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Outpacing Negativity

How Running Away From Negative People Can Transform Your Life

By Freddie's Lost TreasuresPublished 10 months ago 4 min read
On The Righteous Path-From Tokyo to Kyoto, Japan (Photo by Freddie Vegas)

We have all encountered the drag of negativity in our lives at some point. Perhaps it was in a workplace where a colleague would incessantly gripe about everything, or in a circle of friends where one individual consistently cast a shadow on the mood. Whatever the case may be, negativity has the power to sap our mental and emotional resources, and it is crucial to discern when it is time to disengage.

Evading negative people may appear callous or dismissive, but sometimes it is necessary to prioritize our own well-being. I have gleaned this firsthand and witnessed the transformative impact of distancing myself from detrimental influences.

Once upon a time, I was entangled in a relationship with an exceedingly pessimistic individual. They would scrutinize my every action, their negativity acting as a venom that infiltrated every aspect of my existence. Though I endeavored to be supportive and optimistic, their ceaseless criticism corroded my self-assurance.

One fateful day, I resolved to extract myself from the relationship. Initially, it proved arduous, as I fretted over the repercussions it would have on their life. However, in the end, my life blossomed far beyond any imaginable outcome.

I began devoting more energy to my passions and forging connections with positive individuals. It was not always a smooth path, and I had to propel myself beyond my comfort zone, but the metamorphosis I underwent was invaluable. Reflecting upon that period in my life, I recognize how severing ties with negative influences profoundly impacted my mental and emotional well-being.

Another instance of outpacing negativity can be found in the realm of work. Once, I toiled in a toxic environment where negativity seemed to reign supreme. Gossip, complaints, and attempts to undermine one another were the norm.

I gradually became cognizant of how this negativity infiltrated my work and affected my perception of my job. I felt trapped, discontented, and unfulfilled, yet simultaneously terrified of leaving. What if I never secured another position? What if matters worsened?

These thoughts plagued my nights, but eventually, it dawned on me that remaining in that environment was worse than taking a leap of faith and seeking greener pastures. Thus, I embarked on a quest for new opportunities and stumbled upon a job that aligned far better with my aspirations.

The transition was not without its challenges, but it remains one of the finest decisions I have ever made. I shifted from dreading work to relishing it, feeling valued for my skills and contributions. The change in environment exerted a substantial impact on my mental and emotional well-being, instilling within me a newfound sense of purpose and fulfillment.

The truth of the matter is that negativity is contagious, and if we encircle ourselves with negative individuals, it is easy to succumb to their mindset. It is essential to take stock of the people in our lives and evaluate how they make us feel. If someone consistently brings us down, it is perfectly acceptable to create some distance.

Detaching ourselves from negative individuals can revolutionize our relationships, our careers, and our overall sense of well-being. Moreover, it allows us to perceive the world through a more positive lens, empowering us with the vigor and mindset necessary to achieve our goals.

Granted, it is not always feasible to sever ties completely, particularly when negative individuals are family members or close friends. In such cases, it becomes crucial to establish boundaries and cultivate healthy communication habits.

For instance, if we have a friend who incessantly complains, we can endeavor to redirect the conversation towards something positive or suggest a diverting activity to distract them from their negativity. Similarly, if a family member persistently criticizes our choices, we can calmly articulate how their words affect us and set forth boundaries regarding how we wish to be treated.

Escaping from negativity isn't just about being self-centered or apathetic. It's about acknowledging your true value and embarking on measures to safeguard your mental and emotional well-being. At times, this entails making arduous choices or engaging in challenging dialogues, but ultimately, the metamorphosis and expansion that can arise from outstripping negativity are truly worthwhile.

In my personal journey, evading negative individuals and influences has proven to be one of the most profound acts I've undertaken. It has empowered me to pursue my passions, foster constructive connections, and lead a more gratifying existence. So if you find yourself burdened by negativity, take solace in the knowledge that it is indeed possible to liberate yourself and outdistance its grip.


Original story (created by me) published on Any changes and/or updates that have been added on are for content consumption purposes.

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About the Creator

Freddie's Lost Treasures

A traveler in search of lost and hidden treasures. I have assembled a lifelong learning of being in the business world and decided to take a leap to see what is outside the confines of brick and mortar and left the 9 to 5 behind.

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