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Dear Senses,

epistolary ode

By Kristen BalyeatPublished 9 months ago 4 min read
Dear Senses,
Photo by Glitch Lab App on Unsplash

Dear Senses,

Oh, the pleasure

you bring to my life–

beloved Taste, Touch, Smell, Hearing,

and last, but certainly not least, Sight!

Without you, no doubt,

my world would be bland–

I know for certain, because of you,

everything is more grand!


Dearest Taste,

Now honestly, where would I be

if I couldn’t enjoy cookies, chocolates

croissants or ice cream?

Truly, how blah

my life would seem

without your sweet, salty, bitter

sour, and (my fave) umami!

Noshing merely for sustenance,

not pleasure, to simply survive–

how dull without savoring

cheeses, pasta, or fries!

I simply can't imagine

no tasty distinction

between strawberries and raspberries–

I’d rather face my extinction.

How sad not to tell

betwixt the variety of gourds,

parsley and cilantro–

is it flatbread or cardboard?

Taste, without you, no doubt

my world would be bland–

I know for certain with you

everything is more grand!


Dear Touch,

Ahhh, my love language,

physical affection–

yes, Touch, I need you

for contact and connection.

Please tell me, if you weren't here,

how on earth would I know

the warmth of the sunshine

or the cold bite of snow?

Without you I couldn’t enjoy

my dog’s fluffy fur.

Besides blood, how could I tell

if I stepped on a burr!?!

I’d be sad not to know

my child's embrace,

the softness of their hair,

or the squishiness of their face.

If I didn’t have you,

there’s so much I would miss–

the magic of a lover's stroke,

and the spark of a kiss.

How could I survive without

the pressure of a hug,

or the steaminess of intimacy?

Yes, Touch you’re my drug.

Without you I wouldn't know

the manifestation of the physical–

dear Touch, without you

life would be purely metaphysical.

Touch, without you, no doubt

my world would be bland–

I know for certain with you

everything is more grand!


Dear Smell, you are one

I could not live without–

you add such enhancement,

I need you, no doubt!

Since we taste with our nose before

it reaches our lips,

your job is important,

it’s a sensory eclipse!

You’re nearly as critical

as the tongue is for taste,

transmitting essence of food,

not one waft goes to waste!

How would I distinguish between

Maple syrup and sap,

flowers and weeds,

real cuisine and crap?

Without scent, my mouth wouldn't

water upon smelling fresh bread,

caramelizing onions,

or chili chutney cheese spread.

Oh, if you weren't here, my dear,

my life would be foiled–

I wouldn't know if my leftovers

were edible or spoiled!

I’ve also noticed, dear Smell,

how tightly you’re wound

to so many memories

in my mind that abound.

Just one little Smell

is a mini time machine

to the places I’ve been,

to all the things I have seen.

With you, dear one,

I could not do without–

how sad it would be

to have an olfactory drought!

Smell, without you, no doubt

my world would be bland–

I know for certain with you

everything is more grand!


Dear Hearing, oh my,

I’m so happy you’re here!

I’ll never take for granted

the fact I can hear!

I’m grateful to know the sound

of the wind through the trees,

the song of the ocean,

the buzzing of bees.

What fun you provide

filtering jokes and good riddles–

such delight from the bursts

of laughter and giggles.

I’m in love with the sound of

my children’s sweet voices–

even when they’re obnoxious,

I still love their noises!

Another thing I know for certain

I could not live without

is the rhythm of music–

I would crumble, no doubt!

Yes, music has saved me,

healed wounds in my soul–

because I can Hear it

my world is whole.

Hearing, without you, no doubt

my world would be bland–

I know for certain, with you,

everything is more grand!


Sight! What can I say

to express how I feel?

I’m so grateful, I adore you

with unabated zeal!

To See is a gift

that not all possess–

it’s not lost on me, because of you

I truly am blessed!

I know I’ve taken you for granted,

not thinking often enough, my dear,

of how different my life would be

if you were not here.

Oh, I simply don't know

how I would survive

without the colors of the sunset

filling my eyes!

Or to place my gaze

on the moon above–

or stare longingly

into the eyes of my love.

My life is enriched by the

things I can See–

the majesty of mountains,

the changing leaves on the trees.

I would not know the colors

that fill in rainbows above,

the dark black of the crow,

or the white of the dove.

I couldn't enjoy the smiles

that light up a room,

or the spring’s new blossoms

bursting forth in bloom.

The things in my world would

be gathered from gleaning

the experiences of others

to give my life meaning.

I’m in love with the World

because of precious ole’ you–

I promise to honor you by observing

the beautiful gifts in my view.

Sight, without you, no doubt

my world would be bland–

I know for certain with you

everything is more grand!


One thing I must mention

before this is done,

without you, dear Brain, my senses

would be... well…there’d be none.

So as a P.S., I’d like to thank you

big white matter of energy–

because of you my senses

orchestrate with beautiful synergy!

