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The Power of Silence

Silence can increase self-awareness, self-compassion and improve decision-making skills with improved mental clarity

By Bassant AhmedPublished 10 months ago 6 min read

Power of Silence

Silence comes naturally to some people they understand its power and feel comfortable when silent, but not everyone is like that despite the huge benefit silence offers.

There is so much distraction in the world, and smart people realize early on

that they need less noise to maintain their focus in life.

Luckily silence is an art that can be learned, and this article will expose you to the main

reasons why silence is powerful and worth practicing.

10 Reasons you need to learn to be silent:

1. It wins you attention

It is easy to win people's attention and get them to listen to what you have to say with the power of Silence, you don't need any manipulative skills; to do this, you simply need to be silent for people to naturally take note and offer their attention.

This is similar to what happens in group settings silence often gets everyone's attention

when the speaker pauses for a while, a signal is sent to the listener's brain such that it recognizes that a change has occurred and attempts to figure out why.

Imagine how easily you can win control in a room full of people by harnessing the power of Silence to gain attention.

2. Allows for effective listening

Succeeding in life involves listening to others, welcoming lots of advice and giving yourself plenty of room for improvement, it's impossible to receive this opportunity and learn from the experiences of others if you're a poor listener.

People who practice silence tend to be good listeners because they're always willing to let others speak first.

No one comes by success accidentally it is often the result of hard work and opportunity crossing paths.

Being a terrible listener is the easiest way to watch opportunities slip by you without realizing it, the more feedback you're open to the better are your chances of improving and succeeding on your quest.

3. Achieve awareness

the world is flooded with noise and distractions, but people who pay attention can get past this disadvantage and discover how to make their lives better

You improve your awareness by practicing silence and observing things.

Self-reflection is an important part of growth, but you may never find the time to practice it if you do not take some time away from all the chaos happening around you.

By reflecting you spend time within yourself to determine if your life is working out as you hoped you will also become more aware of other areas you want to improve on.

4. Relieve stress

With excessive workloads and lots of deadlines to meet, you're going to feel stressed from time to time; silence can help reduce stress by decreasing your cortisol level.

There are lots of other ways to de-stress and if you've already found out what works for you stick to it, but if not, try staying silent for a few minutes to enjoy a sense of calm and escape worries, the science behind this is that calmness results in a change in your blood pressure and improves blood circulation to the brain.

Being productive when you're stressed is excessively challenging, if not impossible, allow your brain to reset by slowing down and learning to be silent.

5. Inspire creativity

there is no life without creativity and there cannot be a creative process without silence.

You might not consider yourself a creative person but the truth is everyone applies some level of creativity to tasks in their daily lives.

Visionaries are known to love Solitude and this isn't because they hate interacting with the world, these individuals work alone for the major parts of their lives because it is what benefits their creative process.

Working in a team has its advantages but sometimes the best work happens when you shut your ears to the world outside and dedicate your focus to your craft.

6. Choose your words

Abraham Lincoln once said “it's better to keep silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt”

This is not to say you have to keep silent all the time the statement reinforces the power of silence and the risk associated with speaking thoughtlessly.

Speaking without adequate information makes one appear unintelligent, a situation that could have been avoided by practicing silence.

Good communication is not akin to talking too much.

Silent people are not those who have nothing important to say, they speak less because they understand the importance of weighing words carefully before uttering them.

When you spend more time deciding what to say and what not to, you end up

choosing your words carefully.

7. Increased observation

When two people interact and one dominates the conversations, the laid-back individual is more likely to be aware of their surroundings.

Silent people have this advantage and can win with it in their business and personal lives.

By practicing silence you have more opportunities to be observant and pick up cues that others may have missed.

8. Improved Social Circle

When it comes to friendships and relationships quality always beats quantity, that is why quiet people tend to be selective when building their Social Circle because they understand that a few confidants can be more valuable than thousands of unreliable friends.

Choosing silence doesn't mean you give up every networking opportunity, rather it means all relationships are premeditated.

Your association immensely affects your life, so it requires unintentionally silence that helps you build better relationships because then you're more mindful about who you associate with and create meaningful circles.

9. Silence breeds great planning

Silence requires that you take more time to process information in your head.

If you think things through more than you talk you're more likely to come up with great plans, you have more time to create scenarios in your head and think of the possible ways that things could turn out.

Life can be unpredictable and making plans is not always an assurance of having things under control, but there is no harm in staying prepared while hoping things turn out great.

Success in any endeavor begins with creating plans and executing them, and planning requires lots of thinking and your thoughts can only be clear enough when there is silence.

10. Silence equals politeness

aside from the power of Silence on your personal life, it is also advantageous to others.

Our society is filled with so much noise that one can hardly focus without having to deal with the chatter of others around, this makes communication difficult since we're often too busy and fighting too many sources of noise.

Embracing silence means allowing others to speak and be heard, it means showing them that they matter and deserve the chance to talk.

Everyone benefits when effective communication takes place, so by being polite and allowing others their turn you leave conversations with new useful knowledge.

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  • Yasmine Ahmed10 months ago

    So true 👌

  • Mona Mohamed10 months ago

    Awesome 👌 👏

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