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Death is not end

death is beginning of new life

By tayyaba ishaqPublished about a year ago 5 min read

Once Upon a Time in a land shrouded in mystery and whispers of the unknown, there existed a small village named Eldoria. Eldoria was known for its tranquility, its lush meadows, and its inhabitants' deep reverence for nature and the cycle of life. However, there was one aspect of life that had always perplexed and intrigued the villagers—the enigma of death.

In Eldoria, death was not seen as an end but rather as a transition, a journey to another realm. It was believed that when a person's time on Earth came to an end, their spirit would ascend to the ethereal plane, where it would find eternal peace and be reunited with loved ones who had passed before them. Death was not feared in Eldoria; it was embraced as an inevitable part of existence.

The village was overseen by an ancient council of elders who had spent their lives studying the mysteries of life and death. They were the keepers of knowledge, the guardians of tradition, and the guiding lights for the villagers. One of the most revered elders was a wise woman named Elara, known for her deep wisdom and profound understanding of the human soul.

Elara had lived many years, witnessing the ebb and flow of life in Eldoria. Her weathered hands held the wisdom of generations past, and her eyes sparkled with the light of a thousand stories. It was said that she had conversed with spirits and had glimpsed the realm beyond the mortal realm. She had dedicated her life to unraveling the mysteries of death, seeking solace and understanding for those who grappled with the fear and sorrow that it often brought.

One day, a young man named Ethan found himself standing at the threshold of Elara's humble dwelling, his heart heavy with grief. His beloved sister, Lily, had recently passed away, leaving him bereft and questioning the nature of life and death. He had heard of Elara's wisdom and sought her guidance, hoping to find solace in her words.

As Ethan entered Elara's abode, the scent of ancient herbs and the flickering glow of candles greeted him. Elara sat in a weathered chair, her eyes wise and gentle, as if she had already sensed his presence before he crossed her threshold. Ethan approached her, his voice quivering with sorrow, and poured out his heart, recounting his sister's vibrant spirit and the void her absence had left in his life.

Elara listened intently, her heart aching for the young man's pain. She spoke softly, her voice carrying the weight of her wisdom. "Death is not an end, young one," she said. "It is but a gateway, a transition from one form of existence to another. Just as the sun sets to rise again, so too does the spirit depart to find its place among the stars."

Ethan found solace in Elara's words. She explained to him the sacred rituals performed in Eldoria to honor those who had passed—a delicate dance between the realms of the living and the departed. The villagers would gather under the moonlit sky, their voices lifting in melodic chants, as they celebrated the lives that had been lived and bid farewell to the spirits that had transcended.

Inspired by Elara's teachings, Ethan decided to embrace the village's customs and partake in the sacred rituals. He felt a newfound sense of purpose, a connection to something greater than himself. He spent his days immersed in the traditions, learning the ancient songs, and understanding the significance of each gesture.

As the days turned into weeks, Ethan's grief began to transform. He found solace in the collective mourning, in the shared experiences of loss and healing. He witnessed the strength and resilience of his fellow villagers as they celebrated the memories of their

loved ones, weaving them into the tapestry of their lives.

One evening, under the silver glow of the moon, the village gathered to perform the sacred ritual known as "The Dance of the Departed." Ethan, clad in white robes symbolizing purity and renewal, joined the circle of villagers. Their voices intertwined, rising and falling in harmony, their bodies swaying to the rhythm of ancient drums.

In that moment, Ethan felt a presence—an ethereal touch upon his cheek, a whisper in his ear. It was Lily, his sister, her spirit joining the ceremony, embracing him with love and assuring him that she had found peace in the realm beyond. Tears of joy mingled with tears of longing as Ethan opened his heart to the possibility of a connection that transcended the mortal plane.

Days turned into months, and months turned into years. Ethan became a respected member of the village, dedicating his life to helping others navigate the journey of grief and find solace in the knowledge that death was not an end but a continuation. He shared Elara's teachings with those who sought his counsel, becoming a pillar of support and guidance for the villagers.

Eldoria became renowned throughout the land as a place of profound wisdom and healing. People from far and wide would make pilgrimages to seek solace and understanding, to witness the sacred rituals that honored the departed, and to experience the transformative power of embracing death as an integral part of life.

The tale of Eldoria and its reverence for death spread like wildfire, reaching the ears of kings and queens, philosophers and scholars. They marveled at the wisdom of the village and the serenity with which its inhabitants embraced the inevitable passage of time. And so, the knowledge and customs of Eldoria began to permeate the world, forever changing the way people approached death.

Ethan, now an elder himself, continued to pass on the teachings of Elara, sharing the wisdom of the village and the power of acceptance and love. His eyes mirrored Elara's, filled with the light of a thousand stories, as he guided the next generation in understanding that death was not to be feared but to be cherished as an integral part of the grand tapestry of life.

And so, the legacy of Eldoria lived on, reminding humanity that in the face of death, there was an opportunity for profound growth, empathy, and the recognition of the eternal connection that bound all souls together. For in the embrace of death, there was the potential for profound understanding, acceptance, and the celebration of a life well-lived.

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    TIWritten by tayyaba ishaq

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