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10 Powerful rule for humans

10 powerful rules for humans is an article discussing a set of guidelines to live by in order to achieve happiness and success in life. The article covers topics such as self-reliance, boundaries, loyalty, self-worth, privacy, and the importance of not being too accessible. Each rule serves as a reminder to focus on our own well-being and values, to surround ourselves with people who choose us and treat us with respect, and to not waste time and energy trying to change others' perception of us. The article encourages readers to take control of their lives and strive to be the best version of themselves, and to live a life that aligns with their own values and beliefs.

By MuthukumarPublished about a year ago 14 min read
10 Powerful rule for humans
Photo by Tingey Injury Law Firm on Unsplash

Humans have the unique ability to think, reason, and make choices. However, with this ability comes the need for guidance and direction. In this article, we will explore 10 powerful rules that can help individuals navigate life and make the most of their human experience. From learning how to set goals and manage time, to understanding the importance of relationships and self-care, these rules provide a roadmap for living a fulfilling and meaningful life. So, whether you're just starting out on your journey or looking for ways to improve an already successful life, these 10 powerful rules are a must-read for anyone looking to get the most out of their human experience.

Rule number one "Hide your sadness, no one cares"

It is an unfortunate reality that in today's fast-paced and often self- centred society, many people feel that they cannot express their sadness or vulnerability without fear of judgment or rejection. This is why the first rule in our series of "10 powerful rules for humans" is "Hide your sadness, no one cares."

This rule is not meant to be taken literally, of course, but rather as a reminder that it is important to be mindful of the way we present ourselves to the world. It is natural to experience sadness and other negative emotions, but it is important to learn how to process and manage these emotions in a healthy and productive way. This means learning how to hide your sadness, at least temporarily, until you are in a safe and supportive environment where you can properly process and express it.

It's also important to remember that while it might feel like nobody cares, the reality is that there are people who care about you and want to support you. It's important to build a support system of friends, family, and professionals who you can turn to when you need to talk about your feelings.

It's also crucial to remember that it's okay not to be okay all the time, it's important to take care of yourself and your mental health. It's important to give yourself time and space to process your emotions and not to suppress them. It's also important to remind yourself that vulnerability is strength, not weakness and it's important to be open and honest about your emotions with those who care about you.

In conclusion, hiding your sadness is not about bottling up your emotions and pretending everything is okay, but it's about being mindful of the way we present ourselves to the world and taking care of our mental health. It's important to remember that you are not alone, and there are people who care about you and want to support you.

Rule number 2: Never depend on anyone

Never depend on anyone is a powerful reminder that true happiness and success can only be achieved by being self-reliant and independent. This rule is not about cutting off all relationships and living in complete isolation, but rather about understanding the importance of being self-sufficient and not relying on others to fulfil our needs and wants.

One of the biggest mistakes people make is depending on others for their happiness and well-being. They look to their partner, friends, or family to make them feel complete, and when these relationships fail, they are left feeling lost and alone. This is why it's important to understand that our own happiness and well-being is our responsibility and nobody else's.

Being self-sufficient also means being able to take care of ourselves emotionally, physically, and financially. It's important to have a clear understanding of our own needs and to take steps to meet them. This includes learning how to manage our finances, developing healthy relationships, and taking care of our physical and mental health.

It's also important to recognize that depending on others can also be harmful to them. When we rely too heavily on others, we put them under a lot of pressure and expectation, and it can be detrimental to their own well-being. It's important to respect the boundaries of others and give them the space to live their own lives.

In conclusion, "Rule number 2: Never depend on anyone" is a powerful reminder that true happiness and success can only be achieved by being self-reliant and independent. It's important to understand that our own happiness and well-being is our responsibility and nobody else's. It's also important to recognize that depending on others can be harmful to them and it's important to respect their boundaries.

Rule number 3: Don't be too sweet or they'll eat you

Don't be too sweet or they'll eat you is a reminder that in life, it's important to have boundaries and to not let others take advantage of your kindness. This rule is about finding the balance between being a good person and standing up for yourself.

It's important to be kind and compassionate, but it's also important to understand that not everyone is going to have the same values and morals as you do. Some people will take advantage of your kindness and use it to their own advantage.

Being too sweet can also lead to being taken for granted. When people know that you are always going to be there for them, they will often not think twice about asking for favors or imposing on your time. It's important to set boundaries and make it clear that while you are happy to help, your time and energy are valuable and should be respected.

It's also important to remember that being too sweet can also make it hard to assert yourself in a professional setting. If you are always seen as the "nice one" in the office, it can be hard to get your ideas heard or to be taken seriously. It's important to be assertive and speak up for yourself, even if it means going against the status quo.

