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Why Loneliness Feeling is Good in World of Boisterousness

Loneliness is a cure of human 'mind'

By KalahingsaPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Why Loneliness Feeling is Good in World of Boisterousness
Photo by Austin Mabe on Unsplash

What is loneliness?

Loneliness is a concept that has been explored in philosophical thought for centuries. Philosophers have approached loneliness from various angles, but some common themes and perspectives have emerged.

One way of thinking about loneliness is in terms of the human condition. In this view, loneliness is seen as an inherent aspect of the human experience. The philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre, for example, argued that human beings are fundamentally alone in the world, and that this existential condition is a source of anxiety and dread. Other philosophers, such as Martin Heidegger, have explored the theme of loneliness in relation to the search for meaning and purpose in life.

Another way of thinking about loneliness is in terms of social relationships. Loneliness is often seen as the result of a lack of connection with others, whether due to physical distance, social isolation, or emotional barriers. Philosophers such as Aristotle have emphasized the importance of social connections and friendship in leading a fulfilling life. Others, such as Friedrich Nietzsche, have explored the tension between individualism and social connection, arguing that a balance must be struck between the two.

In contemporary philosophy, loneliness is often discussed in relation to mental health and well-being. Philosophers have explored the causes and consequences of loneliness, as well as the ethical implications of social isolation and disconnection.

Overall, loneliness is a complex concept that has been explored from various perspectives in philosophical thought. It is often seen as a fundamental aspect of the human experience, but also as a source of anxiety, despair, and ethical concern.

Pursue your loneliness

"The Pursuit of Loneliness" is a book by sociologist Philip Slater, first published in 1970. The book is a critique of American society and culture, arguing that the pursuit of individualism and material success has led to a sense of isolation and loneliness for many people.

Slater argues that American society promotes the idea that individuals must pursue their own self-interest and achieve success and status at all costs. This has created a culture in which people are focused on their own personal goals and desires, rather than on their relationships and connections with others.

As a result, many people in American society feel a sense of alienation and disconnection, which can lead to feelings of loneliness and despair. Slater argues that this pursuit of loneliness is a fundamental problem in American culture, and that we need to re-examine our values and priorities in order to create a more fulfilling and connected society.

"The Pursuit of Loneliness" is a thought-provoking book that continues to be relevant today, as many people around the world struggle with feelings of isolation and disconnection in an increasingly individualistic and materialistic society.

Loneliness is key for happiness

Loneliness is generally not considered to be key to happiness. In fact, loneliness is often seen as a negative experience that can be detrimental to well-being and happiness.

Human beings are social creatures, and we typically thrive on social connection and meaningful relationships with others. Studies have shown that social support and positive social relationships are associated with greater happiness, better physical health, and a longer life. On the other hand, social isolation and loneliness are associated with negative health outcomes, such as increased risk of depression, anxiety, and other mental health problems.

However, it's important to note that there are different types of loneliness. Some researchers have distinguished between social loneliness (the absence of a network of friends and acquaintances) and emotional loneliness (the absence of a close, intimate relationship). While both types of loneliness can have negative consequences, emotional loneliness may be more strongly associated with lower levels of happiness and well-being.

It's also worth noting that some people may prefer solitude and enjoy spending time alone. While this is not the same as loneliness, it may be an important aspect of personal happiness for some individuals.

In summary, while there may be some individual differences in how people experience and respond to loneliness, in general, social connection and meaningful relationships are important for human well-being and happiness.


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