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"Everyone is the same; only their habits differ."

An individual's habits govern the majority of his everyday activity. A habit is generally a circle of cue, action, and reward.

By The Secret of 60'sPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Everyone has Thier own unique habits

A person's habits govern the majority of his everyday activity. A habit is often formed through a cycle of cue, action, and reward. A cue is the cause of a certain sort of action, and it causes the brain to transition to automatic mode, causing the individual to repeat the pattern. The triggering reason might be a location, time of day, mental state, or social scenario. The more the action results in a reward, such as a nice sensation or relief, the more likely a person is to focus on the action and neglect the trigger and reward. For example, if you frequently play video games, you may have observed that the trigger is boredom and the reward is enjoyment. You may then switch to another activity that will provide the same reward as watching TV or using social media.

Some habits are merely something you do without thinking about it: chewing your nails or being worried at night. To begin changing a habit for good, you must rely on commitment and willpower. However, it is limited assistance that must not be relied on. Simply said, the more you put pressure on yourself to complete everyday chores based on decisions, the more likely you will experience decision fatigue. When you suffer from decision fatigue, altering routines for better outcomes becomes less of a priority, especially at the conclusion of a long day. If given the option, we always prefer the easy habits over the excellent habits since they create the least resistance and hence become the simpler decision.

The toughest aspect of developing a new habit is getting warmed up. When you exercise your willpower and drive yourself to begin, you will see that it is not difficult to continue. You must plan ahead of time for everything so that you are always ready to go. Do not strive to change your entire life in one day; starting from a high level will be difficult, and you may give up fast. Begin small; by starting small, you will build a sense of accomplishment. Making progress will be easy. Instead of abruptly reducing your sleep hours from nine to six, try reducing them by half an hour. Instead of reading a book every week, start with a page and work your way up to chapters, and so on.

There are many different perspectives on how long it takes to form a new habit. Several researchers suggest that it takes at least 21 days to create a habit; others claim that it takes 66 days, while yet others estimate that it takes between two and eight months. The essential thing to concentrate on is performance; it becomes easier with practise and you'll grow used to it. For example, if you go to the gym for the first time, it will be difficult to lift hefty weights; the same is true for self-discipline. Self-discipline is a muscle that must be exercised in order to get stronger over time. You may participate in a variety of online groups and challenges. You may find a companion who shares your ambitions and inspire each other.

Four simple stages to make it a habit:

  • Only focus on one or two habits at a time.
  • A huge calendar should be hung on the wall.
  • Make a huge X for each successful day. After a few successful days, you should have a chain of Xs.
  • That chain must not be broken.
  • You will form a new habit whenever your chain reaches 30 days. You may use this strategy to break harmful behaviours as well. Simply mark an X for each day you avoided your harmful behaviour. It's straightforward and effective. Using this strategy, you may begin: eating a good diet, exercising frequently, and so on, or whatever else you feel is necessary to have a positive lifestyle. Remember that. Do not interrupt the sequence.

    Habits are like little steps we take throughout our lives. If we take positive steps, our lives will flow in a favourable manner. There is an easy approach to create a habit. You can use it to maintain a good diet, abstain from alcohol, or exercise on a regular basis.


    About the Creator

    The Secret of 60's

    I am an ordinary writer who write about emotional writing as well as sharing though related to relationship matter and advice the younger generation to have a better understanding when handling emotion toward relationship.

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