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Seven Bizarre Ways That Falling in Love Alters Your Brain

Whatever perspective you choose, love has distinct consequences on brain chemistry

By The Secret of 60'sPublished about a year ago 4 min read

We've all felt the warm surge of love, whether it was a $1 Valentine's Day card in sixth grade or vows said under an altar while looking into a lover's eyes. Some consider it a supernatural favour from Heaven, while others describe it as a surge of neurotransmitters within the brain similar to hunger or sleep.

Whatever perspective you choose, love has distinct consequences on brain chemistry. New scientific discoveries have enabled researchers to properly map and measure these changes. Perhaps one day we'll be able to define the precise recipe for what we call love. Perhaps, in the end, we'll have a fair explanation for why we feel the way we do when we fall in love.

Until then, we must rely on what little we know about love and the alterations it causes in our brain chemistry. Here are some of the ways love impacts your brain:

It causes a surge of joyful hormones.

A classic symptom that a person is in love with another person is that they are perpetually joyful. They appear to be so cheerful, strolling about humming their favourite song and making everyone else appear unhappy. The good news is that this phase will pass eventually. I'm not suggesting they'll lose love; rather, they'll grow less receptive to the love hormone.

Dopamine is a hormone found in the brain that induces euphoria. If the name seems familiar, you're correct. Dopamine is the same hormone that causes cocaine's famous high.

So, certainly, falling in love may be as pleasurable as taking cocaine.

You might become addicted to the sensation.

Remember dopamine, the hormone produced by your brain when you're in love and also when you're high on drugs? Well, aside from being the key of cocaine's bliss, it also serves another purpose. It is the source of cocaine addiction.

The brain adjusts to the condition by generating less of the hormone after continuous exposure to it. As a result, addicts need to use more drugs to be pleased. The similar phenomenon happens when individuals fall in love for the first time. It reaches to the point where they can't feel pleased until they're near their source of attraction. As terrifying as it may sound, the sensation normally passes with time.

It has the potential to resemble OCD.

A abrupt drop in serotonin levels is one of the unmistakable indicators of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD). Serotonin is a complicated hormone that performs a variety of actions in the brain. Serotonin levels must be normal to preserve mental health, and serotonin imbalances are found in illnesses such as depression, rage, and so on.

This might explain why people who are freshly in love appear to be so smitten with one another. They only want to talk about topics that are important to them. They seem to be able to connect any random detail to a narrative or characteristic of the one they adore.

It connects you to your companion.

Dopamine isn't the brain's sole joyful chemical. Oxytocin is another important hormone that promotes pleasure and connection. This hormone is primarily important for mother-child bonding. When people are in love, it is released in high levels and can stay up for far longer than dopamine.

While increased dopamine levels produce a strong sense of happiness, oxytocin is a more subtle agent. It fosters feelings of bonding, safety, and tranquilly. This is why couples who have been together for a longer period of time sync and remain calm around each other. This occurs even after the initial excitement has worn off.

Ineffective decision-making

If you've ever tried to counsel someone in love, you'll know they're not the best at making decisions. They might overlook obvious flaws and unpleasant characteristics in the person they love. Only positive characteristics appear to register with them. They can't seem to stop themselves, even though they know it's bad for them.

Being in love is intoxicating in the same way that drinking is. According to research, people who are in love have worse cognitive function, which means their decision-making and critical thinking abilities are substantially lower.

The amusing part is that this may extend beyond their significant others. It's no surprise that young hot-blooded princes in love have sparked so many wars.

Decreased attention span

It's strange how love can transform even the most grounded person into a star-struck fantasist. Always looking off into space, imagining millions of different situations. We all have a tendency to wander off into space, especially when our minds are free. Those who are in love, on the other hand, are more prone to do so.

Surprisingly, people can drop off in the middle of important tasks such as driving, tests, or even discussions. Hopefully, this sense of walking on clouds is fleeting and they will soon return to earth.

Enhanced empathy

As we all know, not everything about falling in love is negative. There are also positive aspects. People who are in love are far more empathetic and compassionate than the average population due to changes in their brain chemistry. They have a considerably more active portion of the human brain involved in emotional processing.

Furthermore, areas of the brain associated with self-preservation and selfishness appear to be inhibited. This is not unexpected given that people in love appear to prioritise their significant other's pleasure and well-being over their own. This is shown in their interactions with other individuals.

Love may be an exhilarating feeling that makes you feel little insane. However, there is nothing to worry; simply enjoy the journey and be as joyful as you possibly can. It is a rare privilege to be able to sincerely love and be loved in return; who cares if it drives you insane in the process?

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About the Creator

The Secret of 60's

I am an ordinary writer who write about emotional writing as well as sharing though related to relationship matter and advice the younger generation to have a better understanding when handling emotion toward relationship.

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