In conclusion, "Rule number 3: Don't be too sweet or they'll eat you" is a reminder that in life, it's important to have boundaries and to not let others take advantage of your kindness. It's important to be kind and compassionate, but it's also important to understand that not everyone is going to have the same values and morals as you do. It's also important to remember that being too sweet can also make it hard to assert yourself in a professional setting. It's important to set boundaries and make it clear that while you are happy to help, your time and energy are valuable and should be respected.

Rule number 4 "Once they treat you as an option, show them how many you got"

Once they treat you as an option, show them how many you got is a powerful reminder that we all deserve to be treated with respect and that it's important to stand up for ourselves when we are not. This rule is about understanding our own worth and not settling for anything less than what we deserve.

When someone treats us as an option, it can be hurtful and demeaning. It can make us feel like we are not valued or respected. But it's important to remember that our worth is not determined by how others treat us. It's important to understand our own self-worth and to not let anyone make us feel less than we are.

One way to show someone that they are not the only option is to set boundaries. This can mean saying no to plans or requests that we are not comfortable with, or it can mean ending a relationship that is not healthy or fulfilling. It's important to remember that our time and energy are valuable and that we should not be spending them on people who do not treat us with the respect we deserve.

Another way to show someone that they are not the only option is to focus on ourselves and our own goals. When we are happy and fulfilled in our own lives, we are less likely to settle for less than we deserve. It's also important to surround ourselves with people who value and respect us, and to let go of relationships that do not serve us well.

In conclusion, "Once they treat you as an option, show them how many you got" is a powerful reminder that we all deserve to be treated with respect and that it's important to stand up for ourselves when we are not. It's important to understand our own self-worth and to not let anyone make us feel less than we are. It's important to set boundaries and focus on ourselves and our own goals and surround ourselves with people who value and respect us.

Rule number 5 "Fuck your love if your loyalty aren't coming with it"

Fuck your love if your loyalty aren't coming with it" is a reminder that loyalty is an essential ingredient in any relationship, whether it's romantic or platonic. This rule is about understanding the importance of trust and commitment in any relationship and not settling for anything less.

When someone's loyalty is not present in a relationship, it can be hard to trust them or feel secure in the relationship. Without loyalty, love can easily turn into manipulation or deceit, making it hard to build a strong and lasting connection.

It's important to remember that loyalty is not just about staying in a relationship, it's also about being there for someone through the good times and the bad. It's about being honest and transparent, and being willing to make sacrifices for the sake of the relationship.

Another aspect of loyalty is the ability to forgive. When someone makes a mistake, it's important to be able to forgive them and work through the issue together. Without forgiveness, it can be hard to move forward and build a strong and lasting connection.

In conclusion, "Fuck your love if your loyalty aren't coming with it" is a reminder that loyalty is an essential ingredient in any relationship, whether it's romantic or platonic. It's important to remember that loyalty is not just about staying in a relationship, it's also about being there for someone through the good times and the bad. It's about being honest and transparent, and being willing to make sacrifices for the sake of the relationship. It's also important to have the ability to forgive and work through issues together.

Rule number 6 "The only thing in this world that gives order is balls"

The only thing in this world that gives order is balls is a reminder that having the courage and determination to stand up for oneself and one's beliefs is essential for achieving success and order in life. This rule is about understanding the importance of being assertive and taking action to create the life we want.

In today's fast-paced and competitive world, it can be easy to get caught up in the rat race and lose sight of our own goals and values. It takes a certain level of courage and determination to stand up for oneself and to not be swayed by the opinions and pressures of others.

One of the most important things to remember is that the only person who can truly control the outcome of our lives is ourselves. We are the ones who must take action and make things happen. It's important to set goals, make a plan, and take action to achieve them.

Another aspect of having balls is being able to take risks. Taking risks is an essential part of growth and success. Without taking risks, we can't learn, grow, or achieve what we want in life.

In conclusion, "The only thing in this world that gives order is balls" is a reminder that having the courage and determination to stand up for oneself and one's beliefs is essential for achieving success and order in life. It's important to set goals, make a plan, and take action to achieve them. It's also important to remember that taking risks is an essential part of growth and success. The only person who can truly control the outcome of our lives is ourselves.

Rule number 7 "Choose people that choose you"

Choose people that choose youis a reminder that the relationships we have in our lives are a reflection of the value and respect we have for ourselves. This rule is about understanding the importance of being selective in the relationships we build and choosing to surround ourselves with people who truly value and respect us.

One of the most important aspects of building healthy relationships is understanding that we are in control of who we allow into our lives. We should not settle for people who do not value or respect us. We should choose people who choose us, who want to be in our lives and who will treat us with the respect and care that we deserve.

