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Lost Love: A Mysterious Encounter in The Village

Love story

By ILYAS KHANPublished 11 months ago 7 min read
Lost Love: A Mysterious Encounter in The Village

Lost love can leave an indelible mark on one's heart, especially when it is intertwined with a captivating and mysterious experience. Nearly a decade ago, I found myself entangled in such a tale of love and enchantment. It all began when I lived in a sweltering city, yearning for respite from the scorching summer heat. The desire to wander through the countryside and immerse myself in the serenity of nature became irresistible. Equipped with a little red car and a map, I embarked on a journey that would forever change my life.

Discovering the Beauty of the Country

As the night enveloped the city, I drove ceaselessly into the countryside, guided by an insatiable thirst for tranquility and the allure of verdant trees. With each passing mile, my heart brimmed with anticipation for the picturesque landscapes that awaited me in the early morning hours. The sun's radiant beams, accompanied by the azure sky, painted a mesmerizing portrait, and the melody of birdsong filled the air. It was a perfect summer, and my car became my vessel of happiness.

Unexpected Car Trouble

However, fate had a different plan in store for me. Without warning, my car shuddered to a halt, leaving me perplexed and stranded in the heart of the countryside. The realization struck me like a bolt of lightning—I had run out of petrol. With a tinge of frustration, I grappled with the reality that I would have to abandon the comfort of my car and embark on an arduous journey to find a town and replenish my fuel supply.

A Chance Encounter

Just as despair threatened to cloud my thoughts, a figure appeared on the road ahead. A girl emerged, adorned with a delicate bouquet of flowers in her hands. She glided towards me, dressed in a flowing gown that mirrored the ebony strands of her lustrous, sun-kissed hair. Her beauty was mesmerizing, and a sudden surge of courage prompted me to engage her in conversation.

"Hello," I uttered, hoping to elicit her assistance. "I'm lost. Could you please guide me?"

A flicker of fear danced in her cerulean eyes, prompting me to soften my voice. "I've run out of petrol. Do you know where I can find some?"

Her gaze lingered upon me, her lips curling into a gentle smile. She possessed an ethereal charm that left me captivated. "I do not know," she replied in a melodic voice, "but come with me to the village. Perhaps we can help you there."

The Enigmatic Village

Entranced by her grace and intrigued by the prospect of aid, I followed her lead, embarking on a prolonged journey. The village that awaited me defied any preconceived notions. It stood, absent from the confines of my map—an enigmatic realm untouched by modern conventions. Its timeworn houses, adorned in contrasting black and white, exuded an otherworldly charm. Nature harmonized with human habitation, and a multitude of animals roamed freely, lending the village an idyllic aura.

Warm Hospitality

The girl, whom I would come to know as Mary, guided me to a house nestled within the village's tapestry. A smile graced her lips as she extended a warm invitation, "Come in, please." Curiosity mingled with gratitude as I entered the abode. The interior emanated an inexplicable cleanliness, yet an unmistakable peculiarity permeated the air. A crackling fire illuminated the room, casting a flickering light upon sustenance suspended above it. Hunger gnawed at my stomach, and I marveled at this rustic culinary practice, devoid of modern conveniences.

My hosts, Mary's parents, greeted me with utmost hospitality. Their kindness transcended the limitations of language, and though their attire seemed peculiar, I found solace in their warm demeanor. The conversation flowed effortlessly, and amidst their company, I felt a profound sense of belonging. Yet, their unfamiliar garments hinted at a reality beyond my comprehension.

"Please, sit down," the old man beckoned, his eyes reflecting a genuine concern for my well-being. "Are you thirsty after your long walk?"

Accepting his offer, I extended my gratitude for the respite, only to be met with a beverage that defied my expectations. A dark brown elixir, potent and foreign, tantalized my taste buds. Confusion gripped my thoughts, but I embraced the moment and savored the peculiar drink, acknowledging the richness of their customs.

Unveiling the Mystery

As the hours drifted by, my inquisitive nature urged me to unravel the village's mysteries. With bated breath, I ventured to inquire about petrol, only to be met with perplexed expressions. "Petrol? What is that?" the old man queried, his furrowed brow accentuating his bewilderment.

Puzzlement consumed my thoughts as I mulled over the incongruities I had witnessed. The absence of modern amenities, the reliance on horses for transportation—everything seemed to belong to a bygone era. Suppressed queries surged within me, yearning for answers, yet I remained enthralled by the allure of the village and its inhabitants.

A Heartfelt Goodbye

However, as my stay drew to a close, an undertone of sorrow tinged Mary's countenance. In hushed tones, she revealed the necessity of my departure, her words drenched in a profound melancholy. "You have to go," she whispered. "It is dangerous here."

Befuddled by her plea, I expressed my love for her, vowing to return. "I'll come back for you, Mary. Nothing will deter me."

With a heavy heart, she bid me farewell at the threshold, her sorrow palpable. An invisible bond connected us, and I embarked on a midnight journey, driven by a yearning to quench the unanswered questions that plagued my mind.

A Haunting Revelation

Fatigue seeped into my bones as I trekked through the enveloping darkness. The flickering lights of a distant town served as a beacon of hope, leading me to salvation. Procuring the necessary petrol, I sought to uncover the village's true nature. Engaging the locals, I eagerly described the village's peculiarities—its antiquated houses, peculiar attire, and unique lifestyle. To my astonishment, the townsfolk regarded me with suspicion and awe.

"There was a village there," the mechanic replied cautiously, his eyes darting around, "but it isn't there now. There are stories about it—strange stories."

Intrigued, I implored him to share the village's tales. Reluctantly, he divulged the grim fate that befell the villagers—how Oliver Cromwell, fueled by anger over their allegiance to the king during the war, decimated the village and its inhabitants. Confusion gripped me, for the war he spoke of had transpired 350 years prior.

Lost Love, Lost Time

Recollections flooded my mind—Mary's countenance, her prolonged silence, and her plea for my safety. The puzzle pieces coalesced, and I understood. The village was no ordinary place; it resurfaced for a fleeting day every decade, forever confined to the realms of history. My love, lost in time, yearned for an eternal embrace within that ephemeral world.

Determined, I yearned for another encounter, vowing to reunite with Mary and embrace the love that transcended time's constraints. The passing of two months brought the anticipated moment, and I embarked on a quest to find her again.

Elusive Remnants

Alas, my efforts proved futile as I scoured the land for any sign of the village's existence. Desolation and disappointment washed over me, mirroring the barren landscape devoid of any trace of human life. Flowers swayed in the breeze, and the symphony of nature's elements serenaded my ears, but Mary remained elusive.

With a heavy heart, I succumbed to my longing, my love forever etched in my memories. The village, a mere phantom, refused to reveal itself, and I found solace in knowing that the love we shared transcended the confines of a physical realm.


Lost love, intertwined with the enigma of an apparitional village, echoes through the corridors of time. It is a tale of serendipity, where two souls from different epochs connected momentarily. Though my longing persists, I find solace in the cherished memories and the eternal bond that defies the limitations of temporal existence.


1. Is the village based on a true story?

No, the story of the village is purely fictional. It serves as a backdrop to explore the theme of lost love and the longing for connection.

2. Did Oliver Cromwell really destroy the village?

No, Oliver Cromwell's involvement in the village's destruction is a fictional element in the story.

3. Is the story inspired by any historical events?

While the story incorporates elements from history, such as Oliver Cromwell, it is a work of fiction and not based on any specific historical events.

4. Will the protagonist ever find the village again?

The story leaves the protagonist's search for the village open-ended, suggesting that the village remains elusive and may or may not appear again.


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