Dear Brain, without you, no doubt

my world would be…non-existent.

So, thank you for being

my Senses’ vital assistant!


I hope my letter finds you well,

Brain, Taste, Touch, Smell,

Hear, and See!


Yours Truly



About the Creator

Kristen Balyeat

Words fly to me on the wind, bump into me as I'm strolling the city, splash me in the face while I rest by the river, and shake me awake in the middle of the night– I’m humbly one of the many vessels they use to come to life.

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Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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  1. Heartfelt and relatable

    The story invoked strong personal emotions

  2. On-point and relevant

    Writing reflected the title & theme

  3. Expert insights and opinions

    Arguments were carefully researched and presented

  1. Eye opening

    Niche topic & fresh perspectives

  2. Compelling and original writing

    Creative use of language & vocab

  3. Excellent storytelling

    Original narrative & well developed characters

  4. Easy to read and follow

    Well-structured & engaging content

  5. Masterful proofreading

    Zero grammar & spelling mistakes

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Comments (29)

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  • Dana Crandell9 months ago

    Can't imagine how this sneaked by me. Great work, Kristen!

  • Margaret Brennan9 months ago

    I love this and all the detail you put into it. Please, if you have time, read my Five Senses poem.

  • Mackenzie Davis9 months ago

    Haha clever you, republishing this for different challenges! Love that, and I enjoyed this ode! You manage a fun and energetic effusion of appreciation and I loved how specific you got for each sense, especially all the foods you mention; now I’m hungry. 🎊💕

  • This is wonderful! We sometimes take our senses for granted and it's nice to be reminded to appreciate them. I love how you ended each stanza with the same phrase.

  • This poem was the inspiration for this weeks theme ✨❤️ https://vocal.media/writers/lust-for-words-3

  • Love story9 months ago

    Love it!

  • A sensory explosion so filled with devotion, I try to abstain but this fills with emotion o'er senses distracted, acuteness subtracted, once taken for granted, now missed so protracted. BTW, loved the ode, Kristen.

  • Omgggg, you're truly so talented. This is the Sensation challenge, Epistolary challenge and Ode challenge all in one! You're brilliant!

  • Brilliant, brilliant work! I’m so glad I’m reading this in the morning because your poem has supercharged my appreciation levels ❤️✨🙏😇 thank you!

  • Grz Colm9 months ago

    ☺️👏Nice work Kristen & avid gratitude evident throughout that probably makes one/you experience these senses more strongly. How much we so easily take for granted right!😃

  • Cathy holmes9 months ago

    Oh this is just wonderful. Love it.

  • Test9 months ago

    What a beautiful, wonderful poem full of gratitude. I adore this, Kristen. Umami is my favourite too. x

  • Sorry all, I had to edit the subtitle so it's republishing as new. Wish we could edit without that happening!

  • Roy Stevensabout a year ago

    What a great idea for the epistolary challenge! Good luck. I'm really enjoying those subtle little tidbits of humour you slip in slyly- makes me grin every time. A writing exercise I often gave my students was to write a narrative (I never stipulated the form) without using sight. The idea was to get them to work on describing other senses since we (me too) often over emphasize seeing. This piece would have made a useful primer for them, and I wish I could have used it many years ago. (I would have asked first, promise.) Oh well, timing really is everything...

  • Lamar Wigginsabout a year ago

    This was a good reminder that we are truly blessed. Thank you for taking a dive into the senses and connecting it all with the almighty power-center of the brain. Great read, Kristen.

  • Candace about a year ago

    Loved this poem! It’s a beautiful reminder of the senses we take for granted! I’ll print this and hang it in my wall. Your words are beautiful,, and it’s clear they come from personal belief and experience! Another great one by you!

  • Darla M Seelyabout a year ago

    Kristin, this is absolutely amazing!

  • Harmony Kentabout a year ago

    So wonderfully written, Kristen! I love it 💕🙂

  • Leslie Writesabout a year ago

    What a great idea and so well executed! Your joy and enthusiasm is infectious and your words flow so beautifully. There were also some very funny lines in there. This poem's got it all! :)

  • Mohammed Darasiabout a year ago

    Great poem that reflects on things that we all take for granted most of the time. its unfortunate, but the old "you never appreciate it until its gone" is so true, so we should every now and then stop and be grateful for it all. I'm thankful for my health and by extension my senses.

  • Quincy.Vabout a year ago

    Thank you for sharing your expertise.

  • Brenton Fabout a year ago

    So much we take for granted and you have encapsulated it beautifully!

  • Ahna Lewisabout a year ago

    Kristen, this poem was delightful! I love how it just filled me with gratitude while reading it. There really is so much in life to be thankful for--thanks for the wonderful reminder!! 🥰

  • Dylan about a year ago

    This was truly amazing! It just kept getting better the more I read! Absolutely fantastic!

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