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Everyone has an inferiority complex

Low self-esteem can lead to the development of their efforts

By Fester HammerPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
Everyone has an inferiority complex
Photo by ammar sabaa on Unsplash

Do you believe that an inferiority complex is born with it? There must be people who think, "How is it possible? A newborn baby knows nothing, how can it have an inferiority complex? But there is such a discipline as psychology, and there are some great psychologists, for human beings from the beginning of the world, the psychological research began, babies do not know anything, they just can not express, no ability to express, when a life just came to this world, he can not rely on their strength to survive, everyone will be because of their incompetence and produce inferiority complex. Freud, Erikson, Adler, and other great psychologists have emphasized the influence of infancy on later personality. Many of Adler's ideas in psychology can be found in his childhood experiences.

In 1907, Adler published a paper on inferiority complexes and their compensation caused by physical defects and gained a great reputation. Adler himself explained that his goal in life was to overcome his childhood fear of death. Later, he did not do well in school, and his teacher even wanted him to learn to be a shoemaker. This incident further inspired Adler to learn, and he did not give up on himself to have his final achievement!

Adler had a very important point: inferiority caused by physical defects will prompt a person to work hard to develop certain abilities. Such as Beethoven, Zhang Heidi, Helen, Hawking, and so on, all these great people are tenacious to overcome their physical defects, towards their ideals. There are quite a lot of people who have a variety of organ defects, such as some people have poor eyesight, some people have poor gastrointestinal digestion, some people have bad hearts, some people have stuttering, some people have hunchback, etc. No one is perfect, even if some people seem to be perfect, they will have their places of dissatisfaction, and most people will have more or less some deficiencies. But human beings are born with the drive to pursue perfection and seek superiority.

An inferiority complex will drive people to seek superiority, usually, people will try to compensate for the efforts to overcome the defects that exist in themselves. Like some people who stutter, they may work on their oral expressions, and some people not only overcome their defects but also become orators, turning their defects into their strengths. Such examples abound. The main thing is how to convert one's inferiority into one's positive energy, instead of being plagued by an inferiority complex, having no confidence in oneself, and believing oneself to be useless.

Social interest is an innate need of all human beings to live in harmony, to be friendly to each other, and to aspire to build a better society. A person has a positive view of society and a strong interest in promoting social welfare, knows and cares for others, and has the spirit and ability to cooperate with others. A mentally healthy person is bound to have a strong social interest. Some people think that social interest is influenced by one's personality and that extroverts have strong social interests, while introverts have less or none.

Adler points out that a large reason among many people who fail in society, problem youth, delinquents, suicides, alcoholics, drug addicts, and psychopaths, is a lack of social interest.

The reason for the deviations in their lives is often a lack of subordination and social interest in dealing with problems such as careers and friendships, which they do not believe can be solved cooperatively, and they do not know how to work with others. They seek superiority in too narrow a way, and their interest stays only in themselves.

Nor does it depend entirely on a person to have social interests; shadows from early life can also hinder the development of social interests. This shows how important the role parents, teachers, and guardians play in a person's social growth.

Low self-esteem is not a disease; it is a driving force that makes people motivated. As a result of recognizing their inadequacy in some areas, which causes tension and anxiety, people take action to reduce their anxiety by changing their situation, building on their strengths, and striving for progress. Some people in life have no confidence in their situation, or ability, and think they are useless, so when faced with many things often show retreat, and discouragement, their inferiority complex emotions can not play a role in motivating themselves, but rather become an insurmountable barrier to their development. This kind of people's low self-esteem is called an "inferiority complex", which is pathological.

Many people fall into an inferiority complex because of their looks, origins, study habits, etc. They are extremely sensitive to what they think is wrong with them and show strong projections as a result - that is, they think others will look down on them for it. As a result, not only do they affect their relationships but their personal health development is seriously affected. Such people tend to keep their interests to themselves, live their lives with too narrow goals, and never consider social significance, much less know how to build cooperative relationships with others and how to care and be concerned for others.

Adler believes that a socially beneficial goal to achieve his desired superiority is to integrate the "small self" into the "big self", and in the pursuit of such a goal, he will gradually develop and perfect his "cooperation" and "dedication". In the pursuit of such a goal, he will gradually develop and perfect his three core qualities of "cooperation", "dedication" and "social interest", and then the problems caused by low self-esteem will be solved, thus achieving a healthy personality.

To overcome your low self-esteem, you must first look at your low self-esteem positively, face it bravely and don't run away from it, find out what makes your low self-esteem, prescribe the right remedy, develop your social interests, and a person who is full of love in his heart will look at everything positively.

advicehow tohumanity

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Fester Hammer

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    Fester HammerWritten by Fester Hammer

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