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The Surprising Secret to Building Wealth

Coffee Can Investing

By Simply ExplorerPublished 12 months ago 5 min read
The Surprising Secret to Building Wealth
Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash

Are you tired of emptying your bank account each month with nothing left to show for it? What if there was an easy way to build wealth over time without complicated strategies or constant monitoring of the stock market? There is - it's called coffee can investing, and it's a simple approach that could help you become rich.

You may be skeptical that such a straightforward technique could lead to financial freedom. But what if I told you the secret involves doing nothing - literally? Coffee can investing means buying high-quality stocks, putting the certificates in a coffee can, and forgetting about them for a long, long time. No trading in and out, no reacting to market ups and downs, no paying expensive fees to brokers and advisors. Just let your money work for you through the power of compounding returns over decades.

Intrigued? You should be. This unsexy yet highly effective strategy has turned ordinary people into millionaires and could help you build wealth over the long run too. Read on to discover the simple steps to implement coffee can investing and how it could help you achieve financial independence.

Buy Quality Companies for the Long Term

The secret to building wealth over time is simple: invest in high-quality companies for the long haul. This “coffee can” approach means buying stock in reputable businesses and holding onto them through market ups and downs.

Instead of constantly buying and selling, focus on companies with a proven track record of success and growth. Look for leaders in growing industries, strong balance sheets, and competitive advantages that will stand the test of time. Think of companies like Apple, Costco, Johnson & Johnson, or Visa.

Once you invest, ignore the daily noise and market fluctuations. Don’t worry about timing the market or chasing the latest hot stock. Just let your money work for you in enterprises built to last.

Over decades, the power of compounding returns and reinvested dividends can turn a small initial investment into a surprisingly large sum. While past performance is no guarantee of future results, historically the stock market has averaged solid gains over long periods.

Stay invested and you’ll benefit from those gains. Keep contributing regularly through dollar-cost averaging and you’ll buy more shares when prices are low, and fewer when high.

The coffee can approach is simple, but not easy. It requires patience and discipline to buy, hold and ignore short-term ups and downs. But building life-changing wealth over time, it’s one of the most powerful strategies. Slow, steady, and boring wins the race.

So, find your “coffee can” stocks, invest for the future, and let time do the heavy lifting. That’s the not-so-secret secret to long-term success in the market.

Do Not Disturb - Let Your Money Grow

Once you've built your portfolio of solid companies, the hardest part is over - now you just have to leave your money alone. Resist the urge to constantly check stock prices, buy and sell on a whim, or make changes based on short-term news reports.

Stay invested for the long run. Don't disturb your money. Let it grow.

This "coffee can" approach works because over time, the overall stock market always goes up. Despite crashes, corrections, and bear markets, patient investors who leave their money invested for decades always come out ahead.

Compounding returns are the secret weapon. When you reinvest stock dividends and capital gains, your money starts to snowball. Even modest returns of 7% annually can turn into a fortune over 30-40 years thanks to the power of compounding.

Of course, not touching your money is easier said than done. It requires discipline and a long-term mindset. Some tips to help you stay the course:

  • Focus on your goals. Remind yourself why you're investing in the first place - for retirement, your children's college, financial freedom, etc.
  • Take the emotion out of the equation. Don't buy and sell based on greed, fear, or what everyone else is doing. Stick to your plan.
  • Review and rebalance periodically. While constantly monitoring stocks is unwise, check in on your portfolio once a year or so. Make sure your asset allocation is still in line with your goals and risk tolerance. Then leave it alone again.
  • Keep cash on hand for emergencies. Don't invest money you may need access to quickly. Have a separate emergency fund in case life throws you a curveball.
  • Stay diversified. A well-diversified portfolio will help ensure you get solid returns over time, despite ups and downs in the market.

With discipline and patience, the "coffee can" approach can lead to life-changing wealth over the long run. Let your money work for you, and keep your hands off!

Why Coffee Can Investing Works

Coffee can investing works for a few key reasons:

  • Time in the market - The longer you stay invested, the more your money can grow. Coffee can investing relies on the power of compounding interest over decades. Even modest returns can turn into substantial gains over 30-40 years.
  • Low fees - Coffee can investing avoids expensive actively managed funds and frequent trading. You're not paying high fees that eat into your returns. The buy-and-hold nature means very low transaction costs.
  • Diversity - A coffee can portfolio typically holds many stocks across various industries. This diversification helps reduce risk. Some sectors may struggle at times, but others will thrive. Diversity provides stability.
  • Market growth - Over the long run, the stock market has always gone up. Despite crashes and corrections, the market has averaged 7% annual returns (after inflation). If you stay invested for decades, you'll benefit from this overall upward trend.
  • Dividend reinvesting - Many blue-chip stocks pay stable dividends. When you reinvest those dividends to buy more shares, your returns can be even higher thanks to the power of compounding. Each new share you buy generates more dividends to reinvest.

Coffee can investing may seem almost too simple, but its power lies in its simplicity. No fancy tricks or complex strategies, just a straightforward buy-and-hold approach with low-cost, dividend-paying stocks. Over long periods of time, this tried-and-true method has proven to be remarkably effective for building wealth. Keep it simple and be patient. That's the real secret.


You now have the secret to building wealth through the simple coffee can investing strategy. Forget the fancy trading software, constant stock monitoring, and risky bets. All you need are a few solid stocks, patience, and time. Buy quality stocks when the price is right, then sit back and hold them for the long run. Don't react to market ups and downs or chase the latest fads. Tune out the noise and stay focused on the big picture.

While it may seem almost too easy, coffee can investing works. Compounding returns and time in the market are two of the most powerful forces you have on your side. Let your money work for you through the magic of long-term investing.

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About the Creator

Simply Explorer

I am passionate about the power of words to convey my thoughts, ideas and knowledge. Always seeking new adventures and love to learn from my experiences.

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    Simply ExplorerWritten by Simply Explorer

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