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You Are Stronger Then You Think

Ways Of Coping With PTSD

By M.L. LewisPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
You are not alone with this battle.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, or PTSD, is a mental health condition that develops following a traumatic event. Symptoms are; having intrusive thoughts about the incident, night terrors, and avoidance of similar situations. Every year eight million adults are diagnosed with some form of PTSD. 3.8% of people in Natural disasters will develop it, with a 14% increase if you lose a loved one during it. This risk goes up another 7% if you witnessed it. If it is an act of terrorism, like a mass shooting, you’ll have a 15% chance of developing it. Even if you don’t feel like it, PTSD is not a death sentence, that you’ll have to live with forever. June is PTSD Awareness Month, so here is some advice to help you handle it better.


Meditation is a very relaxing method of treatment.

A symptom of PTSD is a heightened sense of anxiety. Mindful Meditation allows you to slow down and observe the world without judgment. It also allows those suffering from anxiety to relax. The basic premise is to detach yourself from anxious thoughts by practicing awareness and how to deal with difficult emotions. To begin, sit in a silent room in a chair with your feet flat on the ground. Close your eyes and focus on your breathing for ten minutes.

Talk To Someone

Talking to someone doesn't make you weak.

This is the most effective way to overcome your PTSD. The most important step you could take in your recovery would be to educate yourself about this condition. Take an active role in your treatment by finding a therapist you are comfortable with. They will help you set goals to work towards a healthier life. A licensed professional has the proper skills and tools you’ll need to set a road map towards recovery. When ready, consider joining a support group in your area. This helps you form a community of people to help you through the difficulties of PTSD. If you can’t find a therapist, confide in a trusted friend or family member.

Getting A Pet

You are your pet's universe.

Pet ownership has a plethora of health benefits. They have an immense impact on our mental health by sensing emotional changes in us. They provide a level of support to us that no human could match. Playing with or petting an animal can increase levels of oxytocin, a stress-reducing hormone. They provide you with a sense of security at night when you are feeling most anxious. Pets don’t care if you don’t look your best or ugly-crying in a jar of peanut butter. They’ll love you no matter what.

Art Therapy

The Walter Reed National Military Medical Center treats PTSD by having soldiers make masks to express their feelings and thoughts

Art therapy is a recent treatment method that is slowly gaining traction among therapists who treat PTSD sufferers. This type of therapy encourages you to express your feelings, thoughts, and distressing memories through various art formats, like painting, journaling, and sculptures. More often than not, people who experience a traumatic event often struggle to express themselves verbally. Some write their thoughts in a journal to relieve pent-up feelings. While others paint or sculpt their feelings.

Establish Normalcy

This is the ultimate goal for PTSD sufferers. You might never be at 100% again, but every little bit helps. By returning to your normal schedule or interests shows you are winning in life. By doing this, you aren’t letting the negativity to win over you. Do this little by little because if you rush through the steps, you’ll only be hurting yourself. Therefore, it is important to set manageable goals with your therapist. By setting yourself up for success, the greater your mental health will become when you accomplish it.

If you are suffering from PTSD, you can reach the National Mental Health Hotline at 866-903-3787, or online at

For veteran sufferers, help can be found at 1-800-273-8255, press 1, or send a text to 838255.


About the Creator

M.L. Lewis

Welcome to my little slice of pie. This blog will primarily focus on prepping and homesteading skills with a sprinkle of fiction every now and then.

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