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Understanding Ego

A lesson needed to be learn for personal growth and development

By AyumiPublished about a year ago Updated 11 months ago 3 min read
Understanding Ego
Photo by Jayson Hinrichsen on Unsplash

Ego is in the essential part of living on this world of materials. It often gets a bad rap, but without it, we cannot function in this world. Making Ego a bad guy can be detrimental to your mental health, your psyche, hence to your wholeness as a human being. Just as the knife can be useful and helpful as we cut potatoes into small pieces to cook faster, it can also be dangerous in the hands of a little one who has no idea how to use.

They could also be worse at the head of individuals from having insane thoughts, or unsavory intention to use them to hurt themselves or others. It is not the knife that is making troubles. In the same way, ego isn’t the problem. It is we who decide (determine), how we see it and create our own reality.

Yes, it’s easy to blame ego for our unhappy circumstances. However, when we do that, our growth stops right there. Ego is a vital part of us which needs to be understood. Not purge.

Ego needs to be understood in terms of our own perspective not other’s. We can google and find the definition of it, but until we find our own ego within us and recognize it, accept it as it is, our existence for success and happiness in our life would continue to be sabotaged or be self inflicted without our consent.

We all have ego and ego isn’t the bad guy. Instead of trying to get rid of it, which is not possible anyway, we need to understand and use it to our benefits.

We cannot simply give everything to others. We first must take care our need and feel our cups to be filled up so that we can give others. Finding the balance is our lesson, and there is no common measurement or standard.

So don’t compare yours to others ; your balance is only yours, your cup may be bigger than others, and needs to take more before you share. That’s perfectly OK. Trust your inner guidance. Accept that ego is an important part of you, just as your heart or other organs in your body. It’s working for your benefits. Remember that you do not have to think about other’s ego to understand, or make things better for you no matter what the situation you are in.

Blaming other’s action or behavior can temporarily make you feel better, but it is never the permanent solution.

Be aware that EGO is working against you when you’re blaming others to feel temporary relief from your emotions such as anger and frustration. It is natural for us to want to get away from uncomfortable and intense emotions such as these. Your ego is trying to protect you by blaming others. Perhaps, sometimes that’s what you needed for the moment, but be gentle to yourself when you caught yourself doing so.

Remember that is not wrong or bad, but it just keeps you in the loop and makes you live like a rat on the spinning wheel. The similar experiences would likely be popping up until you realize that you could be free from these unpleasant, seemingly uncontrollable situations under which you seem to be.

By Jamie Street on Unsplash

If you understand what your Ego is for, and become friends with, you can start easily stepping away from the negative feelings and reactions when confronted with whatever the trouble by seeing things in a different perspective to navigate rocky times and situations.

Don’t know where to start going within?

Start understanding EGO. Your EGO. Stop judging what is good or bad. instead, see EGO as your best tool to navigate in this world of objects and materials. You cannot live in this worlds without EGO. A healthy amount of selfishness is required for all of us. Your need and want are important and your Ego knows it.

So, start getting to know your EGO and embrace the relationship. If you are interested in your personal growth or harmonious relationships, understanding EGO is imperative.

Just make sure to focus on your own EGO. Not other’s. After all, other people’s ego is none of your business. In my opinion, that’s a relief and a blessing itself.

humanityselfcarehow toadvice

About the Creator


Everything I do, I do for LOVE. Writing is a way I express my love to the world. Thank you for reading my stories.

YouTube: ayumi@3489

Instagram ayumi_hg

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