few blunders throughout the relationship. And that's OK. Just remember to be modest, admit your flaws, and find a way to improve.

Allow yourself to be exposed.

You won't be able to grow closer to your boyfriend until you allow yourself to be vulnerable with him. You must be willing to be vulnerable. You must be willing to risk being wounded since that is the nature of relationships.

Be as patient and understanding as you possibly can.

He will not always be his ideal self. He will not always be lovable and admirable in your sight. And you'll just have to find a method to change your perspective. Be patient with him, even when he's tough to adore. And remember that he, too, is only human.

ChildhoodTeenage yearsSecretsSchoolHumanityFriendshipFamilyEmbarrassmentDatingBad habits

About the Creator

The Secret of 60's

I am an ordinary writer who write about emotional writing as well as sharing though related to relationship matter and advice the younger generation to have a better understanding when handling emotion toward relationship.

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