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5 tips and tricks to avoid panic attacks

A review of the most effective strategies to prevent panic attacks.

By Nouman ul haqPublished 2 years ago 5 min read

Panic attacks are episodes of intense terror in the face of imagined threats that do not pose any real danger, in which the person feels that they lose control of the situation, also experiencing a series of physical and emotional symptoms that produce a lack of control over what what is done In many cases, these experiences of panic are fueled by the expectation of suffering this type of crisis, so that a vicious circle of anticipatory anxiety appears in the face of the possibility of "losing one's nerves". For this reason, it is important to do everything possible to prevent panic attacks, so that we do not get into those dynamics of fear that call for fear.

Below we present the main tips or strategies that we can use in daily life to avoid the appearance of a panic attack , strategies that anyone can integrate into their private life on a daily basis.

What is a panic attack?

Such unpleasant episodes are usually punctual, and are characterized by an exacerbated feeling of panic, generally triggered by high levels of stress or anxiety in the person .

However, sometimes a person may have several panic attacks during the week or month; That is when we talk about panic disorder, a psychological disorder that must be treated by a psychology professional.

During a panic attack, the affected person may think that something bad is going to happen to him, that he is going to have a heart attack or that he is going to die ; That is why it is important to put into practice certain strategies, guidelines, tricks or advice during the day to day so that these do not occur or to minimize their appearance.

What to do to prevent the appearance of panic attacks?

Although the most effective way to prevent panic attacks is to attend psychological therapy, these general tips can also help you.

1. Sleep well and get enough rest

Sleeping well is one of the healthiest habits that exist and one of the strategies that best serve to avoid the appearance of cases of stress or anxiety that can cause specific panic attacks.

Maintaining correct sleep habits (such as going to bed and getting up at the same time) and sleeping long enough to rest our body, will allow us to start the day with enough energy and a constructive mentality in the face of the challenges of the day ahead as so as not to fall into dynamics of unfounded pessimism and unjustified feelings of vulnerability.

At the same time, we can put into practice some tricks before going to bed, such as not having bright lights in the room shortly before going to bed, not using mobile devices and not being exposed to music or lights that are too strong.

Properly managing breaks at work and rest time is essential to restore our attention span and make it less easy for problems to overwhelm us, thus making it less likely that a panic attack will appear.

You must assume that the hours you spend disconnecting from work, sleeping or simply doing hobbies are not wasted time; on the contrary, they will help you recharge your batteries and maintain a correct emotional balance .

2. Practice relaxation techniques

Relaxation techniques are strategies that have shown very positive results in reducing or avoiding the appearance of panic attacks, and these can be practiced daily or before experiencing anxiety symptoms.

Some of the most recommended are Mindfulness or full attention, deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation , or any other strategy that allows us to relax and distract the mind at critical moments.

In this regard, it is worth highlighting the strategy of Mindfulness or full attention, a technique from Eastern transcendental meditation that helps us to focus our attention on relaxing images or ideas that allow us to distract ourselves or escape from any feeling of anguish, stress or discomfort. .

3. Exercise

Exercising regularly is another of the most psychologically healthy habits that exist (as long as we are not obsessed with physical results) and it will allow us to disconnect from the stress or anxiety caused by daily work obligations .

We must be able to find enough time during the week to do moderate physical exercise that helps us focus our mind on the present and on the objective of those exercises, something that allows us to secrete endorphins, with which we will later feel better, more relaxed and released.

There are many sports that we can practice during the week, the important thing is to do an activity that allows us to motivate ourselves, enjoy ourselves and feel good when we see what we are capable of.

4. Avoid excessive consumption of exciting substances

Regular consumption of highly caffeinated beverages, tobacco, or other drugs can also increase the risk of panic attacks in certain people whose minds are more prone to panic attacks.

That is why, in order to prevent the appearance of panic attacks in both young people and adults, it is recommended to eliminate the use of any type of substance with exciting potential from daily habits, as well as the consumption of drugs of all class.

5. Strengthen daily organization

Writing down and keeping track of our pending tasks during the week will help us to be much calmer knowing what are the obligations to which we must dedicate ourselves every hour on a daily basis. Correct time management can be trained by following clear activity schedules, written down in a notebook or diary that allows us to know at all times what time each work block of the day begins or ends and how many minutes we can rest in the period between tasks. .

An optimal organization both during working hours and during breaks also allows us to avoid unpleasant or unforeseen surprises that may arise due to poor organization and the predisposition to forget about pending tasks, which also prevents the appearance of symptoms. anxious, stressful or ultimately panic attacks.

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About the Creator

Nouman ul haq

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