Another important aspect of this rule is understanding the power of reciprocity in relationships. When we surround ourselves with people who truly value and respect us, they will in turn, value and respect us back. This creates a positive and supportive environment that allows for growth and fulfilment.

Additionally, it's important to understand that sometimes people can change over time and it might be necessary to reassess the relationships we have and make the difficult decision to let go of those who no longer align with the kind of relationships we want to have in our lives.

In conclusion, "Choose people that choose you" is a reminder that the relationships we have in our lives are a reflection of the value and respect we have for ourselves. It's important to be selective in the relationships we build and choose to surround ourselves with people who truly value and respect us. It's also important to understand the power of reciprocity in relationships and that sometimes people can change over time and it might be necessary to reassess the relationships we have.

Rule number 8 "Let them be wrong about you, there's nothing to prove"

Let them be wrong about you, there's nothing to prove is a reminder that it's important to not waste time and energy trying to change other people's perception of us. This rule is about understanding that we cannot control what others think or say about us, and that it's better to focus on our own actions and beliefs.

One of the most important aspects of this rule is accepting that we cannot please everyone and that not everyone is going to like or understand us. This is natural and it's important to not take it personally. We should focus on being true to ourselves and living our lives in a way that aligns with our values and beliefs.

Another important aspect of this rule is understanding that people's perception of us is often influenced by their own biases, experiences, and insecurities. They may have formed an opinion of us based on limited information, or they may be projecting their own issues onto us. In these cases, it's important to not take it personally and to not waste time and energy trying to change their perception.

Instead of trying to change others' perception of us, it's important to focus on our own actions, beliefs and values. We should strive to be the best version of ourselves and to live a life that aligns with our own values and beliefs. This will ultimately bring us more fulfilment and happiness than trying to change others' perception of us.

In conclusion, "Let them be wrong about you, there's nothing to prove" is a reminder that it's important to not waste time and energy trying to change other people's perception of us. We cannot control what others think or say about us, and it's better to focus on our own actions and beliefs. It's important to focus on being true to ourselves and living our lives in a way that aligns with our values and beliefs. We should strive to be the best version of ourselves and to live a life that aligns with our own values and beliefs.

Rule number 9 "Be private, not everyone wants what's best for you"

Be private, not everyone wants what's best for you is a reminder that not everyone has our best interests at heart and that it's important to be cautious about who we share our personal information and life details with. This rule is about understanding the importance of privacy and being selective about who we trust with our personal information.

One of the most important aspects of this rule is understanding that not everyone is trustworthy. There are people in the world who will take advantage of our vulnerability and use our personal information for their own gain. It's important to be cautious about who we share our personal information with and to not trust everyone who says they have our best interests at heart.

Another important aspect of this rule is understanding that our personal information is valuable. In today's digital age, our personal information is often used for targeted advertising, data collection and even identity theft. It's important to protect our personal information and to be selective about who we share it with.

It's also important to remember that being private doesn't mean being closed off or unfriendly, it simply means being mindful of what we share and with whom. It's important to have a balance between being open and sharing our experiences with others, and being protective of our personal information and boundaries.

In conclusion, "Be private, not everyone wants what's best for you" is a reminder that not everyone has our best interests at heart and that it's important to be cautious about who we share our personal information and life details with. It's important to be selective about who we trust with our personal information and to not trust everyone who says they have our best interests at heart. It's important to protect our personal information and to be selective about who we share it with and to have a balance between being open and sharing our experiences with others, and being protective of our personal information and boundaries.

Rule number 10: You lose value when you are too accessible

You lose value when you are too accessible is a reminder that being too available or overly eager to please can be detrimental to our personal and professional relationships. This rule is about understanding the importance of setting boundaries and maintaining a sense of mystery and intrigue in our interactions with others.

One of the most important aspects of this rule is understanding that being too accessible can make us appear desperate or lacking in self-worth. People often value and respect those who are difficult to read, or those who are not always available for immediate attention.

Another important aspect of this rule is understanding that being too accessible can make us appear less desirable. When we are too available, it can be easy for others to take us for granted and not appreciate us as much as they would if we were less accessible.

It's also important to remember that being too accessible can be harmful to our own well-being. It can lead to burnout, stress and neglect of our own needs and wants. It's important to set boundaries and make time for ourselves and to not always prioritize the needs of others over our own.

In conclusion, "Rule number 10: You lose value when you are too accessible" is a reminder that being too available or overly

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About the Creator


Hello everyone, My name is Muthukumar and I have a passion for writing and I always strive to create pieces that are engaging and informative. I am always eager to learn more about the craft of writing. I am excited to be here.

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