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"Remembering Sathya: A Story of a Lasting Friendship"

"I Miss You My Friend"

By PreethiPublished about a year ago 3 min read

It had been 15 years since I last saw my dear friend Sathya. I still remember the day she passed away like it was yesterday. We were both young and full of life, enjoying our last year of college together. We had been inseparable since we met in our freshman year, sharing a bond that went beyond just friendship.

I was heartbroken when I heard the news of her sudden death in a car accident. It felt like a part of me had died with her. I struggled to come to terms with the fact that I would never see her bright smile or hear her contagious laughter again.

As the years passed, the pain of her loss began to fade, but the memories of our time together remained as vivid as ever. I often found myself thinking about all the adventures we had, from late-night study sessions to spontaneous road trips.

Sathya had always been the adventurous one, always wanting to try new things and experience all that life had to offer. She was the one who convinced me to go skydiving with her, even though I was terrified of heights. She held my hand as we jumped out of that plane, and I'll never forget the feeling of freedom and exhilaration as we soared through the sky.

But it wasn't just the big adventures that I missed. It was the little moments too, like the way she always knew just what to say to make me feel better when I was feeling down, or the way she could make me laugh until I had tears in my eyes.

I often found myself wondering what Sathya would be doing now if she were still alive. I like to think that she would have followed her dreams and become a successful artist or musician, just like she always talked about.

But no matter what path she may have taken, I know that she would have touched the lives of countless people with her kind and generous spirit. She had a way of making everyone feel special and loved, and she left a lasting impression on all who knew her.

I still miss Sathya every day, but I am grateful for the time we had together and for the memories that will always stay with me. I know that she is always with me, watching over me and guiding me through life.

And even though she may no longer be with us in the physical sense, her spirit lives on in the hearts of all who knew and loved her. She will always be my dear friend, and I will always miss her.

As the years went by, I tried to move on with my life and make the most of every day. I graduated college, started a career, and even got married. But no matter where my life took me, Sathya was always with me in some way.

I often found myself thinking about her and the things we used to do together. I would visit her grave on the anniversary of her death, bringing flowers and telling her about all the things that had happened in my life since I last saw her.

I knew that she would have been proud of all that I had accomplished, and I always felt her presence with me, cheering me on and supporting me through all of my ups and downs.

As I grew older, I began to appreciate even more the time I had spent with Sathya. I realized that not everyone is lucky enough to have a friend like her, someone who truly understands and cares for them.

I made a conscious effort to be more like her, to be kind and compassionate to those around me, and to always try to bring a little joy into the world. I knew that was the kind of person Sathya would have wanted me to be.

And so, as I looked back on the years since her passing, I knew that even though I missed her dearly, she had left a lasting impact on my life and had helped shape the person I had become.

I may not have Sathya by my side physically, but I will always carry her with me in my heart. And I know that as long as I keep her memory alive, a part of her will always be with me.


About the Creator


I am a writer, and writing is my passion. I love creating stories and bringing my ideas to life through the written word. Whether it's fiction or non-fiction, I believe that writing is a vital form of self-expression

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    PWritten by Preethi

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