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I'm A Tree

And you?

By Marina FortuñoPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 3 min read
Top Story - October 2022
Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash.

Even though the past two years have been comparable to surviving a thunderstorm in the open sea. I'm grateful to be living in a place somewhere close to nature. I get to go to a beautiful, lush park close to home and have walks that help me clear my own internal storms.

Nature has always been my healer and my advisor throughout the best and the most challenging times.

You may be familiar with my struggles, but if you're not, here is the short version: After an injury and an unrelated infection, I suddenly developed debilitating symptoms like bone and joint pain, fatigue, bladder problems and random food allergies, among other things. It's hard to admit, but I started living with chronic pain. Since my symptoms began, I have looked for help to discover what caused this and heal from it. So far, there haven't been any significant changes.

People living with chronic pain will know that it can be hard to keep going when the pain is too much. Sometimes just getting up from bed is a battle.

So, after several days of lying in bed, dark and depressed, this morning I finally decided to get up and go for a walk again. Between the closed curtains, I saw the magical colours of autumn through my window, and they were calling me. As a November child, I couldn't say no. Dancing in the cold wind and shaking trees outside my window, there's a voice saying: Don't give up on your life yet!

So, why am I a tree?

As I finally was brave enough to walk through the muddy paths in the mini forest, I had the impulse to do something that I love to do:

Hug a big, beautiful tree!

If you have never done it, I highly recommend trying it. It is one of the most peaceful and grounding experiences. As I finished embracing my forest friend and feeling its spirit, I looked up to see it standing tall, reaching up to the sky, magnificent and strong. Steady. The result of years of resilience. As my eyes reached the top, staring at the mix of yellow, orange and green, I had to inhale deeply to take in all the beauty of this moment. But a sudden pang of sadness and nostalgia hit me. These beautiful colours, the leaves on the tree, they will fall soon. The tree will be left naked and alone in the midst of a cold, dark and long winter.

It will never be the same again.

I stood still in my sadness for a moment. Then, I felt the voice in the wind. It quietly whispered: But winter will pass, and the tree will survive it.

This too shall pass.

As the thought settled in my mind, I felt a deep peace within myself. Will the pain I feel go away? I'm not sure. But what I do know is that nothing lasts forever. Neither the happiest times nor the most difficult times. The only constant is change. Life is change.

The tree goes through the seasons, each one with its beauty and its different challenges. At some point, the tree will live through winter. Yes, in the process, it will lose many of the things that are a part of it for a while. But it will survive and continue to stand tall. And it will be transformed.

After today, I will always try to remind myself of this: Like trees, we constantly go through the seasons in our lives. Perhaps it is essential for our growth and resilience that we lose our leaves and face the cold, dark winter. That we be left naked so that, in the end, we can be transformed and have proof that we can make it through any hardship.

This stage of my life is just a season. And it too shall pass.

Maybe I won't ever be the same after it. But could that be a positive thing? Could this be part of my growth in this world?

If you're also experiencing pain or a challenging time in your life: I feel you, and I hug you. After all, I love hugging big, strong, and beautiful trees.


About the Creator

Marina Fortuño

I'm a work in progress. I love writing for fun, and a little bit of everything!

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Comments (32)

  • Mike Singleton 🌜 Mikeydred 🌛about a year ago

    Excellent article. We have included it in this week's Vocal Social Society Community Adventure, we would love you to join us there.

  • My mindabout a year ago

    Thank you for reminding us that we have different seasons in our life, like nature. Loved "Winter will pass, and the tree will survive it". Really needed to hear this today.

  • Selina Dudleyabout a year ago

    This was so comforting to read. As someone who has struggled deeply with grief and depression the one constant that has always held me in peace has been nature. Glad to know there are other tree hugger/communicators out there!! Much luck on your journey :)

  • Andrew-Stuartabout a year ago

    Thanks for sharing this and I especially like your tree analogy. For anyone going through a hard time, it's always important to know that whatever you are going through will always past and won't last forever. Thanks once again and please do check out my story as I'm quite new here and my story has not been read yet.

  • Linda Bromley2 years ago

    That was so good. I am obsessed with trees so this caught my attention... but I also live with chronic pain so I could relate there too. Thank You. I have written a poem about pain if u wanna check it out.

  • Kim2 years ago

    So beautiful

  • Annelise Lords 2 years ago

    But what I do know is that nothing lasts forever. Neither the happiest times nor the most difficult times. The only constant is change. Life is change. Yes it is.

  • Annelise Lords 2 years ago

    But winter will pass, and the tree will survive it. Yes, it will.

  • Annelise Lords 2 years ago

    Don't give up on your life yet! #Iintend2survive. I got myself a survival intention. So should you.

  • Annelise Lords 2 years ago

    As a November child, So am I. Lol

  • Annelise Lords 2 years ago

    I have looked for help to discover what caused this and heal from it. So far, there haven't been any significant changes. So sorry to hear about your health issues. Prayers coming your way.

  • Annelise Lords 2 years ago

    Nature has always been my healer and my advisor throughout the best and the most challenging times. Bbbeeeaaauuutttiiifffuuulll, and true too.

  • Annelise Lords 2 years ago

    I'm grateful to be living in a place somewhere close to nature. I get to go to a beautiful, lush park close to home and have walks that help me clear my own internal storms. Lllooovvveeelllyyy. When I am in my country, I feel nature. Here in NY, I am too cold to feel anything.

  • Just Daniel2 years ago

    I would like to be a tree as well, providing shelter for the little ones beneath my branches and growing, growing forever towards the sun. At peace and surrounded by the environment, by nature ^^.

  • Annie Edwards 2 years ago

    This is one of my favorite pieces I have read on here! Nature really is so grounding, and offers us so much wisdom. It’s hard to get out and experience it when we are down/dealing with challenges, but it’s so worth it when we can make ourselves do it! This is so beautiful! ♥️♥️ Wishing you a mental peace that continues to help you persevere through anything life throws your way!

  • Mary Haynes2 years ago

    I really enjoyed this. It’s beautiful and inspiring, yet deals with chronic pain. So many people I know completely shut down and just stay in bed and don’t try to find the little moments of light. I’m glad you were able to find yours.

  • Great writing

  • Love nature. We are nature. This is awesome. Thanks for writing 🙏🏾

  • I feel very blessed to read this! what a lovely thought!! GREAT writing too. :)

  • Diane Siefkes2 years ago

    I too use nature to ground myself. I love the analogy of a tree - grounded and yet always reaching. Nicely done!

  • Kim tyre2 years ago

    Very good

  • Melissa Ireland2 years ago

    Beautiful, honest, and kind....the message of your story is a generous gift to you and others, I am cheering you on!

  • Chilcosta2 years ago

    Great writing

  • Excellent. I enjoyed reading that. I lived with chronic pain for almost 3 years. It can go away! Have hope. Research every home remedy no matter how ridiculous it sounds and try it, for whatever ails you.

  • Jessi2 years ago

    Gorgeous writing ☺️

Marina FortuñoWritten by Marina Fortuño

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