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Let Me Break It Down For You

By Judey Kalchik Published 4 months ago Updated 4 months ago 2 min read
Photo by Morgan Bryan on Unsplash

Let me explain for those that are slow

to understand: the meaning of 'NO'.


It isn't a temporary hesitation

That gets in the way of your satiation.

It's not a way to temporarily pacify you

or thwart your drive to gratify you.


NO isn't Yes, though you may bluster

and rage, may shove and thrust her

down. Around. Might have your way

with her, treat her like prey

control, abuse, deny autonomy

leer and pinch , treat her anatomy

as your own, denying choice

refuse to hear her use her voice

pretend she has no right to speak

assume her kindness means she's weak.

Brutalizing to make her yield

(your grasp of humanity lies congealed

around you like tattered clothing)

and her loving turns to loathing

while the whirlwind of chaos around you grows

as your inner beast through the external veneer shows:

it never really was a question

just your hubris, a suggestion.

You always meant to have your way.

That you asked was pure display

of swagger, force, imagined power.

Your intent is to devour

not to love, but make her cower

deny her agency , pretend to 'allow her'

to have her body as her own

and your actions thugs condone.


I heard her tell you 'No'.

I'll join my voice to hers ~and oh!~

You can't take away my right

to be myself, without a fight.

'NO' isn't just a trial delay

while you think you'll have your way

with me, my daughter, or my sister,

cause let me tell you something mister;

'No' is my answer, I know my own mind

Better wise up or you'll be intertwined

with the wrong side of history

and studied in school as a mystery

a cipher to understand

a relic from a time when all reason seemed banned.


'NO' , when an answer, is the final word.

You asked, we answered, and we know that you heard.


Did you know that Missouri, Texas, Arizona, and Arkansas won't finalize a divorce for a woman if she is pregnant? Even if she is requesting the divorce? Even if there is clear domestic abuse?

Did you know that women in Georgia, North Carolina, and Virginia require the written consent of a spouse in order to have their tubes tied?

Comments welcome.

social commentaryperformance poetryMental Health

About the Creator

Judey Kalchik

It's my time to find and use my voice.

Poetry, short stories, memories, and a lot of things I think and wish I'd known a long time ago.

You can also find me on Medium

And please follow me on Threads, too!

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Comments (17)

  • Caroline Jane13 days ago

    Just come across this as a share from Dani. Fantastic poem. Very well said!!!

  • The Dani Writer13 days ago

    Blown away by this one Judey! Excellent! Excellent! EXCELLENT!!! And those FYI points at the end...I did NOT know. Now enraged. But not at your poem cuz your poem is a fire that's needed. Thanks for the education!

  • samrin mohammadi4 months ago

    Yes, no means NO

  • Chloe Gilholy4 months ago

    I didn't know about those facts at the end, it sounds so scary. Sadly still many people struggle with the concept of no.

  • Babs Iverson4 months ago

    A wife was considered a husband's property in Texas up until the late 70's. The law you referenced should have been outlawed years ago. Loved you lines, "cause let me tell you something mister; 'No' is my answer, I know my own mind."♥️♥️💕 Powerful and No means No!

  • Jay Kantor4 months ago

    'j' ~ NO Kidding? ~ 'j'

  • Melissa Ingoldsby4 months ago

    Yes, no means NO. Not even a single solitary hesitation and you justify your actions… no. I agree so wholeheartedly Judey

  • Paul Stewart4 months ago

    I had heard some of those crazy disgusting laws...wouldn't have been able to pinpoint the states they referred to but knew they existed. It's disgusting and patriarchy in full action. this poem is ferocious in all the best ways and should be handed out in schools or libraries...or just the street. Brilliant brilliant brilliant and I hope the Vocal people do the right thing and make this Top Story as it is so richly deserved.

  • I never knew any of those things! They must be freaking kidding me! Those laws are so ridiculous! Loved your poem, it was extremely powerful!

  • Oneg In The Arctic4 months ago

    No means NO. No debate. No ifs or buts. You’d think two letters wouldn’t be so hard to comprehend for people.

  • Holly Pheni4 months ago

    As a woman and the mother of a daughter, the word that rises up in me after reading this powerful poem is "yes!" As in -- Yes, this needs to be said!! Yes, this is real!! Yes, you heard!! He heard. Thank you for this.

  • The only words I can think of to describe those responsible for such laws are not fit for any company, much less polite. When I think of "the refiner's fire" in scripture (my Protestant understanding of Purgatory), I can only say that's a lot of dross that needs to get burnt off. And when it does, will they even be able to recognize themselves anymore, for what will be left? Excellent work, Judey. I can't help but think about this current election cycle & the two likely candidates for the Oval: if only the one would learn to ask consent before touching in so familiar a fashion & the other wouldn't treat every "No" as a resounding "Yes, of course you should do with me as you will!".

  • Caroline Craven4 months ago

    This was epic. So much yes to this no!

  • Lamar Wiggins4 months ago

    😮😮😮 Insane, illogical, immoral, unbelievable! (Well, I guess some of it is believable considering who the lawmakers are behind such trash.) The right to anyone's own body should NEVER be questionable! Excellent words, Judey. It's unfortunate that these laws are designed to thwart a woman's decisions and make me crazy in the process.

  • Matthew Fromm4 months ago

    A fantastic poem and I will always respect your ability to take a powerful stand

  • J. Delaney-Howe4 months ago

    Very powerful poem. I was unaware of the last two facts you shared. Talk about archaic.

  • Cathy holmes4 months ago

    I didn't know either of those things you mentioned. Damn, what backward thinking. And yes, "no" is the final answer. Well done.

Judey Kalchik Written by Judey Kalchik

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